The Shoutbox
Brian!! are you today? How's your thumb?
Welcome back, by the way, buddy. How's the missus?
What has happened here, I leave for six months and everything has changed on me? What have you people done?
Board upgrade, mostly. Running vB 3.0 Beta 4 right now.
Sour grapes? Never again?
Don't be absurd. If it was sour grapes, I would have quit last year when I didn't place at all. I'm too old [next year I'll have finished school and will not be able to enter]. I would give anything to do it again.

And yeah, Spudly, the 100% of MoFo hatred is sure getting a workout...
What has happened here, I leave for six months and everything has changed on me? What have you people done?
Hello Junior! You must also be Australian.
Sour grapes? Never again?
I am, for the second [and last] time the runner-up in the national public speaking competition.

So you know.
Thank you Cait~
I'm not mating with any damn Aussie.
We'd have kangaroo babies or something.