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The People's Republic of Clogher
Damn, I assumed that the screenies you posted were from the original game. They're from the new one?

I hope it plays well.
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

there's a frog in my snake oil
Hey, it's got filled polygons and everything

Ah, just getting my nostalgia on. The new one actually looks plenty swanky to me. (This is possibly a comparative thing ). Or at least it seems like it's got the spirit of the original, will be fun to drive around in, doesn't look like the sensation of having metal scraped down your face, and has got some added bells and whistles thrown in

Virtual Reality chatter on a movie site? Got endless amounts of it here. Reviews over here

A system of cells interlinked
Reminds me of the old twisted metal days!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

The People's Republic of Clogher
It looks better in motion, I'll give it that.

Always been a fan of vehicular combat games. Blur was the great lost game of last gen, for example.

Just picked up a copy of Just Cause 2 on the strength of this thread. If it's half as good as the original Mercenaries on PS2 I'll be a happy camper. Not expecting GTA 5- enormous open-world-Trevor-Phillips-awesomeness. But it sounds like brainless fun all the same.

Registered User
Just finished dying light. Its probably the best zombie game I've played so far. The missions, enemies, locations, fights had lots of variation. There were a few emotional moments as well.. Definitely Much more FUN than FarCry 4.

there's a frog in my snake oil
Well, the Carma Beta is everything the user reviews said...

Horrrrrrible optimisation (I think I'm going to have to run it windowed to get above lowest settings & 20fps). But very much like the old game

Could do with a few less rectum puns, and I'd forgotten quite how bizarre the physics was - the starter car will happily float up onto 2 wheels if you take corners a certain way, for example. It's then very tempting to take out some peds for bonus style points, but takes some wrangling if you were hoping to actually make the corner! I think I've been spoiled by GTA's ludicrous mid-air realignment too, it's taking a while to get into a more skateboardery mindset of lining up your jumps with your landing point in mind. (What you're supposed to do in pinball mode I've no idea ). So yeah, some oddities in there, and lots of peculiar new power-ups, but nostalgic fun on the whole. The AI seemed kinda personable, once they got a vendetta on with you, but also a bit dumber than I remember. Rounds seem pretty easy to ace at the moment, hopefully the bigger cars that are coming in will ramp up the challenge. Can def see how online carnage could be a fun addition. (But not until I get more frames!)

Reminds me of the old twisted metal days!
Oh my god, that's ringing bells. Think I used to play two-player on PS1. Yeah similar carnage vibe

It looks better in motion, I'll give it that.

Always been a fan of vehicular combat games. Blur was the great lost game of last gen, for example.
Yeah, fancy light filter

Oo, Blur sounds a bit like GTA online. I've got a soft spot for the simple boost/rocket/repair format they've settled on in V.

Just picked up a copy of Just Cause 2 on the strength of this thread. If it's half as good as the original Mercenaries on PS2 I'll be a happy camper. Not expecting GTA 5- enormous open-world-Trevor-Phillips-awesomeness. But it sounds like brainless fun all the same.
I think the world might actually be bigger! But yeah it doesn't have that level of panache (the cut scenes might as well be played by lollypop sticks), but it's def a fun sandpit

The People's Republic of Clogher
Aye, Blur was the new game from the Project Gotham devs but, and there's no polite way to say this, no one bought it and the company went bankrupt.

When the most visible car combat game on Steam is Gas Guzzlers Extreme (which isn't a bad game but it's as polished as Shane MacGowan on a Tuesday) then you know that people don't much care for the genre any more. Outside of Forza/Gran Turismo, racing games in general have become pretty niche.

I did a similar thing a few months back and bought the Road Rash comeback.

It's ropey as all ****. There's heart there but I couldn't in all honesty say it's a good game, or even an enjoyable one.

there's a frog in my snake oil
It's ropey as all ****. There's heart there but I couldn't in all honesty say it's a good game, or even an enjoyable one.

