Drip, drip, drop, little April Song Tournament


Round 1

1. Jessie Buckley - Glasgow (No Place Like Home)
(This is from the 2018 movie Wild Rose, which I highly recommend. It's a familiar Star is Born-type story, but I prefer it to any of the actual Star is Born movies due to a higher sense of naturalism. Buckley is incredible in the movie, both with her acting and singing. Enormous talent. This song doesn't hit as hard when listened to outside the context of the film, but it's still good enough that I've given it several listens. That this didn't get a Best Original Song nomination is Exhibit 234258241 for why the Academy is a crock of sh*t.)

2. St. Vincent - Black Rainbow
(This wasn't doing anything for me at first. Too placid, too rainbow-y, then I guess the "black" part of the title started to grow and fester, slowly morphing into a crescendo of paranoia.)

3. Aeternam - Al Qassam
(So heavy that a demon just crawled up out of a hole in my living room.)

4. Echobelly - Pantyhose and Roses
(Good 90's alt-rock sound. Better band name and song.)

5. Nat King Cole - A Blossom Fell
(The tempo's slower than what I typically like to listen to, but this is a nice change-up from the noms so far. Somebody's trying to class up the joint.)

6. Townes Van Zandt - If I Needed You
(One of the best songwriters to ever pen a lyric, although there's a reason that I generally prefer to hear others sing his songs.)

7. Haruomi Hosono - Sports Men
(Grew on me as it went along.)

8. Kylie Minogue - Can't Get Out of My Head
(Minogue is sexier than I remember. Been long enough since I've heard this that I didn't mind it as a memory refresher. Annoyed that I'm probably going to have that "la la la la la la la la" stuck in my head for the next few hours.)

9. Jessie Reyez - KILL US
(Not really my style and a few too many vocal inflections, but the girl's definitely talented.)

10. Katatonia - Behind the Blood
(The vocals doomed this one for me, although listening to it right after "Al Quassam" probably did it no favors, as that song makes this sound like Good Charlotte by comparison.)

11. The Knack - My Sharona
(File this under Songs I've Heard So Many Times That I Need Never Hear Them Again.)

12. Three Days Grace - Never Again
(Never cared for this band. Hate the emo-ness of it all, but the chorus is at least halfway decent.)

13. Arianne Cleopatra Schreiber - Komm Susser Tod
(If this was 3 and a half minutes it'd probably rank a bit higher, but this is just not my style and it seemed to last forever.)

Ok that's it, changed my R2 nom.

gbgoodies gonna hate it, sorry in advance pls don't look at the video

Thanks for the warning.

If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Round 2 Nommy Bomby:
Early James - Blue Pill Blues

Gotta pimp out some local boys. These guys come from Birmingham, AL, which is pretty much the opposite side of the state for me, but how many times can I honestly say some group is from my home state (and it still be true)? I highly recommend NOT watching this video. Just minimize it and listen to it. It does nothing to help the song, IMO.
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

Round 1:

1. Jessie Buckley - Glasgow (No Place Like Home)
2. Jessie Reyez – KILL US
3. Nat King Cole – A Blossom Fell
4. The Knack – My Sharona
5. St. Vincent – Black Rainbow
6. Haruomi Hosono – Sports Men
7. Three Days Grace – Never Too Late
8. Arianne Cleopatra Schreiber - Komm Susser Tod
9. Echobelly – Pantyhose and Roses
10. Kylie Minogue – Can’t Get You Out Of My Head
11. Townes van Zandt – If I Needed You
12. Aeternam – Al Qassam
13. Katatonia – Behind the Blood

Round 2 nomination:
Michael Kiwanuka - Hero

Trying to get this done now. Will edit this when I'm done.

The Knack - My Sharona § (alt link if needed)

Kylie Minogue - Can't Get You Out of My Head

Nat King Cole - A Blossom Fell

Echobelly - Pantyhose And Roses

Arianne Cleopatra Schreiber - Komm Susser Tod

Jessie Reyez - KILL US

St. Vincent - Black Rainbow

Aeternam - Al Qassam

Katatonia - Behind the Blood

Three Days Grace - Never Too Late

Townes Van Zandt - If I Needed You

Jessie Buckley - Glasgow (No Place Like Home)

Haruomi Hosono - Sports Men

Jessie Reyez - KILL US

My neck hurts too much to type very much. Sorry for the lack of the usual thoughts.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Im doing it right now sorry
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

Three Days Grace - Never Too Late
The Knack - My Sharona § (alt link if needed)
Jessie Buckley - Glasgow (No Place Like Home)
Echobelly - Pantyhose And Roses
Nat King Cole - A Blossom Fell
St. Vincent - Black Rainbow
Kylie Minogue - Can't Get You Out of My Head (thats a guilty pleasure right here hahaha)
Townes Van Zandt - If I Needed You
Jessie Reyez - KILL US
Haruomi Hosono - Sports Men
Aeternam - Al Qassam
Arianne Cleopatra Schreiber - Komm Susser Tod
Katatonia - Behind the Blood

Everyone's voted on Round 1 but I do need @honeykid to clarify his voting list before I can announce the result. Nae bother as the tourney can move on regardless....

ahwell, hk & #brownies all drop out for this round but are more than welcome back at any point, still leaves ten of us fighting out R2....

R2 votes:

1) Tappi Tíkarrass - Hrollur
2) Rush - Limelight
3) L'Arc~en~Ciel - Stay Away
4) Alabama - Jukebox In My Mind
5) Queensryche - Empire
6) Michael Kiwanuka - Hero
7) Early James - Blue Pill Blues
8) The Alchemist ft. Conway - Mac 10 Wounds
9) GZA ft. Method Man - Shadowboxin'
10) Dr. Dre ft. Eminem - Forgot About Dre

Will post new nom as soon as I figure it out.

Everyone's voted on Round 1 but I do need @honeykid to clarify his voting list before I can announce the result. Nae bother as the tourney can move on regardless....
Sorry. The bottom Jessie Reyez can be deleted.

Sorry. The bottom Jessie Reyez can be deleted.
Thanks, thought it was probably that one that was in error

Round 1 result:

1st - Echobelly - Pantyhose And Roses (125 pts)
1st - Nat King Cole - A Blossom Fell (125 pts)

3rd - The Knack - My Sharona (114 pts)
4th - St. Vincent - Black Rainbow (109 pts)
5th - Jessie Buckley - Glasgow (No Place Like Home) (105 pts)
6th - Arianne Cleopatra Schreiber - Komm Susser Tod Duty (82 pts)
7th - Kylie Minogue - Can't Get You Out of My Head (79 pts)
7th - Jessie Reyez - KILL US (79 pts)
9th - Three Days Grace - Never Too Late (78 pts)
10th - Aeternam - Al Qassam (74 pts)
10th - Townes Van Zandt - If I Needed You (74 pts)
12th - Katatonia - Behind the Blood (71 pts)
13th - Haruomi Hosono - Sports Men (68 pts)

Grats to John-Connor and myself on both getting the first tunes through to the Final this time.

  1. GZA ft. Method Man - Shadowboxin'
  2. Dr. Dre ft. Eminem - Forgot About Dre
  3. The Alchemist ft. Conway - Mac 10 Wounds
  4. Tappi Tíkarrass - Hrollur
  5. Queensryche - Empire
  6. Alabama - Jukebox In My Mind
  7. Michael Kiwanuka - Hero
  8. Rush - Limelight
  9. L'Arc~en~Ciel - Stay Away
  10. Early James - Blue Pill Blues