Not sure if it's ok to bump up old threads but just wanted to say well done and thank you to Classicqueen13
Well done on completing the list to start with and well done on putting so much effort into each one. And finally well done on adding so many movies that I'm also a fan of.
Outside of the obvious choices that make many lists (Raiders, Mockingbird, Die Hard etc) I'm liking the love for Overboard, Die Hard 3, Romancing the Stone, How to Steal a Million and the Pink Panther movies (although my favourite is A Shot in the Dark) amongst others
And thank you for making me interested in seeing so many films that I previously hadn't, just based on the effort you put in to giving a reason for each
It's also nice to see another big Kevin Costner fan. Keep hoping he'll follow in the footsteps of Robert Downey Jnr and Mickey Rourke and make a big comeback
Just out of interest have you seen A Perfect World? And if so what are your thoughts? Recently caught about 20/30 minutes on TV and was quite taken with it, going to record it when it's on again