The Twilight Saga: New Moon

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The Twilight Saga: New Moon
Chris Weitz, 2009

Pretty much everyone knew that this was going to be a crappy film before it even came out, but since I was able to get into it for free, I thought I might as well go ahead and check it out. Firstly, I guess I should start off by saying that I was one of the few that didn’t the think the first Twilight was all that bad. I’m not saying it was good or anything, but nowhere near as bad as people made it out to be. This, though, is another story entirely. Here I was actually thinking this looked kind of good based off the final trailer, and I was way off.

I was thinking that this might actually have been good because it looked like an improvement from the first. I was completely wrong, it actually went backwards I think. The entire film was so boring, and it had the worst action sequences ever. Aren’t action sequences supposed to get your blood pumping, the good ones at least? No, instead it was even slower than the rest of the movie where absolutely nothing was happening. You would think that they would try to add a lot of big action sequences in movies like this to get people in the movie, too, instead of boring them to tears with its bad writing. The movie kept leading up to something that was trying to be big, but instead ended up just as a huge disappointment. And then to top it all off, the ‘cliffhanger’ ending that just had me in pure rage once it happened.

The reason it had me in pure rage was that it was an exact rip-off of True Blood. Like I mean it had the exact same ending as the season 2 finale. Not to mention all the other similarities between the two. What pisses me off so much about it that the huge Twilight fans go around and actually try to make it seem like True Blood ripped Twilight off. I mean I personally don’t know which one ripped the other off, because both are based off books, and I have no idea when both series of books came out. All I know is that True Blood is amazing, and has extraordinary writing, while New Moon had some of the worst writing that I’ve ever seen.

To top off the bad writing, they decided to add a bunch of bland actors into it as well to make it even worse. Kristen Stewart is such a bad actress, for the most part. None of her acting has ever really been good, but she’s tolerable in most movies that she’s in. Actually you know, I’ll admit that she was kind of a good actress before she got caught up in Twilight. Once Twilight came out, what little acting abilities she used to have disappeared completely. Like in Adventureland, for example, where she seemed to just be standing around for the entire film. At least she’s not Robert Patterson, who seems like the biggest douche-bag ever. Not only does his acting completely suck, but he goes around trying to act like he is so special. The only actor that I actually liked in the entire film was Taylor Lautner, who seems to be the most ‘real’ of the entire cast. He was a lot more tolerable in the first, though, because he seems like he’s falling into that same douche-bag category that Patterson is in. I hope he changes in next film.

So basically, in a nutshell, it sucked. If I didn’t get into it for free, I would’ve gone and demanded that I got the money I paid for this back. One shot was pretty much the only redeemable quality in the film. The shot I was referring to is when the werewolf back attack and kill that vampire. There was one bad-ass shot, but even with that, I still feel like I wasted a complete two hours. So yeah, avoid this movie at all costs if you can.

Welcome to the human race...
Nice work, man. I'm still debating whether I'll see this or not because the original film was a good bad movie that had me in stitches, and it only looks like I can expect more of the same with this one. Will probably end up waiting for DVD.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Nice work, man. I'm still debating whether I'll see this or not because the original film was a good bad movie that had me in stitches, and it only looks like I can expect more of the same with this one. Will probably end up waiting for DVD.
I knd of thought the same of the first, but this one just sucked.

Speaking as a HUGE fan of the books(read them all 4 times) I have to say I wasn't nearly as disappointed with New Moon as I was with Twilight.

Of course I'm firmly entrenched in Camp Jacob, so New Moon was exciting for me since Jacob takes on a much bigger role.

That being said.....wth is wrong with these people that they can't get it right? I'm totally aware with time constraints that they can't fit in EVERYTHING from the book, but they could at least try a little accuracy once in a while! The real action doesn't start until Eclipse, so I wasn't too bummed about the lack of action in this film, but they have made some pretty big (imo) casting mistakes. They've really missed the train with so many key locations in the book as well.

The bulk of the New Moon book dealt with the growing relationship between Bella and Jacob, but in the film they glossed over about 95% of the time that they spent together. They did alright with the Volturi casting, as the actors hit the personalities of them dead on, but they were a complete failure in the appearance/setting for the Volturi clan.

Anyways, after my major disappointment with Twilight, I didn't go to New Moon with high expectations and that's probably why I wasn't as let down with it as the first.

