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Quentin Tarantino's 10th film: The Movie Critic


Tarantino's films in the last decade:
Inglourious Basterds
Django Unchained
The Hateful Eight
Once Upon a Hollywood

Yeah, you got a point. He hasn't done anything good in the last decade

Come on! Seriously?!
The only good one is Basterds, and that wasn't in the last decade. The other three are nowhere near the quality of his best films.

Tarantino revealed today that he is bringing Bounty Law to the small screen in a 5 episode series that he is planning to pitch to Netflix or any other streaming service.

With regards to his tenth film, he has revealed that the film will have ties to Reservoir Dogs, his first film.
“Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!” ~ Rocky Balboa

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
I think the only Tarantino movies I haven't liked were Reservoir Dogs, Death Proof, and maybe The Hateful Eight, but I will have to give that one another viewing. But the rest are pretty good.

In a recent podcast interview, Quentin revealed that he would like to adapt the original First Blood novel by David Morrell, and that his casting choices would be Kurt Russell as the sheriff, and Adam Driver as John Rambo.

It's not official, and its not the last film I expect from Quentin, but this movie idea sounds so intriguing.

As you all may have heard, Tarantino's 10th film will be called The Movie Critic.
Paul Walter Hauser has been offered the lead role.
The movie will also feature a Pulp Fiction reunion, something I was hoping for way before the project was announced. It is rumored that John Travolta, Samuel Jackson and Bruce Willis will be in it. Excited!!

I highly doubt a 60 year old director is going to retire. They tend to work forever.

His next film is about a film critic, last I read. I am not a film critic so I am happy it isnt me in the hot seat. I imagine he will parody some things he hates about the critics in the hopes of changing their behavior, while glorifying the things he likes about them. Maybe not. Who cares? If its a good movie, and chances are that it will be, I won't be complaining. So long as it doesn't contain my likeness or the details about my own life, I can fully support his next big project.

I might even rate it, tell you something about it, but I won't be criticising it. I'm no expert but I know what I like.

I hadn't realized that Tarantino has lived in Tel Aviv for the past several years with his Israeli wife. It would certainly be a nerve wracking place to live under current circumstances.

Raven73's Avatar
Boldly going.
Yeah, I've found all of his films to be very good, though admittedly no masterpieces since Basterds.
Personally, I enjoyed Hateful 8 and Django unchained just as much as Basterds.

I'm looking forward to his next movie.
Boldly going.

It's been confirmed that Brad Pitt will be starring in the film in an unspecified role.

Tom Cruise will reportedly be in it, too.

If Cruise is confirmed, it will be his first time collaborating with Tarantino, and his second collaboration with Pitt after 1994's Interview with the Vampire.

It's been confirmed that Brad Pitt will be starring in the film in an unspecified role.

Tom Cruise will reportedly be in it, too.

If Cruise is confirmed, it will be his first time collaborating with Tarantino, and his second collaboration with Pitt after 1994's Interview with the Vampire.

Imagine the legacy if Tarantino is responsible for Oscars for Pitt and Cruise. Then again all the PC stuff with Cruise, Tarantino, Weinstein etc, will likely disqualify the film from winning anything major.

Imagine the legacy if Tarantino is responsible for Oscars for Pitt and Cruise. Then again all the PC stuff with Cruise, Tarantino, Weinstein etc, will likely disqualify the film from winning anything major.
I have a feeling this film will be earning Cruise his long-awaited Oscar. Either this film or his other upcoming project with Inarritu.

The PC stuff didn't prevent Tarantino or Pitt from Oscar glory for 2019's Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. I don't think it will affect The Movie Critic either.

I have a feeling this film will be earning Cruise his long-awaited Oscar. Either this film or his other upcoming project with Inarritu.

The PC stuff didn't prevent Tarantino or Pitt from Oscar glory for 2019's Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. I don't think it will affect The Movie Critic either.

Tarantino films never win the big awards (lead acting, directing, picture) it's always screenplay, supporting, score etc.

Tarantino films never win the big awards (lead acting, directing, picture) it's always screenplay, supporting, score etc.
Screenplay and any acting award are big.

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood should have won Best Picture and Director that year in my opinion.

Screenplay and any acting award are big.

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood should have won Best Picture and Director that year in my opinion.

They aren't the major awards though...and history is pretty clear that when it comes to Tarantino he's performers are capped.

Keitel - snubbed for Reservoir Dogs

Travolta - lost to Hanks as Gump
Pam Grier and Samuel L Jackson - snubbed for Jackie Brown
Uma Thurmunn - snubbed for Kill Bill vol 1 and 2
Brad Pitt - snubbed for Inglorious Basterds
Jamie Foxx - snubbed for Django Unchained
Sanuel L Jackson - snubbed for Hateful Eight
Dicaprio - lost to Phonex as Joker

In a recent podcast interview, Quentin revealed that he would like to adapt the original First Blood novel by David Morrell, and that his casting choices would be Kurt Russell as the sheriff, and Adam Driver as John Rambo.

It's not official, and its not the last film I expect from Quentin, but this movie idea sounds so intriguing.
I can totally see this. It was a surprisingly solid novel with the dynamic between John Rambo and Sheriff Will Teasle playing a much larger role. If Tarantino hewed to the book and adapted it faithfully he could turn out something special. Not so much a straight up actioner as an affecting character study.