Wow, they are going to remake this 1985 Arnold Schwarzenneger /Bridgitte Neilsen classic?
That should be interesting. Is this also a comic book? If it is, I wonder if they are going to change the plot progression (specific happenings leading to the ultimate conclusion) from the 1985 film.
I trust Robert Rodriquez thought - he's good at what he does.
See, I dont know about Rose McGowan though. I love her to death, but I think she's too goth-y like. She always plays a far better villian-ess than a heroine. Even if she was a heroine in one of these movies, she would be the waif-like girl whose greatest strength is non-physical - a witch, a psychic or a thief. She just doesnt really have the rock body, She-Ra type physique, nor does she ever convey that kind of "beat-you-down-with-a-sword-warrior-type" mental toughness.
Hmm. I like the 1st one better, but this one works too! You know, come to think of it, maybe I'm being a little too hard on Rosie - I'm thinking that with the new CGI capabilities, and with Robert Rodriguez's brillance, he can probably make her into a believable swash-buckling sword-chick. That, or re-invent her into a uber-cool switchblade type Ultravoilet/Underworld type heroine. You decide whether you like that idea.
dammit i started a thread not seeing this anyway rodriguez isnt directing and for those who are sceptical about rose as the heroine just check out planet terror!However rodriguez is trying to free himself up to direct a new conan film
Is that midget kid gonna be in it again? I mean I'm sure he's older and all, but I trust he's still a midget.
Not unless its a cameo but he is still acting his name is ernie reyes jnr if youve seen the rundown/welcome to the jungle[depending on which side of the pond youre on]thats him kicking the rocks butt capoeira style the clip is on u tube if you need a reminder
Bridgitte Nielsen is attempting to be a model once again, via loads of plastic surgeries and the like.
She was nominated the seventh hottest Danish lady, in a danish talkshow, due to her perfomance in the Arnold version of this movie.