Drip, drip, drop, little April Song Tournament


R3 vote:

1) Magnum - Soldier of the Line
2) Lightning Dust - Run Away
3) Budgie - Breadfan
4) HBS - Baron Robber
5) Lynyrd Skynyrd - Still Unbroken
6) Arctic Monkeys - Mardy Bum
7) Bob Dylan - Tombstone Blues
8) Six Side Die - Fuzz Candy
9) R.E.M - It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)
10) Sally Yeh - The Killer Main Theme
11) Hunter Hayes - Invisible

  1. Lynyrd Skynyrd - Still Unbroken
  2. Arctic Monkeys - Mardy Bum
  3. Budgie - Breadfan
  4. HBS - Baron Robber
  5. R.E.M - It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)
  6. Bob Dylan - Tombstone Blues
  7. Six Side Die - Fuzz Candy
  8. Lightning Dust - Run Away
  9. Magnum - Soldier of the Line
  10. Hunter Hayes - Invisible
  11. Sally Yeh - The Killer Main Theme

  1. Sally Yeh - The Killer Main Theme
  2. Budgie - Breadfan
  3. Lynyrd Skynyrd - Still Unbroken
  4. Hunter Hayes - Invisible
  5. Six Side Die - Fuzz Candy
  6. HBS - Baron Robber
  7. Lightning Dust - Run Away
  8. Arctic Monkeys - Mardy Bum
  9. R.E.M - It's The End Of The World As We Know It
  10. Bob Dylan - Tombstone Blues
  11. Magnum - Soldier of the Line

Ricky Nelson & Dean Martin - My Rifle, My Pony and Me (Remaster)
Entertainment log

A system of cells interlinked
Hi all. As usual, I spaced this out over the weekend. Glad to see people ranking Queensryche as well as they did, and shout out to Spaulding for his new found love for the band.

Since I missed voting for the boys from Seattle this weekend, I will submit another QR song for R4!

Queensryche - Jet City Woman (Remaster)
“Film can't just be a long line of bliss. There's something we all like about the human struggle.” ― David Lynch

r3 votes

1. Budgie - Breadfan
2. Arctic Monkeys - Mardy Bum
3. HBS - Baron Robber
4. Lightning Dust - Run Away
5. Bob Dylan - Tombstone Blues
6. R.E.M - It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)
7. Lynyrd Skynyrd - Still Unbroken
8. Magnum - Soldier of the Line
9. Six Side Die - Fuzz Candy
10. Sally Yeh - The Killer Main Theme
11. Hunter Hayes - Invisible
"Фильм призван вызвать духовную волну, а не взращивать идолопоклонников."

Before man was, war waited for him.
1. Bob Dylan - Tombstone Blues
- Even if Bob is spouting complete nonsense, he wrote lyrics more interestingly than almost everyone else.

2. Budgie - Breadfan
- Listening to this right after listening to Magnum was an awesome double-feature treat. How have I never heard of these dudes? First impression: this could be my favorite first-time listen this whole tournament.

3. Lightning Dust - Run Away
- I don't have a whole lot to say other than I enjoyed this a lot. Makes me want to not only listen to more these folks, but makes me want to go back and listen to CHVRCHES, St. Vincent, Portishead, and some of others of comparable ilk again and see if I'll go back to listening to more music other than Cody Jinks, Tyler Childers, and the Turnpike Troubadours.

4. Magnum - Soldier of the Line
- The album art got my attention right away. It let me know that we were in for serious business. I loved every second of this. It was totally prepostorous at times, but I was open to it always. I love that 70's/80's nerdy rock n roll sh*t.

5. HBS - Baron Robber
- Enjoyed the music mostly.

6. R.E.M. - It's the End of the World As We Know It
- everybody knows this song. It's fine. Was this song in a Tony Hawk game or does it just feel like a proto-Tony Hawk Pro Skater song.

7. Arctic Monkeys - Mardy Bum
- Early 00s hipster music is something I still have never caught up on, mainly because it usually doesn't have any sticking power with me. The only band that has successfully stuck with me is the hippest most Pitchfork band: Animal Collective. (This might be a dated statement; I haven't checked Pitchfork in a while. I think non-country music from the last decade or so is another major blind spot for me). This is a fine song it seems, but I don't think I'll really remember it later. I like it now though.

8. Sally Yeh - The Killer Main Theme
- I don't see myself ever putting this in full rotation, yet, it's undeniably enjoyable. It fits the slow-motion madness of The Killer. I need to revisit those early Woo action classics.

9. Lynyrd Skynyrd - Still Unbroken
- Somewhere in here I can hear some Skynyrd, but this could be any modern rock band that makes theme songs for WWE pay-per-views.

10. Six Side Die - Fuzz Candy
- If you like this kind of music, I can see why you'd like this song. It's not too offensively bad, but it feels pretty generic. I admit that about 2 and a half minutes in, I was looking at the clock.

11. Hunter Hayes - Invisible
- Not really my style of country. I don't want to hate on this because at least this song isn't about all the stupid sh*t that a lot of modern country is, so kudos for at least making an effort to actually write a song that's saying something.

