Rate The Last Movie You Saw


I thought he played the part of (let's face it) Jesse James Hollywood well Gideon, narcissistic, entitled headbanger. Ben Foster stole the picture for me though.
Ben Foster did steal the movie

Inside Out 2

I liked it quite a bit, and thought it was better than a lot of Pixar's recent features, but it didn't quite have the magic that I was hoping for. There were definitely some amusing parts and it made me cry, but it pales in comparison to the first.

Also very disappointed that we were not given a short film before the movie.

Let's see you take THIS under advisement jerkweed!
The Silence of the Lambs.

I think I saw this once before many many years ago. But I didn’t remember most of it when I watched it again last night. So this time was kind of like seeing it for the first time.

I am honestly disappointed. I really wanted to like this movie. I was convinced that it was going to be on my favorites list prior to watching it last night. But I honestly didn’t really like it as much as I hoped that I would. I’d probably give it a 7.5 out of 10.

It seems to be lacking something. I’m just not sure what that is. The fact that Hannibal Lectre was able to free himself during mealtime actually adds to my dismay. I can’t believe they didn’t do more to prevent that nonsense. They should have seen it coming. They should have only been able to feed the bastard via the same type of drawer system that had been used previously (during the first part of the film).

And so when the film ended, this guy was still on the loose. This tidbit did not help me appreciate or like the movie very much at all. I don’t like cliffhangers like this. They usually only exist in horror movies. And I can’t stand horror movies. So I avoid them at all costs.

BTW, does anyone happen to know if there was ever a sequel to this?

Beyond The Infinite Two Minutes - (2020)

Excellent short movie, about an owner of a cafe in Japan, that discovers his TV can see two minutes into the future. Only two minutes. The attention to detail is extreme, the acting is really good and the story, the characters are all very interesting. 10/10
There has been an awekening.... have you felt it?

Beyond The Infinite Two Minutes - (2020)

Excellent short movie, about an owner of a cafe in Japan, that discover his TV can see two minutes into the future. Only two minutes. The attention to the detail is extreme, the acting is really good and the story, the characters is all very interesting. 10/10
I really like it as well. The director made a movie with a similar concept last year called River that's just as good. I haven't seen it yet.

Umpteenth Rewatch...It's been at least a decade since my last viewing of this film and I was dumbfounded as to how well it holds up. Tom Hanks received his first Oscar nomination for Best Actor for his performance in this warm and goofy comic fantasy about a 12 year old boy named Josh Baskin who makes a wish on a Zoltar machine at a carnival and wakes up the next morning to find he is a 30 year old man. Under the thoughtful and structured direction by Penny Marshall, Hanks is altogether winning in making us believe that this character still has the soul of a 12 year old boy. There are minor logistic and continuity issues that fall to the wayside thanks to Marshall and Hanks.

The Silence of the Lambs.

I think I saw this once before many many years ago. But I didn’t remember most of it when I watched it again last night. So this time was kind of like seeing it for the first time.

I am honestly disappointed. I really wanted to like this movie. I was convinced that it was going to be on my favorites list prior to watching it last night. But I honestly didn’t really like it as much as I hoped that I would. I’d probably give it a 7.5 out of 10.

It seems to be lacking something. I’m just not sure what that is. The fact that Hannibal Lectre was able to free himself during mealtime actually adds to my dismay. I can’t believe they didn’t do more to prevent that nonsense. They should have seen it coming. They should have only been able to feed the bastard via the same type of drawer system that had been used previously (during the first part of the film).

And so when the film ended, this guy was still on the loose. This tidbit did not help me appreciate or like the movie very much at all. I don’t like cliffhangers like this. They usually only exist in horror movies. And I can’t stand horror movies. So I avoid them at all costs.

BTW, does anyone happen to know if there was ever a sequel to this?
Hannibal is a direct sequel and Red Dragon is a prequel, both based on books of the same name. There’s also Manhunter from the ‘80s based on the Red Dragon book, an NBC show called Hannibal, and an original story movie called Hannibal Rising.

1st Rewatch... Crisp direction by Ang Lee and a spectacular ensemble cast make this stylish and sexy look at suburban dysfunction sizzle. The still ever-changing sexual mores of the country are the canvas for this look behind the closed doors of multiple families in a small Connecticut suburb. The envelope-pushing screenplay takes this story to some unsettling places but never fails to rivet the viewer. There are solid performances from Kevin Kline, Joan Allen, Christina Ricci, Jamey Sheridan, Allison Janney, Elijah Wood, and Tobey Maguire, but it's three-time Oscar nominee Sigourney Weaver who dominates the proceedings as a sexual pariah named Janey. Fans of American Beauty will have a head start here.

Hannibal is a direct sequel and Red Dragon is a prequel, both based on books of the same name. There’s also Manhunter from the ‘80s based on the Red Dragon book, an NBC show called Hannibal, and an original story movie called Hannibal Rising.
So glad to see someone else not completely bowled over by The Silence of the Lambs, which I believe is one of the most overrated films of all time.

I really like it as well. The director made a movie with a similar concept last year called River that's just as good. I haven't seen it yet.
I heard about it too, it's definitely on my list.

