Rate The Last Movie You Saw


You mean me? Kei's cousin?

Look, Dr. Lesh, we don't care about the disturbances, the pounding and the flashing, the screaming, the music. We just want you to find our little girl.

You do know that it was played for laughs, right?
I wasn't too sure of if in fact it was supposed to be a serious film at the time.
Consumers will eat everything except the sequel

Furious 7

Tragedy what happened to Paul Walker however this movie was pretty weak for the series. I think the best part was the ending (just before the credits) with the Brian and Dom driving part. The plot is pretty weak but they packed it with action to try and distract the audience from the next to no story. Also why did Deckard Shaw even bother about avenging his brother, from his back story he seemed like he was doing his own thing rather than have a family connection. I did like the other tie ins with Tokyo Drift even though the actor clear looks 10 years older who played the main in that movie. They did a good job with either getting Paul's brothers, CGI and cut dialogue to fill in from his absence. I like James Wan's horror movies but he needs to work on action a bit more.

2/5 Stars

Killer Joe (2012)

Overall a good film but I went into it expecting something a bit different. For a movie named Killer Joe there wasn't a whole lot of killing in it and I wasn't expecting to be following a dysfunctional family for most the movie. I gotta say though, the last 20 minutes was crazy. Matthew McConaughey was very good.


Stagecoach (1939) -

Best 'murican western I've ever seen! Finally a western from the US that's better than most spaghettis. I screencaped my favourite frame above. It's much better when you see it in the film along with the men's reaction and music, but it's pretty cool itself, too. The movie's twice better than The Searchers I'm not a fan of and also much better than Citizen Kane in my opinion. You can clearly see Welles was fascinated by this film and watched it over and over when working on his debut film.

Also, what the hell is a whiskey drummer?
Nice one Minio. Probably my favourite Western. But I think it's a perfect film in how it's constructed, excellent storytelling to bring all the characters together, the Ringo kid introduction is awesome, the cinematography and the way the frames are put together is of course great, and the ending is great too (maybe a bit spaghetti-esque). I thought you would like it because it's where Ford is mainly concerned with creating myth as opposed to analysing it as well to the level he did in The Searchers.

I'm not sure what other Ford films you would like, maybe 3 Bad Men and 7 Women, I think they are more artistic and different in style to his normal works. Young Mr. Lincoln is great (from the same year), and if you check the Ford thread by bluedeed you'll see more discussion about his films in there. I'm glad he impressed you on his second chance

The last film I watched was 'Il bisbetico domato'. Of course it`s considered quite a piece of world cinema classics but I saw it just yesterday. And what I can say is this - it`s great! I was so longing for seeing a really good film and I got it! Chelentano is really great as an unconquerable Elia full of sharp jokes. Unconquerable? Well...Not quite

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
I contemplated the idea of watching silent Ford next, since I recently have watched a silent from a certain director and loved it more than any of his sound pictures!
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

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Detour (1945) -
Spring in a small town (1948) -

Sabrina (1954) -
Gunfight at the OK Corral (1957) -

Strangers on a Train (1951) -

Inside Out (2015) -

Solid weekend of movie watching.
Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

Hardcore (1979)


George C. Scott plays a Michigan father whose seemingly innocent teenage daughter disappears while on a trip to California. The police are doing what they can, but he flies out there and hires a sleazy P.I., played by Peter Boyle. While daddy is back in Michigan, the P.I. finds that the missing girl has appeared in a low grade porn film. The leads stall from there, so daddy flies back out west to search the seedy underworld himself, even posing as a porn producer.

I didn't think this was great, but I like movies with a seedy side. I found it to be unintentionally funny, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it isn't exactly what I'm looking for in a movie like this. Scott and Boyle both do a good job, although it is far from their best work. I think this movie could've been directed better to be honest; it has the look of a TV movie. I certainly enjoyed it, but it needed a little more oomph to be great for me.

I contemplated the idea of watching silent Ford next, since I recently have watched a silent from a certain director and loved it more than any of his sound pictures!
Yeah, it's much more of an action/adventure film than some of his other works in my opinion, went really fast for me. What director was that?

Spring in a small town (1948) -
Watched that myself as it was on Film4, thought it was fantastic

Also, what the hell is a whiskey drummer?
It's a whiskey salesman. I don't know exactly what the term "drummer" means, except maybe he's trying to "drum" up business or stir up interest in his product.
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, & King Hereafter
Gigli: 1/10 - Convoluted plot. Non-existent acting. Non-existent chemistry between Affleck and Lopez. Terrible dialogue. I want my 2 hours back!

Doubt: 9/10 - Not the best of 2008, but the acting, dialogue, and setting were all wonderful!

Gaurdians of the Galaxy (2014)

The only thing about this is that I very much prefer movies set on modern earth, rather than in space or some other world. Still, this movie is a lot of fun, especially with the characters and the soundtrack.

Sherlock Jr. (1924)


Thoughts posted in the Comedy Hall of Fame.

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
Transporter 3 (Olivier Megaton, 2008)

And that concludes a trilogy that had so much to be good but that's just overall disappointing (a bit like the screenwriter's career, Luc Besson)
This 3rd movie is a bit different on style and some parts of it are better than the other 2. However, the circle choreographed fights are still the same and the plot holes are still there! (Can't understand why the hell doesn't Statham have a gun always with him? Or when he has it why doesn't he keep it? The movie would take 20 minutes. Well,maybe that's the answer.)
Statham is equal to himself on this and I love Valentina, a incredibly sexy Statham-girl!
Good to watch at late at night if your mind doesn't want to think much, but it's far from being a good action movie.


Angels with Dirty Faces (1938)

This is probably the oldest gangster movie I've seen, and it seemed to me to be very much ahead of it's time. It starts out showing two youths getting into trouble; one ends up leading a life of crime and being in and out of jail, while the other becomes a priest. The story comes full circle in the end and it's a lot of fun. Of course, it stars Cagney and Bogart. Anything is worth watching for that reason alone. I wonder if Goodfellas would be the same if this movie didn't exist.