Hah yeah, I'm glad this game's got heart. Still waiting to find out if it's still got game tho

PS I should also have mentioned it has insanely long load times, and an awful camera. Think some of the devs are still channeling their '95 knowledge

Just finished dying light. Its probably the best zombie game I've played so far. The missions, enemies, locations, fights had lots of variation. There were a few emotional moments as well.. Definitely Much more FUN than FarCry 4.
Gah, jealous. Mine's still running like a large man through lard

Just finished dying light. Its probably the best zombie game I've played so far. The missions, enemies, locations, fights had lots of variation. There were a few emotional moments as well.. Definitely Much more FUN than FarCry 4.
I haven't played it yet but I heard the same from many many people. I am anxiously waiting to play. It is supposed to be a massive game so to finish it in completion should take a while.

A system of cells interlinked
Just picked up a copy of Just Cause 2 on the strength of this thread. If it's half as good as the original Mercenaries on PS2 I'll be a happy camper. Not expecting GTA 5- enormous open-world-Trevor-Phillips-awesomeness. But it sounds like brainless fun all the same.
The scale of the world is actually a lot bigger, and it definitely feels a lot bigger, as mountain ranges tower over small villages and cities alike. The story doesn't get anywhere near the treatment of the GTA stuff, but for a sandbox game, the play space is MASSIVE.

Yeah, I've just finished the protection chase mission that opens up freeroam, and the map is huge. The controls are a little fiddly and the story is generic fluff, but I can still see myself dipping in and out of this one every now and again. Graphics are surprisingly detailed too considering the scale, though I am experiencing some distracting pop-in (PS3 version). Back to Demon's Souls for now though.

New graphics card is in; appears to be working fine. Much smaller. And obviously it's running a bit cooler than the old one. I haven't put it through its paces without anything too intensive yet, but I'll probably do that soon just to see how it goes.

Meanwhile, I uninstalled AC4: Black Flag. I might pick it up later, but I realized it's going to be awhile before I feel like doing so, and it was just sitting there taking up 30GB. 30GB I'm going to need in April when I buy Far Cry 4 (I decided to wait until after Lent).

Still mostly playing The Long Dark. I'm over 70 days and I'm sitting on a huge store of meat at the Camp Office. I'm in the mid-30s in bullets (not counting the ones back on Coastal Highway), so I could be here awhile, but I'm already at the point where it's all down to rote survival. I might just start sleeping away the days to breeze through it and get back to the point where it makes sense to return to the main base. It is, however, slightly easier to fish here, and while fishing isn't too efficient (and probably not enough to survive on alone), it's certainly a good way to spend your time to supplement your food stores when there isn't anything else to do with a given day.

At this point I just poke my head outside and see if there's a deer nearby--if there is I try to chase it into a wolf and then kill the wolf and take them both, maximizing the resources I can get for a single bullet. Otherwise I save the bullet and just fish or try to consolidate resources by harvesting/repairing. It's in this kind of context where fishing makes sense, I think.

The Adventure Starts Here!
Yoda, is this the same new run-through of TLD where you were fully expecting to just die a few times to get to know the new area? If so, congrats on that not really working out that way.

Yeah, this is my first run after they added the new area (Pleasant Valley). I'd expected to die just to get the lay of the land, and the first days were a little rough, but that's pretty much inevitable.

I realized during previous runs that you pretty much only die prematurely if you take unnecessary risks. Which I still do sometimes. But once you get a solid footing (IE: a couple days' worth of supplies so you're not forced to do anything desperate for sustenance), your death is almost certainly going to be the result of a simple lack of care, or else insanely bad luck.

Of course, by "lack of care," I mean making any significant trip away from a building where you don't take enough with you to live for a day or more if things suddenly go bad.

there's a frog in my snake oil
Properly getting into JC2 now. Finally seeing past the more ropey bits and just enjoying swinging about and blazing the different game loops. The 'flying tarzan' way of travelling when vehicle-less is very daft, but it's pretty damn practical on such an enormous map too. Finding some of the builds quite endearing n'all... (well, more personable than some of the characters anyway )...

