while i can understand people getting a bit sad over spending a lot of time here, i don't think that has to be the way to think about it. i've learned so much about movies in just a little over a year here. from becoming a MoFo and watching the favorites of you other MoFos. movies make us happy, and this is a place we can share our enthusiasm about them. embrace the weirdness !
this place is so much better than imdb boards, & honestly, better than any other board i've been apart of. bc of the ability to post images, videos, the overall layout, etc. and bc of getting to communicate with all you other cool / strange MoFos! this is a well-designed site and it can be really fun if used well
although there should be some balance. when i'm not working, i follow College Football (the SEC) pretty closely, and play in an ESPN Fantasy Baseball league with old college friends every Spring/Summer. so i watch a lot of Major League Baseball. i definitely think interests should be spread out over several different areas... so that you're never too attached to any one interest
i'm only about 28% of the way to placing 50th on The Top 50 MoFos With the Highest Post Count Thread, so i must not be spending TOO much time here
this place is so much better than imdb boards, & honestly, better than any other board i've been apart of. bc of the ability to post images, videos, the overall layout, etc. and bc of getting to communicate with all you other cool / strange MoFos! this is a well-designed site and it can be really fun if used well
although there should be some balance. when i'm not working, i follow College Football (the SEC) pretty closely, and play in an ESPN Fantasy Baseball league with old college friends every Spring/Summer. so i watch a lot of Major League Baseball. i definitely think interests should be spread out over several different areas... so that you're never too attached to any one interest
i'm only about 28% of the way to placing 50th on The Top 50 MoFos With the Highest Post Count Thread, so i must not be spending TOO much time here
Last edited by Nostromo87; 07-09-14 at 07:30 PM.