Best of British acting - actors & actresses


The People's Republic of Clogher
It's quite telling that any talented English person almost immediately relocates to America, with the exception of Oliver Reed who opted to stay here and die of alcoholism.
Eh? Are you talking about just actors (career motivated, surely, if I was a champion downhill skier I wouldn't wanna live in the UAE, for instance) or everybody else?

Anyway, I'm not even English so don't quite know why I'm here. Have a bit of pride man!

Whinging Pom?
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

I am half agony, half hope.
I just watched Albert Finney in Saturday Night and Sunday Morning, and James Mason in Odd Man Out. I hadn't seen them when they were young actors. Both are terrific actors.
If God had wanted me otherwise, He would have created me otherwise.

Johann von Goethe

Take a minute to actually look at the BNP policies at what they stand for - is is not racist/. They want immigrants that dont want to adopt our ways to be deported, If you are here and hold citenzship then you are fine - you are British and can stay, they just want tighter controls, and to stop the growing number of Muslims trying to get shiria law into our system. Mate, your bought BNP into this thread, dont know why - the flag is great, we are great, adn if you dont want to be here, then F*** off somewhere else.

And as for immigration - if i immigrated to America, i would adpot their culture not ram being English down their thorats, blow them up and try to take over their country.
Good God, where to start?

You do actually *know* what the BNP is, right? Who their members are, where their political roots lie? If not, I suggest you do some background reading before you assert "it is not racist".

Start here:

and end here:

You're free to vote for any cretinous far-right party you like, but I'd prefer you did it with the full knowledge you are supporting holocaust-denying, criminal and criminally stupid racist thugs. Oh, and I'd absolutely love it if you did some research on actual immigration and Islam in Britain.

As for "[****ing] off somewhere else", and what? Leave the country to people like the BNP? I'd rather torch the whole island myself.

So, in short, what Tacitus said.

Not that the displays of nationalism aren't interesting, but back on topic...

I believe all my favorites have been listed, but Alec Guinness, James Mason, Albert Finney, Peter Sellers and Michael Caine would be a top five from me for the lads, with Daniel Day-Lewis, Claude Rains, Alan Bates, Peter O'Toole and Charles Laughton rounding out my top ten. And although Cary Grant was born in Bristol I don't really consider him a "British" actor, though he'd very much be in my top five knocking down Caine and knocking out Laughton if you must classify him as English.

For the ladies I'll go with Deborah Kerr, Julie Christie, Vanessa Redgrave, Audrey Hepburn, Jean Simmons, Maggie Smith, Emma Thompson, Glenda Jackson, Kate Winslet and Margaret Rutherford.

"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

I am half agony, half hope.
I like Charlotte Rampling, Joan Plowright, Alfred Molina, Jim Broadbent, and Tom Wilkinson. All great actors.

The People's Republic of Clogher
no i look at my post and i agree it needs rephrasing - BUT BUT BUT, you say wkipedia - its created by ordinary people that can write what they want - when i started uni this year my tutor qouted a sports science piece. It stated that basically in short - something about a fat man and his cholestral levels. it was created as a joke to get back at their friend who created on about him, alot of it is made up - it is no coincidence that Universities tell you stay well clear of it - so dont base your opinions on that.

And when i say - muslims i agree it is a gernalistation, im talking about the poles, the russians, the africans, the spanish. THEY SHOULD SPEAK OUR LANGUAGE AND OBEY OUR LAWS. That is all i want - we are a democratic country not communist and we should have a say i how our country is being run, not just sit back and let the goverment ruin us , adn then get us to fight when it is going wrong.
I'm basing my opinion on 15 years listening to crap like that (I've not even bothered to read the Wiki entry but I've spoken to Nick Griffin face to face, something which I'm betting you can only dream of).

You're still an idiot and please take this nonsense to another thread unless you really want the discussion that you started to degenerate into a brawl.

Oh, and my favourite actor is Alec Guinness...


Originally Posted by Mrs Darcy
Alfred Molina
Good choice.

no i look at my post and i agree it needs rephrasing - BUT BUT BUT, you say wkipedia - its created by ordinary people that can write what they want - when i started uni this year my tutor qouted a sports science piece. It stated that basically in short - something about a fat man and his cholestral levels. it was created as a joke to get back at their friend who created on about him, alot of it is made up - it is no coincidence that Universities tell you stay well clear of it - so dont base your opinions on that.

And when i say - muslims i agree it is a gernalistation, im talking about the poles, the russians, the africans, the spanish. THEY SHOULD SPEAK OUR LANGUAGE AND OBEY OUR LAWS. That is all i want - we are a democratic country not communist and we should have a say i how our country is being run, not just sit back and let the goverment ruin us , adn then get us to fight when it is going wrong.
Ok, I have a feeling a moderator's going to stamp on both our heads if we keep this up here.

I'll be glad to debate multiculturalism, the validity of Wikipedia and anything else you want in either general or PM.

Tacitus - i would love to meet you so i could knock the living SH** out of your little brain, that is quite obvioulsy filled with English hate from your younger days. I LOVE BEING ENGLISH AND ALWAYS WILL. i wish to have nothing to do with anyone who feels otherwise, and it just a good job i dont live by you, i would put you in a boxing ring and kncok you from corner to corner for 12 long rounds. that is all i have to say on the matter, i no longer wish to speak to you.

My first inclination was to delete this post... my second was to ban you.... my third is to hope you reread your post and realize how inappropriate and childish it is and delete it yourself...
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

The People's Republic of Clogher
Hehehe, don't worry Caity.

Little boys like this like this truly know nothing. Amazing how the spelling improved when cornered, eh?

I don't even need to mention the fact that you're more of an idiot than ever, do I?

Lock away Caity, I've had my fill with this nomark.

Tacitus - i would love to meet you so i could knock the living SH** out of your little brain, that is quite obvioulsy filled with English hate from your younger days. I LOVE BEING ENGLISH AND ALWAYS WILL. i wish to have nothing to do with anyone who feels otherwise, and it just a good job i dont live by you, i would put you in a boxing ring and kncok you from corner to corner for 12 long rounds. that is all i have to say on the matter, i no longer wish to speak to you.
Back off from our Tatty

There deleted and the only reason is so i dont get banned because of a knob who spends too much time on forums about movies, I am not being banned because of him or " tatty" as you call him, i bet that made his day lol. Either way that is my opinion on the person, and i cant be banned for an opinion, or are we on a communist forum and cant speak out.
james adams

The People's Republic of Clogher
Listen sunshine. You're obviously very young...

Thinking you're a big man by threatening violence on an internet message board is one of the funniest, most futile things I've seen and I told Caity not to delete your post because it gave me the best laugh I'd had all week. Do you attempt to solve all disagreements this way? Interesting...

I'm going out on a limb here but I'd bet that you're not old enough to remember a time before the BNP became airbrushed by Griffin. You've got to remember though - a racist in a smart suit is still a racist.

Please do some research.

Also, sunshine. Saying that I 'hate England' is so wide of the mark that it's also funny. Don't stumble into an internet forum (or any other meeting place) and presume to know everything about everyone.

You can't be banned for an opinion? The internet's gutter is littered naive souls who thought that it was a democracy and you could be banned for as much as looking in the wrong direction at the wrong person, for much less than threatening violence on someone (and later, calling them a 'knob').

The only reason I'm spending any time posting this is because I think you're incredibly naive. If I thought you were 30 I'd have called you a racist and had done with it. Check your rep box, you've not even had any negative from me.

John J Rambo's Avatar
Killing's As Easy As Breathing...
i like jason statham

and kiera knightley
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"War is in your blood..."

Keira Knightley is the best i think