The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by Mr Minio
The only way for you to beat me is watch How Yukong Moved the Mountains in one sitting. I didn't.
I could if I wanted to, but I don't want to. It doesn't really interest me.
The only way for you to beat me is watch How Yukong Moved the Mountains in one sitting. I didn't.
Originally Posted by Mr Minio
I've seen way too many great films lately. This temporarily increases your standards and you just don't feel like watching a film that seems to be less than amazing.
The trick is to watch several bad movies in a row to balance things out.
I *did* watch a few shorts, though, so I'm still the leading cinephile here, Allaby.
I've seen way too many great films lately. This temporarily increases your standards and you just don't feel like watching a film that seems to be less than amazing.
My TODO list for today:
- Choose a full-length film to watch that I'll actually finish
My to do list for today:

-watch musicals
-order groceries
-watch musicals
-do laundry
-watch musicals
You’re so weak and pathetic that even this won’t motivate your wretched shell!

The worse/more exhausted I feel, the more eager I am to continue working out. Is my body suicidal?
Originally Posted by Yoda
I dunno, most cars and trucks are so similar and uninspired looking that I admire the big swing of it all, even though it's not my thing at all.
I mean, if it was something like the Tucker coupe, yes absolutely!