Round 2 result:

1st - Rush - Limelight (63 pts)

Grats to Derek Vinyard on getting his tune through to the Final

Congratulations @Derek Vinyard!

If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

1) Hunter Hayes - Invisible
2) Sally Yeh - The Killer Main Theme
3) Lightning Dust - Run Away
4) R.E.M - It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)
5) Lynyrd Skynyrd - Still Unbroken
6) Bob Dylan - Tombstone Blues
7) Arctic Monkeys - Mardy Bum
8) Magnum - Soldier of the Line
9) HBS - Baron Robber
10) Budgie - Breadfan
11) Six Side Die - Fuzz Candy

I'll be back in a little while to post my nom for the next round.

Lynyrd Skynyrd - Still Unbroken
Lightning Dust - Run Away
Six Side Die - Fuzz Candy
R.E.M - It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)
Arctic Monkeys - Mardy Bum
Hunter Hayes - Invisible
Magnum - Soldier of the Line
Budgie - Breadfan
Sally Yeh - The Killer Main Theme
Bob Dylan - Tombstone Blues
HBS - Baron Robber
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
HBS - Baron Robber
Sorry all, I can’t place anything from this list above Ben Shepherd. Bassist from one of my all-time favorite rock bands, Soundgarden, this guy is the man. I never really knew how influential his musical styling was to Soundgarden until hearing this album, In Deep Owl. After, I had to go back to revisit tracks from SUPERUNKNOWN and Down on the Upside and was totally floored by how heavy his presence was in so many of their cuts. I’d give most anything to shake this man’s hand in gratitude for his musical gifts.

Budgie - Breadfan
Nice opening riff! I dig the distortion. Dang, I had to look them up as I’ve never heard them before. 1970s, huh? Cool! I recommend listening to this track again with quality headphones as there are a lot of nice guitar panning effects playing out on the guitar leads. I can see Jack White listening to this as a lil kiddy as damn near every song of his is constantly panning left to right. Great song. Thanks for introducing me to them! Actually huh. As I type this, it sits at my #4. This needs a bump. There. Up to second billing!

Bob Dylan - Tombstone Blues
Great lyricist, though he’s never been a particular favorite of mine. I do enjoy this song though and I’m glad it’s in this mix, breaking things up a bit.

Lightning Dust - Run Away
Nice track. Production feels a bit weak. Could just be the effects on the vocals or the harmonies. I can’t place my finger on it, but I love her voice and I generally enjoy this style. It is strange that it introduces itself as a sort of pop electric type of sound to mellow way the hell down to an acoustic guitar strum-heavy rhythm. There’s something oddly nostalgic about this track as it feels right out of the 80s alternative.

Six Side Die - Fuzz Candy
I’ve left most of my heavier days behind me, but this song is still pretty fun. I’m not a fan of his voice or his melody but the song is strong enough.

R.E.M - It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)
Eh. I was never much of a fan of R.E.M., but I can’t deny their appeal.

Arctic Monkeys - Mardy Bum
Same. Never was a fan of the band in general. The song is solid and evolves well enough just I can’t really get past the style of it. Unfortunately, this is probably more to do with me loathing of Sublime’s Santeria and for some reason I can’t separate parts of this song from that. Yeah, I know it’s weird but that’s all I can hear for whatever reason! I’m listening to both right now, jumping from one to the other every 10 seconds or so and it’s trippy how well they work together. UGH. Lol. Still, it’s a good enough track, just not my preference. Huh. I’m kind of in the mood for Modest Mouse now for some reason…

Hunter Hayes - Invisible
I actually really like this song. I’m not a fan of his voice but the chord progression and melody are nice and are probably more aligned with my personal tastes than most other songs on this particular list. I’d like to hear this song with another, fuller voice.

Lynyrd Skynyrd - Still Unbroken
Yeah, hm. No. Still no fan of Skynyrd! SORRY!!!!! =( I do feel it’s my Alabamian birthright to do so though. 😉 Great riffs as always.

Magnum - Soldier of the Line
While the song is perfectly fine, I just get hung up on the vocals. I hate that about me. It drives my friends batty how particular I can be with male vocals. So much that they’ve stopped suggesting groups to me out of frustration that I never like anything =\

Sally Yeh - The Killer Main Theme
This is a nice song, just it's not really in my style or what I might explore on my own so it's difficult say much about it.

I know, I know. Pichforks and torches. Just let me post this and give me a 5-minute head start before chasing me down? Just know, I still love you all.

"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

Round 3:

1. Arctic Monkeys - Mardy Bum
2. Magnum - Soldier of the Line
3. Lightning Dust - Run Away
4. Hunter Hayes – Invisible
5. Bob Dylan - Tombstone Blues
6. Budgie – Breadfan
7. HBS - Baron Robber
8. R.E.M - It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)
9. Lynyrd Skynyrd - Still Unbroken
10. Six Side Die - Fuzz Candy
11. Sally Yeh - The Killer Main Theme