Ice Age

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I thought this was a great film! Highly recommended. Great to look at, funny story, nice characters. Overall, a winner. Anyone else see it? What'd ya think?

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Originally posted by Guy
I thought this was a great film! Highly recommended. Great to look at, funny story, nice characters. Overall, a winner. Anyone else see it? What'd ya think?
I only saw this film a few hours ago and have forgotten about it. Now that I'm thinking about it, there wasn't really anything original about Ice Age. I might have to see it again though.

filmfreak's Avatar
Registered User
I thought this movie was great, i really enjoyed it.

Okay it may have been a bit of a re-jig of 3 Men & A Baby but so what?

The CG was great and the script was actually laugh-out-loud funny in parts.

I would definitely recommend it if you like CG animated movies.

It was just a shame that "squirrel/rat thing," as you called it TWT, wasnt in it more, it was very funny.
Lex Luthor: "I'd question your integrity, but you're a journalist."

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
It's a Scrat for those not up on Ice Age literature.
"I was walking down the street with my friend and he said, "I hear music", as if there is any other way you can take it in. You're not special, that's how I receive it too. I tried to taste it but it did not work." - Mitch Hedberg

I liked it, it wasnt great, but good.
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-Hollywood Video rental guy to me

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Originally posted by mecurdius
I liked it, it wasnt great, but good.
No, it wasn't great, but it was adorable and it made me crack up and kept me entertained for an hour and a half, which is all I ask. The kids sitting in the row behind me may have helped, they laughed and cried at all the right times.

Originally posted by Cybernage
I dont get it.

greppin's Avatar
Why am I here?
Ice Age was ok, had some funny bits but it wasn't exactly make me cry funny. But one thing I did love was the cg waterfall scence that look nice and pretty.
"Someday we will be able to...", "because it has already begun"

Sic Networks

I didn't find Ice Age very entertaining at all. It was predictable, not very original and the animation wasn't exactly top notch. And what was with that annoying little sloth thing or whatever it was? Worst computer generated movie to come out.

Young ones would love it, though.

That movie was so boring!Its was also pointless I walk out of the movies i could not stand it anymore!
If none of you guys saw it yet don't!It is a waste of money to buy it or rent it!It is so boring!Just thought I would warn yu ahead of time!I bomb that movie!See you around!JM
Jackie Malfoy
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I think Ice Age is the closest CG has come to Looney Tunes level zaniness. I think the fact that the CG here wasn't meant to look "life-like" actually makes this more entertaining because in ways they had to get creative with the character designs. I hope Blue Sky gets more work because I think they add a lot in the CG-Animation field, Pixar and PDI are both great, and a little competition never hurt anyone.
Make it happen!

Originally Posted by Jackie Malfoy
That movie was so boring!Its was also pointless I walk out of the movies i could not stand it anymore!
If none of you guys saw it yet don't!It is a waste of money to buy it or rent it!It is so boring!Just thought I would warn yu ahead of time!I bomb that movie!See you around!JM

I liked Ice Age… Scrat was hilarious… and I thought there was a point… The animals were all, to a degree, misfits that normally would have never interacted with each other… but caught up by circumstances (the weather), they learned to help each other… not only for their own survival… but for that of the child's as well… Maybe this is just my take on it, but I thought there was a bit of a lesson for us all…
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

I actually own Ice Age on DVD and I can say without a doubt it was worth the money.

So perhaps some people didn't get it but to me it had some hilarious scene's and had more depth to it then at first hand. I've been quite happy to watch it numerous of times. It is entertaining, fun and enjoyable.
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