Benny's Video
I just finished watching this, AND read through about 80% of the reviews and the following discussions of this film.
I imagine if I waited a day and got past my initial reaction of dislike and frustration and boredom I could elaborate and discern the finer, more astute aspects of this film.
The fact that I truly care not to, could be, in itself, an excellent mirroring of the desensitizing and emotionless characteristics that Heneke wields as his paint and brush.
I respected the way the murdering video played out.
I despised the parents and spent most of the rest of the movie repeating, with more anger as time went by, "Kill the child. Kill him. Or have him arrested." Instead of what they did do. Sent him on holiday as the father cleaned up his mess.
Right there is the argument that, no, it's not the videos or imagery that we stuff into our heads on daily basis that creates monsters.
It's inherent.
Such coldness, such disregard for life and the shallow concern of prestige over a death of another has been around forever, and, sadly, will forever stay around.
But then, on the opposite side of the coin, so will compassion, and love.
All of it, is within us.
We decide on how we act.
F@ck blaming everything and everyone else. It's on us. For our Good and for our Evil.
Sorry, bit of a rant there and I was doing SO WELL on NOT getting into a rant.
Oh, well.
Appreciated the ending.
Did I mention my hatred?
at the never ending tv screens and the insipid things shown on them.
I do get the purpose of it, but GOD HOW I HATED sitting through all of it.
Which may be what truly caused me to spend so much time checking the run time. A whole lot less of that may have done my own personal viewing a far better chance of appreciation instead of frustration.
Oh, and @
Okay, I DO respect and appreciate you and please, do understand, not everything works for everyone.
I've read your discussions and definitely see how this is such a great film for you. And because you have shared something you love, I truly do give you credit for that. Thank you, my friend, for sharing.