It would be funny if it was a pay club. $9.99 a month to post in here and give your posts extra attention.
Appreciate the Works of a MoFo!
It would be funny if it was a pay club. $9.99 a month to post in here and give your posts extra attention.
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I like your idea But to be honest when I see a list of names of Members it makes me feel like I'm not welcomed, it seems inclusive. You said you're open to suggestions....ditch the list of members, just say All MoFos Welcomed!
I just feel like if people join this, they are more committed. Or else it's just too "loose" and it would be the same as linking to my review in the rate the last movie you saw thread. It wouldn't mean anything to anybody.
But you're welcome to join CR.
/watching movies for mark f/
MovieMeditation's Cinema Reviews // Film Diary 2015 // Letterboxd Profile // MovieMeditation's Top 50 Horror
/watching movies for mark f/
MovieMeditation's Cinema Reviews // Film Diary 2015 // Letterboxd Profile // MovieMeditation's Top 50 Horror
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I know what you mean, but the problem is it may end up as "just another thread", where people aren't really committed. If it isn't a joined society where consisting of a group of people who are all on the same side, it will just end up as an unnecessary thread. If people don't actually "join" this, this thread doesn't even have to exist. When I update one of my threads it will be the same as posting a link in here - only that would be double work for no reason.
I just feel like if people join this, they are more committed. Or else it's just too "loose" and it would be the same as linking to my review in the rate the last movie you saw thread. It wouldn't mean anything to anybody.
But you're welcome to join CR.
I just feel like if people join this, they are more committed. Or else it's just too "loose" and it would be the same as linking to my review in the rate the last movie you saw thread. It wouldn't mean anything to anybody.
But you're welcome to join CR.
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Why was this moved to the "Movie Reviews" subforum? This thread isn't just for movie reviews, I assume.
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Why was this moved to the "Movie Reviews" subforum? This thread isn't just for movie reviews, I assume.
And no, it's for all write-up stuff/discussion stuff.
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Had no idea where to put it.
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Didn't work out very well for the MoFo watch list.
This may just be a pathetic attempt at trying to get people to discuss and show love for each other when they work hard at something, or just want a quick opinion on something...
It was just supposed to be this "I have this thing, wanna look at it" and then there would be people who are actually committed to doing so.
I just wish the forum was more active with commenting and discussing when someone puts effort into something. That is not at all only meant at me, but I'm sure many out there feels the same. I wanna encourage mofos to appreciate each other, that's all. If it doesn't work, too bad. I just don't know what to try or do anymore...
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What happened with that whole MoFo Watch List? Somebody give the correct posts some attention here so I can see it.
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What happened with that whole MoFo Watch List? Somebody give the correct posts some attention here so I can see it.
I mean there is this one where I was the only one to watch and comment
This one that had 0 comments and I couldn't get ahold of the film
My recommendation where movie gal was the only one that watched it
Seemed like I was the only person participating.
After the 2nd week it became obvious no one was watching and the threads stopped.
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I just wish the forum was more active with commenting and discussing when someone puts effort into something. That is not at all only meant at me, but I'm sure many out there feels the same.
Something about how the reviews page only shows new movies and old movies but not ones from a few years ago .
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I've only done one review on this site.. and apparently it didn't make it to the reviews page because the film was from 2010.
Something about how the reviews page only shows new movies and old movies but not ones from a few years ago .
Something about how the reviews page only shows new movies and old movies but not ones from a few years ago .
But I don't know... I definitely want to change the title, but I don't know what to.
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MovieMedation you're a good guy for trying this thread. I will pop in from time to time and see if I can help support it. I haven't read all the post so I'm not quite sure what it's all about.
I've thought that too. For me I often miss threads. Then if I do see an interesting one it's basically over and so I don't post.....So your idea might help out.
I just wish the forum was more active with commenting and discussing when someone puts effort into something.
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Sure Sure
Feel free to read the only review I've ever done
Feel free to read the only review I've ever done
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Sure Sure
Feel free to read the only review I've ever done
Feel free to read the only review I've ever done
It's not completely meaningless anymore! If it ends with your first review and my only comment, being the first and only write-up to ever have a purpose in this thread, so be it!
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Sure Sure
Feel free to read the only review I've ever done
Feel free to read the only review I've ever done
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My main threads that I paid most attention to during my 14 year tenor:
Jrs' Sequel Buzz Thread (2009-2010, April of 2015)
Jrs' Sequel Mania Redux (A week in June 2014)
Jrs' Official MoFo DVD Thread - which lasted 2 months in 2005 (lol) and I probably most likely will resurrect as a Blu-Ray/DVD release thread as soon I can.
I created others but they weren't as time consuming as these three. I ended these due to being lazy.
I started a lot of movie threads and contributed a hefty amount of info on upcoming films over the years. Too many links to post.
Also I wrote three (yes a big three lol) reviews so far:
Jurassic World
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Jrs' Sequel Buzz Thread (2009-2010, April of 2015)
Jrs' Sequel Mania Redux (A week in June 2014)
Jrs' Official MoFo DVD Thread - which lasted 2 months in 2005 (lol) and I probably most likely will resurrect as a Blu-Ray/DVD release thread as soon I can.
I created others but they weren't as time consuming as these three. I ended these due to being lazy.
I started a lot of movie threads and contributed a hefty amount of info on upcoming films over the years. Too many links to post.
Also I wrote three (yes a big three lol) reviews so far:
Jurassic World
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Last edited by jrs; 07-24-15 at 08:01 AM.
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It's a fair point that reviews should get more love. I know if I do one it takes ages to sort my thoughts out and mine aren't anything like as detailled or well set out as many others, so they must take a lot of time and effort.
It's all about time constraints tho isn't it? What with jobs/work/life/family/education getting in the way, most of us don't have the time to read everyone's reviews so we pick and choose between people we think have the same taste. or have had interesting reviews in the past, or films we've seen ourselves so want to compare, or simply those who shout the loudest
I notice there are people who spread their appreciation around, which is really nice. We should all try and do that, and also specially to newcomers
It's all about time constraints tho isn't it? What with jobs/work/life/family/education getting in the way, most of us don't have the time to read everyone's reviews so we pick and choose between people we think have the same taste. or have had interesting reviews in the past, or films we've seen ourselves so want to compare, or simply those who shout the loudest
I notice there are people who spread their appreciation around, which is really nice. We should all try and do that, and also specially to newcomers
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I've only done one review on this site.. and apparently it didn't make it to the reviews page because the film was from 2010.
Something about how the reviews page only shows new movies and old movies but not ones from a few years ago .
Something about how the reviews page only shows new movies and old movies but not ones from a few years ago .
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