Millennium Actress (Sennen joyu chiyoko) (2001)
Directed by Satoshi Kon
Written by Satoshi Kon and Sadayuki Murai
I love this movie...everything about it...the animation, the characters, the story and the way it’s told are brilliant. There are times that it’s funny, sweet, dramatic, touching and just plain endearing. The animation itself looks similar to that of Spirited Away.
I don’t want to reveal too much detail about the’s better to be seen with fresh eyes. But here’s a quick synopsis...A movie studio (Ginei Studios’) is being torn down and a local reporter (Tachibana)...along with his camera man...are doing a documentary on Ginei Studios’ biggest star....Miss Fujiwara Chiyoko. She has lived as a recluse for many years (and is now in her 70’s), but has granted them an interview. It’s clear Tachibana has a great respect and admiration for Miss Fujiwara...he gives her a small gift which brings back alot of old memories to her.
One of the greatest strengths about this movie is how it told. As Miss Fujiwara tells her life story and why she became an actress....we see Tachibana and his camera man in the background as if witnessing her past first hand. Eventually Tachibana imagines himself actually participating in the past scenes of her life...scenes of reality and scenes from her movies. The only criticism I can say is that sometimes the scenes are intertwined so smoothly it’s sometimes hard to tell which were from a movie and what really happened to her in real life and at what time period....which could be a bit confusing...but it didn’t take my enjoyment away from the movie. During her story we’re always brought back to the present and continue to follow Miss Fujiwara life’s journey. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a movie quite done this way before. There are plenty of movies that flash back to the past....but until this movie, not one that intertwined the past and present so endearingly. We eventually see why Tachibana has such a great interest in Miss, it isn’t a love story between the two...more in the vein of people who touch your life or who are touched by you, whether you know it or not.
I wish some live action movies (I’m thinking the romantic comedies I was so disappointed in this past year) took the same care to write such rich characters as well as telling a good story in an interesting way. If anyone gets the chance to see this gem, I highly recommend it.
Has anyone else seen it and what did you think of it?