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If you watched F for Fake on DVD, then you might have seen this on the extras.

Orson Welles: One Man Band is an essay style documentary, composed of archival film footage shot by Orson Welles as well as interviews of him on film. Also composed of original footage shot by the directors of One Man Band, Vassili Silovic and Oja Kodar. Oja Kodar was Orson's girl friend and artistic partner in his latter years. You seen her in F is for Fake.

One Man Band gave me a deep insight into Orson Welles, especially the latter part of his life when he was known by some as that, 'crazy old Welles who couldn't complete a project'. We see that in actuality Welles was very productive in his latter years. He never stopped making films...working on projects simultaneously only to have his financial backing disappear, leaving his works unfinished.

A special treat for the viewer is scenes from some of these uncompleted projects such as:

The Magic Show, Vienna, The Merchant of Venice, Moby Dick, The Deep, The Other Side of the Wind, The Dreamers and Swinging London (Orson plays multiple characters and is hilarious)

A must watch for Orson fans.

(note: any reviews including this one, are written by me. If I quote an outside source I will set it off in italics with quotes.)

I saw 2 Guns recently and I rated it 7/10 on IMDb, although 6.5 would be more accurate.
It's an enjoyable action movie, but it good be better.

The Man Who Knew Too Much -

Top 5 Hitchcock! It was just your usual pretty good 3.5 star Hitchcock film until the Albert Hall scene (glorious Herrmann concerto in Hitch film feels like Noodles and Blondie went on Morricone concerto in Leone flick) and pretty good song thingy. The very ending was really fast and at the same time hilarious.
I would say it's one of Hitchcock's weakest, but yeh, I love the ending and the introduction of Que Sera, Sera of course, I just think apart from that, and the beginning which is good, it's about average. Been a while since I saw it though.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope

Nothing to watch for HOF available tonight so Hulu had this. It has been on my radar for quite a while. I love the rural setting and Green sets a good tone. Dragged in parts, however, which is saying something when it is only 90 minutes.

Eating Raoul (1982)
It ranks as a must see to any B-movie enthusiast and movie lover for that matter. A very original dark comedy...

A normal man? For me, a normal man is one who turns his head to see a beautiful woman's bottom. The point is not just to turn your head. There are five or six reasons. And he is glad to find people who are like him, his equals. That's why he likes crowded beaches, football, the bar downtown...

Now watching Memento but before this film , I watched The Silence of the Lambs. I'm gonna give this 9/10. Hopkins made this film really awesome! That snake-like sound he made with his mouth was unarguably one of the best improvised scenes ever.

By the way, how do you guys do that popcorn rating in your posts? Kind of new here so any help from you mates?

\m/ Fade To Black \m/

Not a fan of chick flicks but this was hilarious.
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

Mrs. Doubtfire (1993)

I never watched this movie because I thought it would be silly, but that was never the case. I think the filmmakers succeeded in everything they wanted to accomplish with this movie. It's funny, touching, rewatchable, and entertaining for the whole family. I rate it highly because I think this movie filled it's potential in every way. The whole cast deserves credit, but this is most definitely the Robin Williams show. This is a role that allowed him to showcase his immense talent; he was perfect. RIP Mr. Williams, you will be sorely missed.

Great movie with great performances.

A great movie, but Robin Williams completely embodies his role in this film. He is perfect in every way and this film made me cry often, especially in light of what has happened recently.

WARNING: "" spoilers below
"I especially cried at the scene when Robin Williams wakes up from his coma, and I remember thinking "If only he could just wake up and come back in real life."

Anyway, a great film.

Through the darkness of future past
The magician longs to see
One chants out between two worlds:
Fire walk with me.

I present to thee, some of the most entertaining and mouthwatering visual lobotomy that I've had the pleasure of viewing.

Just my cup o' tea.

I was very pleasantly surprised at this movie. I expected it to just be another murder mystery, but it had a lot of the things I appreciate in films, so I enjoyed it.

Haunting soundtrack? Check.
Beautiful and ominous shots of the landscape? Check.
Creepy and strange ambient noises? Check.
Mysterious and atmospheric story? Check.
Hot chicks? Check.

I really enjoyed the mysterious story about the girls disappearing and there were a lot of strange factors that made me wonder what the heck was going on (people getting sleepy or tired at the rock, losing memory, the red cloud, the clock stopping, etc.) This definitely had that Lynch feeling even though it was before Eraserhead. I loved how they made Hanging Rock seem like this mysterious force of nature, and the rock seemed like a living and malevolent creature. I loved the camerawork in this film and the soundtrack and all the strange ambient noises.

As much as I liked it, I still had a few problems with it. For one thing, the story starts off very interesting, concerning the missing girls, and then it shifts over to a rather boring melodrama about a girl being kicked out of the college. I admit, there was a good twist surrounding this part of the story, but I don't see how it related to the mystery of the missing girls, and it seemed out of place to me. Imo the story of the girl being kicked out was nowhere close to being as compelling or interesting as the missing girls. The woman playing Mrs. Appleyard was fantastic though, and I liked her performance. Anyway, if it would have had less cheesy melodrama, and more compelling mystery, I would have enjoyed it more. Other than that, I thought this was a great movie, and I enjoyed it for the most part. Thanks go out to honeykid for suggesting this movie to me.

The woman playing Mrs. Appleyard was fantastic though, and I liked her performance.
Then the next film I recommend is Saturday Night and Sunday Morning. Another great performance from her in another great film.

I agree completely with you about Picnic At Hanging Rock, but I love it so much that it still makes my 100 its, rather significant, flaw.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

I own Picnic at Hanging Rock but haven't watched it yet. I really need to. I get the impression it's my kind of movie.

I present to thee, some of the most entertaining and mouthwatering visual lobotomy that I've had the pleasure of viewing.

Glad you liked it BlueLion. One of my favorites.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
I present to thee, some of the most entertaining and mouthwatering visual lobotomy that I've had the pleasure of viewing.
Being an extrement doesn't mean you can't turn into gold. Remember 'bout that. Hell, that would feel right if you disliked it. You loved it. Anyways... I love it too!
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
By the way, how do you guys do that popcorn rating in your posts? Kind of new here so any help from you mates?

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