Anyone else looking forward to John Wick Chapter 2 this weekend?


Registered User
The first film was surprisingly great. I went into it with NO knowledge of it whatsoever and was exposed to what I thought was just going to be a simple revenge film mushroom into something so much more creative. An underworld of hitmen who have their own code, own currency, own society--everything.

I can't wait for this weekend as this sequel is looking better than the original at this point.

The first film was surprisingly great. I went into it with NO knowledge of it whatsoever and was exposed to what I thought was just going to be a simple revenge film mushroom into something so much more creative. An underworld of hitmen who have their own code, own currency, own society--everything.

I can't wait for this weekend as this sequel is looking better than the original at this point.
Absolutely, I just hope it's as good as the original and doesn't detract from it... (Looking at YOU Ghostbusters 2)

Registered User
Absolutely, I just hope it's as good as the original and doesn't detract from it... (Looking at YOU Ghostbusters 2)

So far, there's already hope:

-The dog

-The hotel guy (can't remember his name)

-The wink-nod reunion between Keanu and Lawrence Fishburn

-The humor

-Rumors that this film has a record number of times a gun is fired in a single movie

I'd say that John Wick Chapter 3 is just about guaranteed at this point.

Cool. If it's any good, that'll be one of the freshest new franchise hollywood has produced in years.
In my own land, I’m in a far domain
Welcomed gladly, and spurned by everyone

I can't wait for this! This movie will be cool.
"This Would Sharpen You Up And Make You Ready For A Bit Of The Old Ultra-Violence."

So far, there's already hope:

-The dog

-The hotel guy (can't remember his name)

-The wink-nod reunion between Keanu and Lawrence Fishburn

-The humor

-Rumors that this film has a record number of times a gun is fired in a single movie

I'd say that John Wick Chapter 3 is just about guaranteed at this point.
I actually have John Wick on Blu-ray still in the wrapper from one of my latest Amazon DVD upgrade batches.. I might have to break the seal before going to see 2

On first watch I was really ready to turn it off when they killed the dog as I hate seeing the animals get hurt... gimme a friday the 3th where everyone gets murdered but don't hurt the puppy!!

Sooo glad I didn't... by the time it ended I was seriously ready to watch it again...

You can't win an argument just by being right!
YES!!! Sorry for squealing. I loved the first one.

_________________________ _________________________
I am so stoked, I will go see it if I don't have tickets to the Hornets-Clippers game and I am preparing to tell the Queen City to CashMaeOusside.

I was underwhelmed by the first one, but I liked aspects of it and I saw potential. The sequel looks to be bigger and better, which would definitely work if they keep the action and style of the first - which it seems. I could use a bit more humor in the sequel though and it kind of looks like it will bring that. So yeah, I think I'll skip it in the cinema, but I'll definitely watch it as soon as it hits digital...

Absolutely yes. I've said it before, I'm not a Reeves fan, but any film that can make him look cool is doing something right. I'll see that this weekend, but I'll probably see Lego Batman first with some friends. I'm a Batman fanboy first and foremost.

Legend in my own mind
Yes, The first one was great fun.
"I don't want to be a product of my environment, I want my environment to be a product of me" (Frank Costello)

Welcome to the human race...
Yeah, at this rate it's not even going to hit cinemas. I'm guessing it'll go straight to DVD here in at least 3 months.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

This might just do nobody any good.
I am looking forward to it...

... but Lego Batman comes first

watching it back2back with lego batman. Planning to just sneak into john wick 2 wihtout paying lol
Mad Max Fury road is trash

What a treat to get such an anticipated and well-reviewed film this early into the year,
A man's got to know his limitations.

Welcome to the human race...
watching it back2back with lego batman. Planning to just sneak into john wick 2 wihtout paying lol
Between this post and your signature, I feel even more aggravated about not getting to see this movie on time.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
watching it back2back with lego batman. Planning to just sneak into john wick 2 wihtout paying lol
Why not do that the other way around? Lego don't need yo money.

Either way, looking good at 95% on RT.

Registered User
Really enjoyed the first film but I seriously doubt that I will bother watching this in the cinema, hope it is a good movie though and will catch it on home video for sure

Registered User
Cool. If it's any good, that'll be one of the freshest new franchise hollywood has produced in years.
Agreed. It's a late comeback for Keanu and a new defining franchise for him.
John Wick had some of the coolest-looking gunfights I've seen on film. Couple that with the need little "society" of hitmen and its almost comic book movie style and you have the recipe for an entertaining movie.