So glad to see someone else not completely bowled over by The Silence of the Lambs, which I believe is one of the most overrated films of all time.
Don’t quote me when saying that sir. It’s one of my favorite movies. I believe Louis126 was the one a little underwhelmed by it.

So glad to see someone else not completely bowled over by The Silence of the Lambs, which I believe is one of the most overrated films of all time.
I don't know if it's overrated or not, but watching it in a packed cinema back in 1991 (especially in a THX-equipped auditorium) was definitely a very intense experience!

I can't imagine the movie having the same impact when you watch at home, it must really diminish the effect.

So glad to see someone else not completely bowled over by The Silence of the Lambs, which I believe is one of the most overrated films of all time.
I thought it so-so.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

June 18, 2024

BAD BOYS: RIDE OR DIE (Adil El Arbi & Bilall Fallah / 2024)

Just... wow. I mean, like... what the heck did I just see?

I'm asking this in all seriousness, people! Along with the recent Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire, this is a prime example of why I'm periodically compelled to skip my $7 Tuesday appointments at the local movie theater. This recent installment in the Will Smith / Martin Lawrence buddy-cop franchise is, to be brutally frank, waaaaaaayyy beyond my ability (or inclination) to analyze or unpack in any sort of informative or productive way (assuming that was even possible).

Okay, okay... Let me just sift through what I remember... In no particular order, we have: One character's wedding... another character's heart attack... delusions of immortality... a politician being eaten by a gator... posthumously recorded videos from beyond the grave... a hijacked helicopter... a shoot-the-hostage scenario... stolen clothing... affairs, betrayals and frame-ups... chases and shootouts that blur the line between live action and game animation... And those are just the things which come to mind immediately! All in all, it has the feel of the filmmakers (and I'm using that word generously) just throwing stuff at the wall on the off chance something will stick. And evidently a lot of it does: The audience I saw this movie with was obviously having a good time, laughing loudly at the funny wisecracks. I certainly can't deny the entertainment value of Bad Boys: Ride or Die, nor am I inclined to rain on audiences' parade or adopt a superior attitude. But even though this movie is in theory a buddy-cop action comedy, it feels more like a gimmicky sensory assault with a pathological fear of boring the audience. This is an example of the sort of big-budget Hollywood filmmaking which has mutated into something that is far beyond the pale of my own aesthetic values. I can't tell if it's an evolution, a de-evolution, or whether I'm just simply getting old.

BTW, this is the first Bad Boys movie I've seen. OMG! I can hear you thinking. First Mad Max and now this! Man, this guy's got a lot of gaps in his cinematic knowledge! Yeah, yeah, yeah, guilty as charged. I'll just get into things on my own schedule, thank you very much...
"Well, it's what people know about themselves inside that makes 'em afraid" - Clint Eastwood as The Stranger, High Plains Drifter (1973)

"I'll let you be in my dream if I can be in yours" - Bob Dylan, Talkin' World War III Blues (1963)

Let's see you take THIS under advisement jerkweed!
Don’t quote me when saying that sir. It’s one of my favorite movies. I believe Louis126 was the one a little underwhelmed by it.
Yes, correct that was me 🤣😹🤣

June 18, 2024

BAD BOYS: RIDE OR DIE (Adil El Arbi & Bilall Fallah / 2024)

Just... wow. I mean, like... what the heck did I just see?

I'm asking this in all seriousness, people! Along with the recent Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire, this is a prime example of why I'm periodically compelled to skip my $7 Tuesday appointments at the local movie theater. This recent installment in the Will Smith / Martin Lawrence buddy-cop franchise is, to be brutally frank, waaaaaaayyy beyond my ability (or inclination) to analyze or unpack in any sort of informative or productive way (assuming that was even possible).

Okay, okay... Let me just sift through what I remember... In no particular order, we have: One character's wedding... another character's heart attack... delusions of immortality... a politician being eaten by a gator... posthumously recorded videos from beyond the grave... a hijacked helicopter... a shoot-the-hostage scenario... stolen clothing... affairs, betrayals and frame-ups... chases and shootouts that blur the line between live action and game animation... And those are just the things which come to mind immediately! All in all, it has the feel of the filmmakers (and I'm using that word generously) just throwing stuff at the wall on the off chance something will stick. And evidently a lot of it does: The audience I saw this movie with was obviously having a good time, laughing loudly at the funny wisecracks. I certainly can't deny the entertainment value of Bad Boys: Ride or Die, nor am I inclined to rain on audiences' parade or adopt a superior attitude. But even though this movie is in theory a buddy-cop action comedy, it feels more like a gimmicky sensory assault with a pathological fear of boring the audience. This is an example of the sort of big-budget Hollywood filmmaking which has mutated into something that is far beyond the pale of my own aesthetic values. I can't tell if it's an evolution, a de-evolution, or whether I'm just simply getting old.

BTW, this is the first Bad Boys movie I've seen. OMG! I can hear you thinking. First Mad Max and now this! Man, this guy's got a lot of gaps in his cinematic knowledge! Yeah, yeah, yeah, guilty as charged. I'll just get into things on my own schedule, thank you very much...
Hated the last Bad Boys movie so I’m in no rush to see this one