MoFo Health Thread


You ready? You look ready.
But if the doc brings a box D-con in the examination room you are so ****ed.
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

Pretty much.
The problem with it is that it's random on the clot movements and blackouts as well so there's no knowing exactly when or where one will happen.
My last blackout was about 2 months ago. Before that was a 6 month gap.
The one before that was about a year or so.

The worst occurrence I had actually stems back to 2007 when I blacked out for 47 hours.
It was initially put down to the mental breakdown I was suffering at the time, and that I'd had a full on mental break.

It's only recently after repeated incidents that scans and stuff have identified a physical cause.

So, as it goes, I've actually had the condition for 17+ years already but was diagnosed incorrectly... so when it comes to something moving in my brain and being, let's say, a bad one... we just don't know when, but we do know it'll happen at some point.
So sorry to hear of this. Are you allowed to drive?
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
@The Rodent
That's a crazy situation, man. You genuinely have my sympathy finding such unusual news. If I may ask, how did you find out? I assume you must have had a handful of blackouts and went in to check that out? How long did it take to confirm the actual issue? Do you know if it is genetic? A result of some past cause? Environmental?

No need to answer anything btw, just very curious. I mean nothing negative by my curiosity. I am just weirdly fascinated by all of this news. I am glad to read that you seem to just slip through the moment during an episode rather than say some seizure type of response or other painful transition.

To wrap this in a bit of humor, you COULD be a cylon. I just rewatched the Battlestar Gallactica reboot and that's how Sharon Agathon (Boomer) eventually found out her origins (spoiler!). That or you have actual proof that aliens exist, what with your lost time and tracking devices planted deep within your mind. Doctors could be covering here to keep you off that trail.

You are taking the news pretty friggin well, all things considered. Proud of you for that. Welcome back to the forums, man.
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

@The Rodent
That's a crazy situation, man. You genuinely have my sympathy finding such unusual news. If I may ask, how did you find out? I assume you must have had a handful of blackouts and went in to check that out? How long did it take to confirm the actual issue? Do you know if it is genetic? A result of some past cause? Environmental?

No need to answer anything btw, just very curious. I mean nothing negative by my curiosity. I am just weirdly fascinated by all of this news. I am glad to read that you seem to just slip through the moment during an episode rather than say some seizure type of response or other painful transition.

To wrap this in a bit of humor, you COULD be a cylon. I just rewatched the Battlestar Gallactica reboot and that's how Sharon Agathon (Boomer) eventually found out her origins (spoiler!). That or you have actual proof that aliens exist, what with your lost time and tracking devices planted deep within your mind. Doctors could be covering here to keep you off that trail.

You are taking the news pretty friggin well, all things considered. Proud of you for that. Welcome back to the forums, man.
No idea how I got it.
I had MRI scans because of the blackouts, and they recognised small blemishes in brain activity and then had a bunch of CT scans.

One thing they said was it might have been Covid but I knocked that back straight away as this has been going on for a while before Covid even existed.

It may have been made worse from having Covid 9 times though as it's been recorded in some cases that Covid makes existing problems get worse.

I did find out through the blood tests though I have a massively overactive immune system which explains why I have weird allergies, and if I do get sick it doesn't last long
The first time I had Covid it hit really hard but only lasted a few hours.

No idea how I got it.
I had MRI scans because of the blackouts, and they recognised small blemishes in brain activity and then had a bunch of CT scans.

One thing they said was it might have been Covid but I knocked that back straight away as this has been going on for a while before Covid even existed.

It may have been made worse from having Covid 9 times though as it's been recorded in some cases that Covid makes existing problems get worse.

I did find out through the blood tests though I have a massively overactive immune system which explains why I have weird allergies, and if I do get sick it doesn't last long
The first time I had Covid it hit really hard but only lasted a few hours.
Wow! That is scary! At my age, I am not so worried about dying. But blackouts would be super annoying.

I quit using laundry soap to try out these bead filled laundry balls and my ongoing stuffy nose allergy problem cleared right up. I did however get a light nose bleed during the transition. Though I'm still worried that my clothes won't be fully disinfected.

Really sorry to hear this, @The Rodent. As you may remember I had a brain aneurysm nearly 7 years ago and, because of the type it was, they can't be sure it won't happen again although it's unlikely, thankfully. But I do know what it's like to have that uncertainty hanging over you. I feel the fear comes and goes as time passes but the longer it goes on for me, the easier it gets. I just shit myself when I get a really bad headache. I've found it's always there though, in the background beause how can it not be?

I had a cousin with an illness where growths just spontaneously grew on and in her and she lived with that fear that, one day, it'd be in her brain too. She was diagnosed in her teens and lived until she was in her 60's. Hopefully you too will have decades to come.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

You ready? You look ready.
recently discovered i have a common skin variant that appears in a person’s 30s. it’s benign but incurable. the skin on my forearms feels rough and bumpy. asked doc bout it and was told it’s protein build up in hair follicles to protect from infection. keratosis pilaris they said. how fun

recently discovered i have a common skin variant that appears in a person’s 30s. it’s benign but incurable. the skin on my forearms feels rough and bumpy. asked doc bout it and was told it’s protein build up in hair follicles to protect from infection. keratosis pilaris they said. how fun
Presuming you see a dermatologist?

nah, i’d rather not waste money i don’t have
I see one every year. Well worth the $45 specialist charge.

i dunno. just seems pointless to pay idiots to tell me stupid shit
You’re probably fully covered as part of your employment.

A stationary bike is easily the fastest way to lose weight. So much faster than aerobics & walking but also so much more merciful on your heels and joints. The best low-impact form of losing weight, no competition.

I can burn 1,000 calories a day no problem. If I wanted to burn the same via walking, I'd die of heel pain.
San Franciscan lesbian dwarves and their tomato orgies.

You ready? You look ready.
You’re probably fully covered as part of your employment.
I made the mistake of carrying the PPO plan the last 3 years when I should have switched to the HMO. I didn't realize the mistake till a couple months ago, so now I'm just waiting for open enrollment at the end of the year to switch. Next year I will see the doctor. Because right now it's just too damn expensive to be told "oh, you need to drink water and breathe oxygen".