BSG Caprica TV Series


\m/ Fade To Black \m/
Caprica is a television series set in the fictional Battlestar Galactica universe. Beginning 58 years before the events seen in Battlestar Galactica, Caprica tells the story of how Colonial humanity first created the robotic Cybernetic Lifeform Nodes or Cylons, who would later plot to destroy human civilization.
An extended version of the pilot will have its world premiere exclusively on DVD on April 21, 2009. In early 2010, the first season, composed of the two-hour pilot and 18 hour-long episodes, is expected to begin airing on Sci Fi Channel in the United States. The rights to broadcast the series have also been picked up by Sky1 in the UK and Ireland.

Described as "television's first science fiction family saga," Caprica is a terrestrial drama rather than a space opera. Set against the backdrop of a society close to our own, Caprica will "[ponder] ethical dilemmas that we as a human race are going to have to face very shortly"
This looks like a very cool show I will definatly be catching this
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
Just a quick post as Ive stopped for a coffee break but im watching the Pilot episode for Caprica and im really enjoying it, it's not what I was expecting at all but it seems like it is going to be a awesome show

Has anyone else seen the pilot yet?

A system of cells interlinked
I just got this in from Netflix - Hope to watch it tonight!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

I'll probably catch it soon, but I'm rather stunned at how uninterested in I am. I just don't know if I can see it being good. I can't imagine the BSG finale helped much, but still, the disparity between my excitement over that show, and my lack of same for this, surprises even me.

A system of cells interlinked
I sort of felt the same, but I popped it in last night. I absolutely loved it. Right there on the Blade Runner tip, I guess I didn't have much of a chance of disliking something like this. I liked the cast, and, although it started off a bit slow and teen-angsty, the conflicts developed well and engaged both of us by the middle of the pilot. Certainly worth a watch, and this thing has the potential to be a really great show.

Interesting; maybe I'll give the Pilot a try, then. Kinda surprised at my own inability to get interested in this so far, though. I'll reconsider.

Sci-Fi-Guy's Avatar
Beware The Probe!

Alright, without giving away any major spoilers on this, I have to say I definately did like it enough to want to tune in when the series debuts early next year.

It's not like Galactica at all in a lot of ways since there were no outer-space scenes going on in the pilot, however the colonies do exist and obviously travel from world-to-world is possible and hopefully we will see some of that in the series.

To me, it had a definate Tek-War feel to it with the ocasional 'Frak', 'gods', or 'what in the worlds' thrown in to remind us what we're watching here.

Not action-packed at all but a little slow in the first half and in the virtual night-club scenes, there were nekket boobies I assume to show us that it's more of an adult show.

It was nice to finally see the origins of the CYbernetic Life-fOrm Nodes and a hint at how their artificial-intelligence came into being.

Even though it is an already established era of the BSG universe there's alot they can still do with this world so I hope they don't drag plots out or screw things up.

One thing I'd definately like to eventually see are some appearances of familiar faces. It may be 58 years before BSG but the Final Five could easily make an appearance. Maybe the original humans who the Cylon skinjobs were based on?

To me, it was a decent pilot and I do look forward to the eventual series in 2010.

Fear the Probe!

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
Nice one Sci-Fi posting the pics I need to re-watch the pilot I think it would be AWESOME if they showed some of the original 5 in the show but I dont see the doing it for some reson

A system of cells interlinked
I have watched the episodes so far, just catching up this weekend:

The show kicks MUCH ass. Stoltz is fantastic in the lead, and the dynamics between the families are already complex and interesting. The cast is solid across the board, with Alessandra Toressani, Eric Stoltz, and Polly Walker being the stand outs for me so far. Walker is unnerving in her role, to say the least.

At first glance (you know, the first 15 minutes of the pilot), the show sort of meanders around through some cliche teen-angsty type stuff, and I started to get nervous that the crators had dropped the ball on target-audience planning. Alas, after establishing the teen characters, the show takes a dark turn and the adults are introduced more thoroughly.

Being a Blade Runner nut, and seeing as how this is basically Blade Runner : The Show in some ways and by another name, I quickly got engaged by the excellent existential threads in the show. The writing in the last episode was ridiculously good, and on a level with the best of BSG.

Definitely worth a watch! For a little corroberation of my claims, I will say that the folks over at TWoP gave the last episode an A+. These poeple just don't do that with any show, like, ever.

Also been catching up with Dollhouse, which started sort of rocky, but took off like a rocket around episode 5 or 6...

A system of cells interlinked
Caprica continues to impress, week after week - centering on complex character development while weaving pertinent social issues into a compelling science fiction background with several diverse and interesting story lines. What a great cast, as well.

"This show is a ten-lane road to hell paved with every good intention that exists. So brilliant. The best show on TV the last 9 weeks running? Easy - Caprica." - Jacob (No...not THAT Jacob.)

I See You When You're Sleeping
I was a massive BSG fan (although didn't think much of the last special that recently came out) and have only just tuned into this; how late am I? I've just finished the second episode and I'm loving it so far. I'll read up top when I'm a bit deeper to avoid spoilers!

Sci-Fi-Guy's Avatar
Beware The Probe!

I really like this series.
It started off a little slow but the potential is definitely there for a lot of good stories.

It's got me wondering if the BSG Cylons gained self awareness through both Zoe and Tamara. I'm thinking that virtual world Tamara is in control of is the same VR the BSG skinjobs retreated to when they wanted.

I think the whole New Cap City theme is the best thing on the series though.
I love the whole noir look of it all.

I'm really looking forward to seeing if Tamara becomes Queen of New Cap City.
That whole arc really took me by surprise but they can do alot with that virtual world.

Hate waiting till October for new episodes.
Hopefully they'll give them more per season next time around.
This past season was over too fast.

The Adventure Starts Here!
...Aaaand, all of us here already know that the series was canceled (can anyone say "Firefly"?), and that they didn't even air the remaining episodes they had.

However, the good news is that they ARE going to air those "lost" episodes, starting tomorrow:

planet news's Avatar
Registered User
Woah. Those Cylon screencaps looked cool. I'm actually strangely glad that it's canceled though, because I know that I never would have gotten around to watching it, and now it's just one less "kick-ass" thing I'm missing out on.
"Loves them? They need them, like they need the air."