Following the typical tradition, here are my initial thoughts on the nominations:
Forbidden Planet (1956) - This was #18 on my list for the Sci-Fi Countdown, so of course I'm going to enjoy watching it again. I especially like those backdrops. I don't care how much cheaper CG is, more modern films need to use matte paintings!
Robinson Crusoe on Mars (1964) - Any film with more lovely painted backdrops is always welcome! I haven't seen this film in its entirety, but I'm looking forward to it.
Seconds (1966) - I probably should have watched this ages ago. It's on three of the site's lists, so anyone who likes chasing those completion percentages will get a little boost haha.
Liquid Sky (1982) - I kept stumbling across Liquid Sky when looking for interesting sci-fi films to watch in anticipation of this HoF, so I'm amused that it got nominated.
Videodrome (1983) - Long live the new flesh! I don't think I need to say much about this film. It was on my list for both the Sci-Fi and Horror Countdowns, and if no one has noticed yet, I really like Cronenberg's older films.
Aliens (1986) - Another film that kind of speaks for itself. I don't remember the last time I watched this (or the first film), so maybe I'll have an Aliens marathon sometime during the HoF. Yes, that includes Covenant, which I kind of liked despite the theatre and its patrons trying to sabotage the screening:
Gattaca (1997) - Like I've already mentioned in the thread, I was considering nominating this film myself before ed snatched it up. I haven't seen it in ages, and I think I only saw it in its entirety once. Hopefully I'll still like it when I rewatch it.
Minority Report (2002) - I liked this film well enough when it was new, and have seen it maybe once or twice on tv in the years since. It's also definitely due for a rewatch.
Déjà Vu (2006) - When I first saw the title of Raul's nomination, I didn't think I'd heard of it before. Then I googled it, and got a strong sense of Déjà Vu myself, haha. As soon as I turned on the trailer, I knew I'd seen the film before, but had just forgotten about it. That's nothing against this film, I just have really bad memory.
Timecrimes / Los Cronocrímenes (2007) - Like Liquid Sky, I kept seeing this film pop up, so I'm interested in checking it out. Two people attempted to nominate this film, so it's at least got a few fans here.
Coherence (2013) - This was another film that kept appearing on my quest for new sci-fi films to watch. It looks interesting, so I'm glad it was nominated.
Turbo Kid (2015) - This is not the kind of film I intended to nominate, but when I rewatched it the other day, I decided to go with it. I love any film with that Mad Max aesthetic, and both the regular comedy and the more horrific comedy moments (mostly to do with violence) work well for me. It embraces and celebrates many sci-fi tropes, while gently poking fun of them as well. It had a tiny budget of just under 60k, but every penny was clearly well spent.
Forbidden Planet (1956) - This was #18 on my list for the Sci-Fi Countdown, so of course I'm going to enjoy watching it again. I especially like those backdrops. I don't care how much cheaper CG is, more modern films need to use matte paintings!
Robinson Crusoe on Mars (1964) - Any film with more lovely painted backdrops is always welcome! I haven't seen this film in its entirety, but I'm looking forward to it.
Seconds (1966) - I probably should have watched this ages ago. It's on three of the site's lists, so anyone who likes chasing those completion percentages will get a little boost haha.
Liquid Sky (1982) - I kept stumbling across Liquid Sky when looking for interesting sci-fi films to watch in anticipation of this HoF, so I'm amused that it got nominated.
Videodrome (1983) - Long live the new flesh! I don't think I need to say much about this film. It was on my list for both the Sci-Fi and Horror Countdowns, and if no one has noticed yet, I really like Cronenberg's older films.
Aliens (1986) - Another film that kind of speaks for itself. I don't remember the last time I watched this (or the first film), so maybe I'll have an Aliens marathon sometime during the HoF. Yes, that includes Covenant, which I kind of liked despite the theatre and its patrons trying to sabotage the screening:
The power went out twice during the first half of the screening. A guy kept clearing his throat with this strange, incredibly loud growling sound. Another guy stood up halfway through during a quiet moment, said "I'm done with this" to no one in particular (he was there alone), and marched out. Despite all that, I had a pleasant time.
Minority Report (2002) - I liked this film well enough when it was new, and have seen it maybe once or twice on tv in the years since. It's also definitely due for a rewatch.
Déjà Vu (2006) - When I first saw the title of Raul's nomination, I didn't think I'd heard of it before. Then I googled it, and got a strong sense of Déjà Vu myself, haha. As soon as I turned on the trailer, I knew I'd seen the film before, but had just forgotten about it. That's nothing against this film, I just have really bad memory.
Timecrimes / Los Cronocrímenes (2007) - Like Liquid Sky, I kept seeing this film pop up, so I'm interested in checking it out. Two people attempted to nominate this film, so it's at least got a few fans here.
Coherence (2013) - This was another film that kept appearing on my quest for new sci-fi films to watch. It looks interesting, so I'm glad it was nominated.
Turbo Kid (2015) - This is not the kind of film I intended to nominate, but when I rewatched it the other day, I decided to go with it. I love any film with that Mad Max aesthetic, and both the regular comedy and the more horrific comedy moments (mostly to do with violence) work well for me. It embraces and celebrates many sci-fi tropes, while gently poking fun of them as well. It had a tiny budget of just under 60k, but every penny was clearly well spent.