Rate The Last Movie You Saw


BREATHLESS (1960) Jean-Luc Godard

stylish French new wave and a cool movie starring Jean-Paul Belmondo & Jean Seberg as Michel & Patricia. Jean-Paul rocks a tiny tie, a big jacket, & goofy hat with a certain suave. I liked the cutting style & how the film wasn't shot on a set but in the streets of Paris amongst the crowd. There's truth here as far as a love story is concerned. *spoilers* even if all romances don't end with the girl betraying her auto thief murderous boyfriend and sending him to his death, the emotions are there. you make me want to puke. it may grow on me further, we'll see

+ 7.5 / 10

Trouble with a capital "T"

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (1945)...a bittersweet story of a poor, second generation immigrant family struggling to make ends meet in 1900s Brooklyn.

I waited a long time to see this one, it was worth the wait! Great story telling and directing by first time director Elia Kazan. Almost every film Kazan directed has been a gem and this one is no exception. The DVD I watched did not have the best film to Disc transfer but who cares, this is a classic.

Watched Billy Wilder's 1960 romcom masterpiece THE APARTMENT last night. 10/10. One of the best movies ever made.

August Underground (2001)

It's tough to rate something like this because most normal people would dismiss this as trash, and they're probably right. However, it would appear that the filmmakers completely succeeded in what they were trying to accomplish. Shot documentary style, it just shows what a couple of complete psychos do. I'm not sure if I consider it more disturbing then say, A Serbian Film, because it doesn't have the sudden shocks. Rather, it's constantly vile, easily the most depraved film I've seen, although I haven't seen the sequels yet. The good thing about this movie, or bad thing depending how you look at it, is it's very believable. It doesn't look like a movie; the acting is very good and it looks real. I know MovieGal has seen this, and likes these kind of movies, but I wouldn't recommend this to anyone.

I found the acting to be exceptionally poor, and the cinematography worse. But I only watched about fifteen minutes of it so I really can't comment too much, only my initial impression wasn't very good, especially from the psychos. The people screaming in pain did a realistic enough job I suppose. I think for films of this nature there are quite a few much better ones. I didn't really get around to watching much of them though.

Grotesque (2009), Snuff 102 (2007), and Philosphy of Knife (2008) are three that I intend to watch that look quite interesting.

But I digress. I'm not really in a hurry to watch them. What I actually did watch last night was:

Mad Max (1979)

A pretty decent film overall. I enjoyed Road Warrior a lot more though. I actually originally thought Road Warrior was the first Mad Max movie, but when I found it it wasn't I still took years to get around to watching it. Well I was wondering what to watch yesterday and figured it's about time I put this on. So I'm glad to finally have watched it. It's a good movie.

Riddick (2013)

I loved the first film, "Pitch Black," liked the second, "The Chronicles of Riddick," and now, with the third one, love it. It's more of a throwback to the first film, with Riddick on a planet full of nasty critters, But this time, he's got two groups of mercenary/bounty hunters who show up. It's a fine flick, with a good bit of tension, action, and yes, gore. This is one DVD I bought sight-unseen and am not disappointed.

"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

Does anybody know any movies out right now that like skip time ya know when they go in the movie and TEN YEARS LATER lol just curious. Someone please tell me. I'm just curious

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Ikiru (1952)


Love is a many Splendored Thing (1955)

I had intended on writing my thoughts on both films but I'm a tad too hungover for that. Ikiru was great as usual, not my favourite from Kuosawa but it's still fantastic. I'm watching Throne of Blood tonight and i expect i'll enjoy it more. Splendored was just ok, despite a brilliantly made and tear-jerking ending (my wife cried) I felt it dragged a little in the middle.
Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

Trouble with a capital "T"
F for Fake
I watched this 2 nights ago. I wanted to let Orson's last film have time to settle into my mind.

F for Fake is a hybrid of an essay/documentary/movie which recuts unused film footage from an older documentary, along with footage and vignettes conceived, narrated and executed by the master, Orson Welles.

If you don't like Welles, you might not like F for Fake. It's more insightful than revolutionary. It does give us a window into the real man who was Orson....while giving us a composite story of the art of fakery.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.

Once More, with Feeling! (1960)

In preparation for the MoFo Best Pictures 1960s Movies thread, I've been watching some lesser known movies from 1960, and last night I watched "Once More, with Feeling!" starring Yul Brynner and Kay Kendall. This is a wonderful romantic comedy that's basically about a man and woman who have to get married, so they can get divorced. (It makes more sense in the movie.) Yul Brynner and Kay Kendall are terrific together, and the movie is a lot of fun.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.

The Facts of Life (1960)

"The Facts of Life" is a romantic comedy starring Bob Hope and Lucille Ball as two people who are married to other people, but through some unforeseen circumstances, they end up going away on vacation together and fall in love. Then they try to continue their affair after they come home from the vacation to their spouses. Bob Hope and Lucille Ball are both great in this fun movie.

Watched Billy Wilder's 1960 romcom masterpiece THE APARTMENT last night. 10/10. One of the best movies ever made.
So glad you liked THE APARTMENT...maybe my favorite Billy Wilder film, Shirley MacLaine was robbed of the Best Actress Oscar IMO.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I thought I was the only person on the planet who had ever seen -The Facts of Life. Very adult movie for 1960, glad you enjoyed it.
While trying to make my list for the "1960 Best Pictures" thread, I was surprised at how few movies I've seen from that specific year, so I started looking for some lesser known movies that seemed like they would be more to my liking. (I have more unique tastes in movies, and I rarely agree with the more common top movies of the year, as my 1970s list will eventually reveal.)

I found "The Facts of Life", and I just thought, with Bob Hope and Lucille Ball in a romantic comedy, how could you go wrong?

I found "The Facts of Life", and I just thought, with Bob Hope and Lucille Ball in a romantic comedy, how could you go wrong?
Whereas I'd think "How couldn't you?"
5-time MoFo Award winner.