Movie HALL of FAME Archives & Info


It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I don't think it would be a problem to say people have to have been here a certain period of time to participate like we do with the countdowns. Maybe make it a bit longer, or even have a post limit. My suspicion many times has been that people join without really even knowing what the HOF are.


I don't think it would be a problem to say people have to have been here a certain period of time to participate like we do with the countdowns. Maybe make it a bit longer, or even have a post limit. My suspicion many times has been that people join without really even knowing what the HOF are.
I'd be fine with this. Don't think they should have to join a Virgin HoF though. It's an idea if everyone wants to make that a rule then whatever it doesn't apply to me, just saying i personally think it's too much.

Yeah, I'd have to vote no for making pre-requisites for joining HOF.

If people are going to flake, they're going to flake. There have been plenty of cases of people joining a HOF, finishing it, joining another and then dropping out or straight up disappearing in the middle of it.

I'd be in favor of banning habitual offenders and, uh, certain other MoFos from joining in the first place though.

Like i said the host should make a call on kicking someone out early they don't believe is going to finish. Like if we're a month into a 3 month long Hall of Fame and someone who isn't an established Hall of Fame member that usually finishes hasn't started then the host should seriously consider kicking them out.

Must admit feel pretty bad about the Foreign one as Cosmic has been waiting to host that for ages.
No worries, I'm a fairly patient person haha. I'd rather wait to host it at a good time when there aren't many conflicts than to host it sooner and have no one able to participate.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
I agree that some flakers gonna flake no matter what, but I do think the possibility might be reduced if there was a limit on sign-ups - easier to commit to watching 10 films than 17, even if the time is extended. But I think it should be up to the host of each hof in any case rather than a general rule.

Also, the directed by women hof and the foreign language hof both sound good!

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'd say no way should anybody have to have completed a pre-requisite to join any of our games. Plus, people that would flake would still flake on those games, possibly rendering them useless because they are going to have less members anyway.
I agree with JJ.

I do thank Ed for his ideas, but I don't think requiring finishing a Virgin Hof before joining other Hofs, would work out very well.

But more importantly it is, as always, up to the individual host to decide what the rules/guidelines are for the Hofs that they host.

I have some ideas for the 15th Hof, which hopefully will help with dropouts. But it's up to the other host to decide how or what they want to do for their own Hofs.

Not sure yet if I'll be in the women director's HoF. Off the top of my head I've nominated 4 previously that were directed by women. I'm definitely in the 15th and foreign.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I'm hoping you all haven't forgotten about my Best Picture Hall of Fame (for those who were interested). It will be smaller but should be good.

I do think the possibility might be reduced if there was a limit on sign-ups - easier to commit to watching 10 films than 17, even if the time is extended.
Definitely ageed with this, i think a limit of say 12 would be good, so around three months. We're going to have to limit the Womens one if we want it to finish before the Countdown starts. Although i guess it doesn't have to.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I'm hoping you all haven't forgotten about my Best Picture Hall of Fame (for those who were interested). It will be smaller but should be good.
was that the one with the Oscars?

and doing the limit of 10 -12 IS a good idea

Trouble with a capital "T"
I don't think there should be a limit as long as everyone who joins is committed.
I don't like limiting people either (of course it's up to the individual host). In the 10th Hof I had some pretty stern rules about dropping out and that served two purposes: no one did drop out and I only had 8 people join. I guess I scared everyone else off

Members of the 10th Hof
Citizen Rules
Thursday Next
Friendly Mushroom
Silent Vamp

Sad that the last four members aren't around much these days. I don't think there will be many future HoF members unless we can encourage new people to join...and finish!

If we want to finish the Women's Hall of Fame before the deadline we'll need to limit it to 10 people or less. The earliest we can start is probably about January 15th, say start the thread on the 8th then start the HoF three days after the 70's one finishes. That's just over 10 weeks until March 31st.

We don't have to finish it before the deadline i guess, just saying.

I supported the limiting idea because even though i always finish i do find it daunting when they get too large. The 13th for example had 17 or 18 members at one point, that's 4 and a half months if you are watching one per week. It kind of demands too much of your movie watching time IMO. It doesn't have to be a rule though, i'll just wait to see how large Hall of Fames get before joining and so can others who feel the same.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'm totally in for a Women's Director Hof and looking forward to it. Glad you will host it too and of course as the host it's your call.

The Countdown is going to need all the support we can give it, as not a lot of MoFos seemed interested in doing it. I want to see The Countdown be a success, so an Hof to support it is a good idea

Trouble with a capital "T"
...Women's Hall of Fame...The earliest we can start is probably about January 15th, say start the thread on the 8th then start the HoF three days after the 70's one finishes...
What do you think about starting your Women Director's HoF much sooner? Say like in a few days? I think it could work out and give more time for your Hof too.

I know you chose the start date to be after the 70s Hof ends, but most of the serious members are basically done with the 70s Hof and are just waiting to see if some of the straglers are going to finish or drop out.

I can't speak for Ed but I don't see starting your Hof now as causing any problems for his Hof. @edarsenal what do you think?