Books that you would like to see made into a film?


Books that I would like to see made into a film:

-The Chronicles of Narnia- The Silver Chair
-The Chronicles of Narnia- The Horse and His Boy
-The Chronicles of Narnia- The Magician's Nephew
-The Chronicles of Narnia- The Last Battle.

edwardc77's Avatar
Thought he lost everything,then he lost a whole lot more.
I would love to see Roberto Bolano's "2666" made into a series of movies ,but it's a complex work and it would be insanely difficult to tackle. More realistically I would like to see Haruki Murakami's "Kafka on the Shore" directed by Takeshi Kitano and of The Master and Margarita by Bulgakov would be the perfect Tim Burton film.

Rose Madder

I just think it'd make a good movie. Nothing more to say, other than, it'd have some weird stylistic special effects on some parts. Better be done well, dammit!

And Peter Sarsgaard would have to be Norman. I don't know why. But when I read it, he was really good in it!

World War Z, i know its just been made, but if anyone read the book, the movie was the farthest thing from it. I was very curious to see how the book would be adapted, as the narrative in the book isn't a straight forward translation to the screen. Least to say I was disappointed, the book was one of the best zombie experiences I have had.

I'd like to see a few Puzo books probably made into a movie, like Fool's Die and The Last Don - would make a perfect gangster flick if it wasn't directed by some try hard or desperate hack.

Also Lolita shouldve been better done. I have a feeling Kubrick could've done a great job if it wasn't for the limitations of the early 1960's.

The Picture of Dorian Gray would've been perfect for a man like Tarkovsky maybe, even though he's russian, it would seem like a perfect film for him.
-J. Hussain

Every Jo Nesbo novel, with Joel Kinnaman as Harry Hole!

Cosmos by Witold Gombrowicz
The screen adaptation of the character's madness and obsessions and perverted way of thinking would make for a terrific psychological thriller.

Milan Kundera- Another try for Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera somehow incorporating the narration in the book
Also by Kundera- The Joke
Christopher Moore- Blood Sucking Fiends
Coyote Blue

This might just do nobody any good.
I doubt I'll see it in my lifetime:

Cormac McCarthy's Blood Meridian, directed by Andrew Dominik, starring Glenn Fleshler as Judge Holden.

I'd also like to see The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay as a mini series on HBO.

Every Jo Nesbo novel, with Joel Kinnaman as Harry Hole!
Will Fassbender suffice?


The last time this topic was dug out, I chose Cosmos and I stand by that choice.

But I think I'd also pay good money to see The Master and Margarita made. I have a strange dream that Jan Svankmajer will direct it one day, with Steve Buscemi as a playful Satan.
In my own land, I’m in a far domain
Welcomed gladly, and spurned by everyone

The Fighting Fantasy books by Ian Livingstone and Steve Jackson. They would look amazing on film. Their books make "Lord of the Rings" look boring.

A movie based on Catcher in the Rye might work but because most of the story relies on Holden's narration and his way of thinking and viewing the world there would have to be a constant voiceover which would probably get old pretty fast. Either that or Holden would have to face the camera and speak directly to the audience like in Ferris Bueller's Day off which would be even less effective. However I must agree, I would like some bold innovative screenwriter to find a way to adapt Catcher into a movie because I loved the book and you'd have to give the guy credit just for making the attempt wether the film was good or not.

I think what you've stated here is exactly why Catcher in the Rye hasn't been made into a movie...the constant voice over would make a movie pretty slow going.