I was think its titled Android!


I think it's from the '90s, maybe the late '80s...
All the events happen in one building how much I can remember!
Not sure but I think that some robbers are trying to steal something from that building.
Or... some good guys ran from the bad guys, and went to hide in the building!
It comes out that in the building androids are made...and one of them, maybe even a guard (android) helps those good guys.

In the end, this good android/robot sacrifices himself to good guys can escapes from the building.
I believe that some girl was with those good guys. But yea there is always some girl 😋

Does this sound familiar to anyone?

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
I think it's from the '90s, maybe the late '80s...
All the events happen in one building how much I can remember!
Not sure but I think that some robbers are trying to steal something from that building.
Or... some good guys ran from the bad guys, and went to hide in the building!
It comes out that in the building androids are made...and one of them, maybe even a guard (android) helps those good guys.

In the end, this good android/robot sacrifices himself to good guys can escapes from the building.
I believe that some girl was with those good guys. But yea there is always some girl 😋

Does this sound familiar to anyone?
Not sure, but Kill Command (2016) comes to mind. Careful though, this trailer in about a point for point summary of the entire plot.

"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear


Woah. You're alive!
Cyborgs are tough to kill.

I found it!

It's not Android, its:

Automatic 1995


I forgot the story and probably mixed the ending with something else, but that is the movie I'm searching for!