Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Meet the Parents (2000) -

Good film didn't really find it to be that funny though. I enjoyed the character moments and some of the ways he fvcks things up, but they take it to an absurd place, I really hate when everything goes wrong in these types of comedies.
I like this movie but I know what you mean...they really keep heaping it on poor Greg in the first film.

The Dreamers's Avatar
Movie Forums Member
The Dictator. It was Fun to watch and I laughed so hard

Rating: 7/10
Just a regular guy with a passion for movies. So much that I have a blog for it You can check it out, name's timeblt.blogspot.com and Thanks If you did

You can Call me Ramit as it is my real name.

A Place in the Sun (1951)


From the top 100 passions list, and the winner of 6 Academy Awards, is this very fine melodrama. George Eastman (Montgomery Clift) arrives into town uneducated and poor, and looking to get a chance from his wealthy uncle. The uncle gives him a job at the factory, and George hooks up with a co-worker (Shelley Winters), who is also from the lower class. George bounces between his new GF and trying to fit in with his high class family. He then meets high society girl Angela (Elizabeth Taylor), and the sparks fly. The only problem is that it turns out that his GF from work is pregnant. This is really when the main part of the story starts, and it doesn't look like a happy ending is in store. I thought the key to the movie was the believability of the love triangle. It made sense him getting together with his co-worker because they had things in common. On the other hand, there was a ton of chemistry between him and Taylor's character. Excellent characters, story, musical score, and visuals add up to a movie that'll be a strong contender for my 50's list.

Warcraft (2016) -

This movie was nowhere near as bad as I thought it was going to be.

But that doesn't mean it was really that good either. Like False Writer, I am also a fan of Vikings, and since Travis Fimmel is playing a very similar character here, I was fairly happy whenever he was on screen. Unfortunately the same cannot be said for...most of the other characters.

While some of the effects in Warcraft looked pretty good, the CG characters look terrible next to the humans, so going completely animated or completely live action would've been a much better choice. The Orcs often had strange jerky motions that do not look even remotely realistic, and if I hadn't met one of the stuntmen who did mocap work for various Orcs during the fight sequences, I would've assumed the entire thing was computer generated without any actors present.

But like I already said, I expected this to be much, much worse, so it's complete mediocrity was actually a pleasant surprise.

Warcraft (2016) -

This movie was nowhere near as bad as I thought it was going to be.

But that doesn't mean it was really that good either. Like False Writer, I am also a fan of Vikings, and since Travis Fimmel is playing a very similar character here, I was fairly happy whenever he was on screen. Unfortunately the same cannot be said for...most of the other characters.

While some of the effects in Warcraft looked pretty good, the CG characters look terrible next to the humans, so going completely animated or completely live action would've been a much better choice. The Orcs often had strange jerky motions that do not look even remotely realistic, and if I hadn't met one of the stuntmen who did mocap work for various Orcs during the fight sequences, I would've assumed the entire thing was computer generated without any actors present.

But like I already said, I expected this to be much, much worse, so it's complete mediocrity was actually a pleasant surprise.

Duncan handles it so well the guy just walks out.

Duncan handles it so well the guy just walks out.
He answered those questions brilliantly.

Just to clarify, when I said it should have been all CG or all live action I didn't, as the interviewer suggested, mean that it should've focused just on the Orcs or just on the Humans. I think Warcraft having a balance of the two sides was a good choice. I just meant that all the characters should have been fully CG, or all of them real actors (with heavy make-up/prosthetics for the Orcs). The blend of live action and CG just didn't look as good to as say, either of the two new Planet of the Apes movies, to a point where it actually distracted me from the film.

I was also going to suggest that people completely unfamiliar with the lore of World of Warcraft might not be able to follow the story as easily as fans could, but like Duncan Jones said in that interview, the same can be said for any film based on a pre-existed franchise, be it a novel, video game, or otherwise.

Battle Royale (2001) -

Good film, rating could go up on a rewatch. I thought this would be a lot more brutal than it was, i mean it was brutal but i feel the idea of it outweighs what you actually see. It was over the top and humourous enough for it not to be a tough watch.Which is a good thing for me. It was a lot funnier than i expected, i was expecting all serious and brutal all the time. During the training video when the teacher started chanting "thank you, say thank you class" i really cracked up because it was so out of nowhere. Then what happens next hint: no whispering obviously set the tone for the rest of it. Some of the kids performances i liked, some i didn't but this wasn't much of a problem since there was so many of them and there was so much going on. The teacher was great, ridiculously sadistic and uncaring. I think he was my favourite character actually. Also really liked the transfer students.

Will probably watch this again at some point.

Genre: Drama

I watched this after moviemeditation spoke so fondly of it and
what a movie.A mans life is left in shambles after he is falsely accused of being a pedophile-we follow his struggle
and struggles of those close to him.who should they believe?
great performances from the whole cast-
very realistic and will leave you frustrated and heartbroken.

the only thing that keeps it from getting top score for me is the ending

WARNING: spoilers below
after everyone turning on him so fast,getting beaten up,having his dog killed and his son beaten up i wish he would have showed some anger when the girls father came by at the end.i liked the veeery ending,but i still have a bit of a problem with everything going "back to normal" before that. but the ending slightly made up for that

im sad to see you didnt like Battle Royale more Camo! however i first saw it as a teen,maybe i wouldnt have liked it as much if id seen it for the first time as an adult.

im sad to see you didnt like Battle Royale more Camo! however i first saw it as a teen,maybe i wouldnt have liked it as much if id seen it for the first time as an adult.
I liked it fine,
+ is a good rating. Also as i said it may go up on a re watch.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
I liked it fine,
+ is a good rating. Also as i said it may go up on a re watch.
Avoid the sequel.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Welcome to the human race...
But then he wouldn't get to see marvellous scenes such as this one (contains spoilers):

But seriously, I was pretty vocal about my issues with it, yet looking back can't help but give me the feeling that I might have underestimated it a little and that it might actually be a decent example of a go-for-broke sequel that ramps up the absurdity of the original. Still not in a hurry to revisit it, though.


Philadelphia -
, maybe

Predictable, but solid.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0