Oscar Picks

Star Trek Beyond


Been some new on the 3rd Star Trek for a while but no thread on it...

So far, news is they're aiming for 2016... so it'll go head to head with Warcraft, Finding Dory, Pirates Of The Caribbean Dead Men Tell No Tales, Batman Vs Superman, Independence Day 2, The Mummy reboot and... Star Wars Episode VII (at least in terms of ticket sales of 2016, EpVII is hoping for a December 2015 release).

2016 is also the 50th anniversary of the original TV series... so bets are they'll do it for 2016.

Abrams, being busy with Wars 7, will only be producing Trek 3. British comedian turned filmmaker Joe Cornish, the man behind Attack The Block, was pencilled in to replace Abrams, but has since dropped out.

Joss Whedon was also rumoured but is busy with The Avengers sequels.

Jon Favreau, Guillermo Del Toro and none other than Commander Riker Jonathan Frakes have been rumoured at as well.

Peter Weller (best known as the original RoboCop and Buckaroo Banzai), who starred in Into Darkness as Admiral Marcus, is also rumoured to direct Trek 3.


As for writers Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci who wrote Star Trek and Into Darkness...

... Kurtzman has passed the chance for Trek 3 as he's working on The Amazing Spider-Man sequels (Amazing Spidey 3 is also pencilled in for 2016), Orci is back on board though.

Replacing Kurtzman are Patrick McKay and JD Payne... the writers behind the still-in-production-comic-book-adaption of Boilerplate. Boilerplate is also being produced by Abrams.

So there you go. Some facts, some rumours.

As far as I know though, the cast are all returning for the 3rd film.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
I like the idea of Jonathan Frakes directing, he made the best by far of the Next Gen films with "First Contact".

Of course the cast are returning, they will all be signed up to contracts for several films with increasing pay depending on success etc.

It's a shame Leonard Nimoy is ill, looks like no cameo this time around. End of an era.

Maybe they'll have a tiny cameo with old Spock's death as part of the 50th anniversary/handover.

It'll add a depth as well as it would mean young Spock sees himself die.

The Bib-iest of Nickels
I liked Star Trek and Star Trek: Into Darkness more than I liked most of the original content, I have been thoroughly entertained with the last two movies, so, as long as they hold onto what they did right with the last two movies, I'll be happy.

Benedict Cumberland Sausage was what interested me in the last film so will not be rushing to see a third Star Trek film as I wasn't that keen on the first one.

But it could be of interest if Guillermo Del Toro directs.

I'm not really a fan of Del Toro...

Not sure what it is with him... his work I've seen has been mediocre yet he's revered by everyone.

He does have massive amounts of talent... he proved that with Pan's Labyrinth which absolutely blew me away, but he just seems not to use it for anything else.

Blade 2, Pacific Rim, The Hobbit films, Splice, Puss In Boots, Hellboy films, Mama, Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark, Mimic, The Devil's Backbone... all had interesting concepts and little ideas, entertaining in a fashion, but none of them I would say I genuinely cared for or would go out and buy on DVD.
I bought Pacific Rim, but only because I hadn't seen it. If I had seen it beforehand, I wouldn't have.

Pan's Labyrinth was just awesome though, maybe he's a one hit wonder.

If he takes on Trek 3, I hope he doesn't just do another Pacific Rim. At least he won't be writing it anyway, so hopefully the story will be decent.

I think they should bring back Nicholas Meyer... the guy behind The Wrath Of Khan and The Undiscovered Country...

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
I think they should bring back Nicholas Meyer... the guy behind The Wrath Of Khan and The Undiscovered Country...
He is brilliant. Besides writing the screenplay, Time After Time was his directorial debut and an excellent twist to H.G. Wells' The Time Machine.

The Bib-iest of Nickels
Benedict Cumberland Sausage was what interested me in the last film so will not be rushing to see a third Star Trek film as I wasn't that keen on the first one.

But it could be of interest if Guillermo Del Toro directs.
I liked the first Star Trek movie more than Into Darkness, even if I absolutely adore Benedict's work.

Most of this has been knocking around for a bit but this thread has sat for over a year without updates...

Simon Pegg has promised "a kickass new villain".

The title is rumoured as Star Trek: Beyond.

Simon Pegg's script was a lot closer to the original TV series, but was changed around a little as it was simply way too close to be taken seriously. It was called "too Trekkie".
Pegg has worked with Doug Jung on the script.

Justin Lin is directing, the guy behind Fast Furious 5 and 6.

Sofia Boutella of Kingsman fame is on the cast sheet.

The story is set during Kirk and crew's first time out on the 5 year journey we saw them start at the end of Into Darkness. The story will involve new planets and new species that have never been seen before.

The cast are all returning, filming has already started, and is set for a July 8th 2016 release.

Most of this has been knocking around for a bit but this thread has sat for over a year without updates...

Simon Pegg has promised "a kickass new villain".

The title is rumoured as Star Trek: Beyond.

Simon Pegg's script was a lot closer to the original TV series, but was changed around a little as it was simply way too close to be taken seriously. It was called "too Trekkie".
Pegg has worked with Doug Jung on the script.

Justin Lin is directing, the guy behind Fast Furious 5 and 6.

Sofia Boutella of Kingsman fame is on the cast sheet.

The story is set during Kirk and crew's first time out on the 5 year journey we saw them start at the end of Into Darkness. The story will involve new planets and new species that have never been seen before.

The cast are all returning, filming has already started, and is set for a July 8th 2016 release.

I really hope this won't be a rushed production. Still looking forward to it, though. I'm a big Trek fan, been a fan of the franchise ever since I was a kid.

Benedict Cumberland Sausage was what interested me in the last film so will not be rushing to see a third Star Trek film as I wasn't that keen on the first one.

But it could be of interest if Guillermo Del Toro directs.
actually it's pronounced Benedict Cucumber Patch......

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
I wasn't sure if I'd seen Star Trek Into Darkness. Turns out I have, it was just that forgettable.

I'm not keen on the new title and the lack of director doesn't exactly fill me with confidence either. I think this will be pretty low on my list of movies to watch out for, although perhaps slightly higher than Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Horses Keep Getting Flogged.

I wasn't sure if I'd seen Star Trek Into Darkness. Turns out I have, it was just that forgettable.

I'm not keen on the new title and the lack of director doesn't exactly fill me with confidence either. I think this will be pretty low on my list of movies to watch out for, although perhaps slightly higher than Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Horses Keep Getting Flogged.

Hi, this is ShakierCleric. I just wanted to let you know that Star Trek Beyond has a director. It's Justin Lin, and he's the director of the Fast and Furious 4, 5, and, 6. He's also a lifelong Trek fan. Simon Pegg did the script this time.

Well they posted some set shots this weekend and I think Irdis Elba is a great casting choice. Now we get to the five year mission. really hope Pegg and Lin are bringing back what made the original series so great !

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Justin Lin? Fast 5 and 6 are giant turds, doesn't bode well at all imo.

Never really gotten into the Fast and the Furious franchise, but we shall see where this takes the films, the last 1 wasn't one of my favourites.

i loved the first 2 movies, and certainly hoping for more of the same.