post a one hit wonder you like


i remember this one from 1989. what happened to young mc?
You might like this episode of One Hit Wonderland about him. It's a series by YouTuber Todd in the Shadows, a music historian. He's covered many of the songs mentioned so far.

There was another Yello song which hit big here in the UK, which I'll post. However, when looking for where this charted over here, it appears that it didn't. Not only that, but it only got to #51 in the US (which is their biggest hit Stateside but I'd say isn't a hit) so it's pretty much only the 80's movies it was in (Ferris Bueller being the main one) which propelled it to the song we all know.

This, however, got to #7 in the UK and is their only big hit here. They did get to #23 with Of Course I'm Lying, but I don't remember that.

The Race