Time spent on MoFo


while i can understand people getting a bit sad over spending a lot of time here, i don't think that has to be the way to think about it. i've learned so much about movies in just a little over a year here. from becoming a MoFo and watching the favorites of you other MoFos. movies make us happy, and this is a place we can share our enthusiasm about them. embrace the weirdness !

this place is so much better than imdb boards, & honestly, better than any other board i've been apart of. bc of the ability to post images, videos, the overall layout, etc. and bc of getting to communicate with all you other cool / strange MoFos! this is a well-designed site and it can be really fun if used well

although there should be some balance. when i'm not working, i follow College Football (the SEC) pretty closely, and play in an ESPN Fantasy Baseball league with old college friends every Spring/Summer. so i watch a lot of Major League Baseball. i definitely think interests should be spread out over several different areas... so that you're never too attached to any one interest

i'm only about 28% of the way to placing 50th on The Top 50 MoFos With the Highest Post Count Thread, so i must not be spending TOO much time here

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
I need MoFo to breathe. If I'm away too long I tend to hiss at everyone. No, you haven't really seen that here, even if you think you have.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

I always have the page open on my phone and I never log off, so really anytime I'm not doing anything. I'm not a member of any other forums, or ever have been, so MoFo gets a lot of my downtime.

When I wake up in the morning.. I check.. here less than 5 mins...

if I dont have anything to do before bed in the evenings... I come and read.. and chat with a few people if necessary..
And life has the face of a morbid game.

I need MoFo to breathe. If I'm away too long I tend to hiss at everyone. No, you haven't really seen that here, even if you think you have.
Mark you are MoFo.
#31 on SC's Top 100 Mofos list!!

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
You must log off. There are times I log on and there's nobody online.
I'm pretty certain I'm always "on". Either logged on my phone or ad, even when I'm not technically on

Chappie doesn't like the real world
I'm usually checking posts 9pm to 11pm. I'm not on that whole time, but just checking in occasionally. Sometimes I am on in the morning or really super late at night. Unless it's the weekend I am never on in the afternoon.

Hello, my name is Hit Girl and I'm a MoFo addict. But hey, addictions like this I can live with.
“The Universe is under no obligation to make sense to you.”
― Neil deGrasse Tyson

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
Well, I have the forum always open on my browser and I spend a lot of time in the computer, watching movies or just surfing the net...
In these first 9 or 10 days here, I find the atmosphere here very nice and cozy so I guess I won't leave this soon!

Oh, and I just started working on some reviews too so I expect I'll be even more addicted to this

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
This is the site I frequent the most. So, on average...every day.

I'll probably be on here while I'm getting married. I'll do a live commentary.

Very often haha ! I'm always here when I'm not in school and at the Job !
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
This is the site I frequent the most. So, on average...every day.

I'll probably be on here while I'm getting married. I'll do a live commentary.
Oh please do!

Raul has been wanting to do some kind of MoFo Wedding thread on here. Maybe someday it will happen.