It does hurt my eyes a bit occasionally, which I think I've pinned down to the far distance being fuzzy when moving at speed (but it's often where you need to look!). It also helps that I've now realised how to fly... (I'd arbitrarily flipped the vertical flight axis before trying it, which meant I plowed a lot of jets into oblivion before I twigged why I wasn't lifting off the ground )

Mixing up the mission set-pieces and the set-yourself-a-mission silliness is proving pretty darn great at the mo all told. I wish I was playing it right now


Think the latest DL update has given me 5 more frames on average it turns out. Still dumped down to around 20 in crowded streets, but some missions in more uncluttered areas made me feel like a weight had been lifted from my character. 45fps is a lot more fun

Reckon it says something that I've been willing to fight through the drag to keep visiting it though. There's something about the ubiquitous evil of the zombs that makes even the most incidental mission feel like you're helping society to survive one more day. I do like that. That and the free-flowing first-person carnage


Carmageddon is essentially a random collection of frames for me. Letting it sit until full release I think. If the upgrade options weren't quite so bland & unstrategic I might be tempted to grind a bit, but prob best to just wait.

Properly getting into JC2 now. Finally seeing past the more ropey bits and just enjoying swinging about and blazing the different game loops. The 'flying tarzan' way of travelling when vehicle-less is very daft, but it's pretty damn practical on such an enormous map too. Finding some of the builds quite endearing n'all... (well, more personable than some of the characters anyway )...

It does hurt my eyes a bit occasionally, which I think I've pinned down to the far distance being fuzzy when moving at speed (but it's often where you need to look!). It also helps that I've now realised how to fly... (I'd arbitrarily flipped the vertical flight axis before trying it, which meant I plowed a lot of jets into oblivion before I twigged why I wasn't lifting off the ground )

Mixing up the missions set-pieces and the set-yourself-a-mission silliness is proving pretty darn great at the mo all told. I wish I was playing it right now
Yeah, once you get used to using the grapple with the ground to fling yourself around the map, that's when the game gets really fun. Once you're done blowing something up you just finagle your way into the air and coast with the parachute, looking around for something blow-up-able in the distance, and off you go.

I hate getting pinned down in games, where having fun (read: doing stuff/shooting stuff/blowing things up) is immediately penalized with slews of enemies you have to mow down. That's why one of the big reasons I like Just Cause 2, Dishonored, and even Watch_Dogs: because the abilities you have in each allow you to swoop in, mess things up, and then extract yourself. Call it Chaotic Stealth.

This is probably why I hate it any time a game has a mission where you have to stay in one place and defend it.

The People's Republic of Clogher
New graphics card is in; appears to be working fine. Much smaller. And obviously it's running a bit cooler than the old one. I haven't put it through its paces without anything too intensive yet, but I'll probably do that soon just to see how it goes.
This is an excellent benchmark.

It also looks fantastic.

there's a frog in my snake oil
Yeah, once you get used to using the grapple with the ground to fling yourself around the map, that's when the game gets really fun. Once you're done blowing something up you just finagle your way into the air and coast with the parachute, looking around for something blow-up-able in the distance, and off you go.

I hate getting pinned down in games, where having fun (read: doing stuff/shooting stuff/blowing things up) is immediately penalized with slews of enemies you have to mow down. That's why one of the big reasons I like Just Cause 2, Dishonored, and even Watch_Dogs: because the abilities you have in each allow you to swoop in, mess things up, and then extract yourself. Call it Chaotic Stealth.

This is probably why I hate it any time a game has a mission where you have to stay in one place and defend it.
Yeah the guerrilla style grazing is great. I'm liking the gun/ammo approach now too, where you often have to just use what you find if you've run low. I imagine it'll see you suddenly going from borderline OP to scrambling to survive later in the game. I seem to spend enough time biting off more than I can chew as it is

I'm def not a fan of enemy 'waves' as a rule either (I guess JC does it too, but in some senses it's just providing you with more tools - helis etc ).

I don't mind defensive set ups in things like BF3 (ultimately your choice where you set up, and up against unpredictable humans etc), but yeah I def try and stay away from scripted stuff like that as a rule.