Somehow I doubt I'm going to be thrilled with Eclipse, but I'm hoping the excitement of the action and the play between Edward and Jacob will save it from being a total loss.
Herr Zeller: Perhaps those who would warn you that the Anschluss is coming - and it is coming, Captain - perhaps they would get further with you by setting their words to music.
Captain von Trapp: If the Nazis take over Austria, I have no doubt, Herr Zeller, that you will be the entire trumpet section.

Happy New Year from Philly!
Rosie Rosie, I have no interest in Twilight but it is nice to see someone who actually has an interest in the movie and the books posting something substantive about it.
Louise Vale first woman to play Jane Eyre in the flickers.

Making a difference
A friend recommended "Twilight" to me stating how it was a big deal for the American teenagers. on seeing it recently I asked myself why? not thats its bad... not just a movie for guys above twenty, its a kiddie movie.

it was pretty good, i saw it yesterday with my friend eduardo, but i felt kinda uncomfortable with the unbelievable amount of half-naked guys during the movie.... i didnt think it was that great or anything, but im a pretty easy guy to please, i usually take my hamburgers with nothing on it. my biggest complaint with the movie/book was that jacob can turn into a were wolf whenever he really wants to (im not sure if it was based on his mood???), stephanie meyer is twisting my favorite fairy tales (vampires, werewolves) and are abandoning the rules, VAMPIRES DIDNT ORIGINALLY SHINE IN THE SUN, THEY, IN SIMPLE TERMS, ARE SUPPOSED TO MELT

This is truly an amazing phenomenon. Or maybe not. Maybe it is just a sad reality.
A campy modern day soap opera vampire story with exceptionally low skill actors makes $140 million on its opening weekend in the United States. This speaks volumes on the mentality of Americans.
Truly a pathetic display. My nation is retarded. Some of the best films ever made still have not paid for themselves in ticket sales. Some of the worst films ever made have the highest ticket sales. It is disparaging to think that this is the kind of sh-t Americans want to watch.

I liked it, but I like every movie that has a vampire in it. Okay, sometimes I thought, my god, you should hear yourself, you seriously sound dumb right now... but overall I thought it was a good movie. Just a seriously irritating ending....
I'd never given much thought to how I would die... But dying in the place of someone I love seems like a good way to go

okay, I still don't get why this movie broke $140M on its first day!! Probably not going to see New Moon, but if its anything like the first one - I don't think i'll watch it.

Its a good movie, however, for me it's lacking of action purely romance and the ending was not satisfying, it's a BIG ? mark to me. The best one is much better than the 2nd part.


Happy New Year from Philly!
This is truly an amazing phenomenon. Or maybe not. Maybe it is just a sad reality.
A campy modern day soap opera vampire story with exceptionally low skill actors makes $140 million on its opening weekend in the United States. This speaks volumes on the mentality of Americans.
Truly a pathetic display. My nation is retarded. Some of the best films ever made still have not paid for themselves in ticket sales. Some of the worst films ever made have the highest ticket sales. It is disparaging to think that this is the kind of sh-t Americans want to watch.
Maybe that is because no one makes 'good' or even 'mediocre' movies that capture the imaginations of young women.

Most of what passes for romance in movies today is crap no one wants to see. At least this has something that is speaking to these girls.

Frankly, I see this film and the books it is based on as pre-sexual romance. In it girls experience secondhand, a kindly, loving, langourous, sensuous, intimate yet non-threatening sexuality. No threats of STDs, babies, the initial pain of intercourse, the embarassment of not being physically perfect or living up to a boy's porn fed fantasies. The vampire wants to eat her up, yet loves her too much to do so.

It is a wholly understandable desire in a culture that foists an often jaded and perverse sexuality on its children.

The vampire is a kind of transitional love object--after Daddy and before the sexual lover.

Kenny, don't paint your sister.
I hate the fact that young women today are so closed minded. They could watch a film a little older that has quality. Then, they would still get the same idea that BLZ was talking about but it would be an actually good movie.

There's my 2 cents.
Faith doesn't make things easy, just possible.

MY wife made me see the first one and it was so bad there is no way I will ever see the second one. Its funny because she read the books and was excited to see the first one and now she dosent want to see the second.

They do 'scream' at 'em... and no one calls the police...
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)