The Shoutbox
Apparently watching 35mm full matte rips is all the rage now. Probably the closest you can get to an actual screening without an actual screening. I'm yet to watch anything that way. It doesn't help that the rips are like 20 GB and only a few are available of some mainstream films I'm not that interested in rewatching.
Originally Posted by Mr Minio
Also, digital freakin' sucks if you don't know how to use it, and 99% filmmakers don't.
I don't think it sucks, but I tend to prefer films that were shot on actual film, so I tend to agree it is the superior medium.
Also, hate spring and summer because it's so light outside for so long, and it's best to watch movies when it's dark outside.
Also, digital freakin' sucks if you don't know how to use it, and 99% filmmakers don't.
Originally Posted by Sedai
Downgrade all you want. I will continue to adore and watch this excellent film. Have fun storming the castle or whatever.
I won't because I don't have any reason apart from doggedness. I used to be more dogged and opinionated in the past. I've been less and less every since I started to think more and more. I hate this.
So I'm not looking through the prism of "a few films that were great" as Yoda often likes to point out in a supposed belief that I'm biased and only cherry-picking the good films. Some Japanese films were unearthed, I watched them, and they're sooo good, with at least one of them being better than 99% stuff they make today. This just doesn't happen anymore.

The US was good this way, too. The made like 2000 film noirs and so many of them were at least good. Not every single one of them. Poverty Row produced some weak films (but some good ones, too!) but the general tendency was that films were quality, much more quality than nowadays.

But yeah, if you're directing, writing, or shooting a film and literally your life depends on it because if you do a bad job you can lose it and your family will starve, of course, you'll give it your all, even it the film is just a cookie-cutter crowd-pleaser.
Originally Posted by Mr Minio
Originally Posted by Sedai
I am in the mood for LaLa Land...
Annoying normie film. I feel like downgrading it just because.
Downgrade all you want. I will continue to adore and watch this excellent film. Have fun storming the castle or whatever.
But the 50s or 60s... a few stinkers if you look really hard, but apart from that you can randomly pick any film and it'll be at the very least satisfying. Even the mass-produced studio stuff was so much better technically, artistically, and idea-wise than contemporary mass-produced studio stuff.
It's still on the roll, but if we're to be super strict, they were at the bloody foreground in the whole world in the 50s or 60s. The US and even France were left far behind. In the 70s, studios started having monetary problems so they started producing lots of trash. This trash was amazing and entertaining and occasionally artistic plus art films still were made including within the Art Theatre Guilt, but it wasn't the same 50s & 60s thing where major studios would produce absolute all-time masterpieces.
Originally Posted by Mr Minio
Why's Japanese cinema of the 50s & 60s so superior to everything else?
Don’t forget the 70’s too! Heck, Japan was on quite the roll for such a long time.