Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Jacobs Ladder

I really don't know where to begin with this film. This is by far in a way the most bizarre but brilliant films I have ever seen. Rather like Akira I think I could watch this for the rest of my life and still not full understand it but as I say, this is no way makes it a bad film and I would recommend it to anyone. The story you think makes sense and in a way it does but at the same time it really does not.

My rating: 10 out of 10
twitter: @ginock
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Ghost In The Machine
Just watched The Wolf of Wall Street. Another cracking performance from Leonardo DiCaprio; with acting like this the guy is rapidly becoming the king of Hollywood. Great film, but gets away with a lot by totally ignoring the consequences of the protagonists' actions. I think it can tend to leave a sour taste in the mouth because of this - for me anyway. Having said that, I am still giving it a hedonistic and spaced-out 9/10
"Life is a banquet, and most poor suckers are starving to death" Auntie Mame (1958)

Gangster Rap is Shakespeare for the Future
This thread has to be closed and all posts should be posted in Movie Tab II.
Movie Tab II is for the cool kids only though

Secretary (2002)

Well, this was unexpectedly good! It's funny, it's kind of insightful and it's great to watch. Both James Spader and Maggie Gyllenhaal are also MAGNIFICENT in their roles. Especially Maggie is better and more gorgeous than ever!

This film is for everyone who likes a sexy dark comedy and who isn't prejudiced against BDSM.

Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

Finished here. It's been fun.
Some Like it Hot
+. Really entertaining, and at times hilarious comedy. The final quote literally made my burst out laughing.

No wonder Bruce Wayne was so depressed after she died.
Here, if you have a milkshake, and I have a milkshake, and I have a straw. There it is, that's a straw, you see? You watching?. And my straw reaches acroooooooss the room, and starts to drink your milkshake... I... drink... your... milkshake!
-Daniel, There Will Be Blood

My fourth watching of Hitchcock's classic Psycho is even better than the first 3
(I might do a review tomorrow)

I do not speak english perfectly so expect some mistakes here and there in my messages

Watched Trouble with the Curve last night. Not a bad film at all. You knew the whole way through what was going to happen but this did not ruin the film. Emotionally found it quite stimulating which was good as I did not expect this reaction.

Still debating whether to give it 6/10 or 7/10
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Les Diaboliques (1955)

Set in a boarding school where the wife and mistress of a wicked headmaster both plot to kill him. However things dont exactly go according to plan. Surprise surprise.

Enjoyable and claustrophobic thriller from Clouzot. I'd heard this called a horror but its really not.

Too weird to live, and too rare to die.


Reynolds was good.
Bridges was awesome.

Dialogue and some scenes are funny as hell in places.

Feels kinda like most other CGI laden actioners of late. By-the-numbers-actioner and missing something.
Kinda like The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen but with much more likable characters.

There are some moments of brilliance though.

Post pub entertainment at best.

Well I have watched Going Postal which was an adventure and some comedy movie I rate that move (A).

Singin' in the Rain

It's not like I'm going to start suddenly seeking out musicals; I just think this was a special movie. There's not many movies that bring on such a good feeling.



Best acting I've ever seen from Jack Gynaecologist... incredibly hard edged acting...

... Hugh Jackman as a desperate, angry and frustrated Father was inspired...

... and twists (that even I didn't pick up on) running throughout keep the heart pounding...

Paul Dano was ok, even though he was barely seen throughout his character plays a major part in the plot.

Atmosphere was tip top.


Wasn't quite what I expected in terms of tone though, the trailers gave completely the wrong idea. The trailers give the impression of a fast paced Thriller with action to back it up, and even the synopsis' on t'web say it's just a Thriller.

Think of it more as a Psychological Thriller, or even closer to a Psychological Drama that falls into the Mystery category in the second and third acts, than just a full on Thriller as there aren't too many fast paced scenes or highly charged cinema.
It's mainly about emotion and frustration.


Melissa Leo deserves some nominations/awards for her performance in Prisoners, I think.

And when I'm all alone I feel I don't wanna hide

Killer Joe (2011, William Friedkin)

A depraved, vile, yet facetious slice of Southern Gothic storytelling. It is a perverted and, at times, perturbing film, but Friedkin tells this story not with exploitation or imposition, but absurdity. Black, comical absurdity. It is no surprise that such a deviant and farcical tale derived from the inventive mind of playwriter Tracy Letts. McConaughey is towering - haunting yet strangely endearing in his striking depiction of Joe, and Friedkin demonstrates he still possesses an eye for the mystifying and unnerving, even after all of these years. Its odious nature may be off-putting for some and the ending is unfittingly abrupt, but this was a great, daring film (for the most part) and one that certainly did not succumb to the mainstream audience. Hopefully Friedkin's 'back-to-form' piece is one that'll receive larger recognition in the years to come.

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Registered User
RUSH great movie, great acting, great story.