Well, shocking implies in unexpected? Because the most powerful death scenes in cinema are those that you expect that they may/will happen but hope that it doesn't and when it happens they break you.
Some examples as the final death scenes in Grave of the Fireflies and in The Human Condition III.
In that case, I looked at the free online dictionary, shocking means:
1. Highly disturbing emotionally.
2. Highly offensive; indecent or distasteful.
3. Very vivid or intense in tone: shocking pink.
So shocking doesn't rule out things that you expect. Therefore, the most powerful/shocking death scene that I ever watched would be Setsuko's death in Grave of the Fireflies, and it was much more powerful than the runner ups (which include some scenes already suggested in this threat).
Last edited by Guaporense; 01-31-13 at 10:26 PM.