Rate The Last Movie You Saw


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28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
The Shallows

(Jaume Collet-Serra)

"What was once in the deep is now in the shallows"

Clocking in at a quick 87 minutes, The Shallows never strays from what it knows it is, a heart thumping survival flick. The plus side to the film is that it deals with a shark and Blake Lively in a bikini for the majority of the film.

"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
People Will Talk (1951)


This movie instantly won me over with the first character of the movie being played by the Wicked Witch from The Wizard of Oz. I had never seen this actress in anything else, and despite her short lived screen time, I got a big kick out of it. I wasn't expecting much from this movie with the thought that it would be a corny romantic comedy. There's humor, and there's romance, but this ain't no rom-com. In fact, it gets fairly heavy at times for it's era. Cary Grant leads a splendid cast playing an unorthodox doctor, and there are two engaging storylines. Throw in some strong dialogue and this ended up being a big surprise. I think most members would like this.

I think People Will Talk is a very underrated movie, and a hidden gem. I like the storyline about Professor Elwell trying to bring charges of misconduct against him better than the romance storyline. Parts of the romance storyline don't really work for me, but the movie as a whole is terrific.
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Kelly's Heroes (1970)
A conscience is what hurts when all your other parts feel so good.

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Unregistered User

Trouble Every Day (2001)

A hard one to rate. A vicious little shocker then genuinely did have me wincing in parts, which for a movie is pretty hard to do. Can become quite slow paced at times and I wasn't overly impressed with Gallo's acting. Dalle however is great and its no coincidence that the majority of the best scenes are with her. It's certainly not a film for the faint hearted and its easy to see why it has got panned so much but for fellow gorehounds, I'd recommend it, even just for shock value alone.

Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

Sorry Harmonica.......I got to stay here.
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back (2001)

2 irreverent stoners head to Hollywood to stop a movie being made about them.

I grew up with Cheech and Chong, so this was a natural progression for me. Jay and Silent Bob are a couple of irreverent, retarded (I use this word correctly, look it up) self-absorbed philistines.

The order of the day is a nonstop slew of dick/pussy jokes, self-references to Kevin Smiths' world, odd cameos, and sharp filthy dialogue.

That's all I really needed last night. Funny as hell. Thank you Kevin.

4.5 Boo Boo Kitty F#cks out of 5
Under-the-radar Movie Awesomeness.

The Wrong Man (Hitchcock) - 7.5/10
The Rules of the Game (Renoir) - 10/10
se7en (Fincher) - 10/10
I'Vitelloni (Fellini) - 10/10
Annie Hall (Allen) - 9/10
Cinema Paradiso (Giuseppe Tornatore) - 8.5/10

Past 12 days watchlist. Remember I only get to watch on Weekends unfortunately and even then I have been quite busy in recent weeks.

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The Rules of the Game (Renoir) - 10/10
I'Vitelloni (Fellini) - 10/10
Annie Hall (Allen) - 9/10

Cinema Paradiso

Past 12 days watchlist. Remember I only get to watch on Weekends unfortunately and even then I have been quite busy in recent weeks.
Nice watchlist! I especially love Annie Hall... I want to see "Cinema Paradiso" even rented it once, but the VHS was very grainy, and it kept stopping. Maybe I'll try harder one day

Finished here. It's been fun.
The Neon Demon

Refn has just created the ballsiest surrealist film since Inland Empire.

Independence Day: Resurgence (2016) -

Unless you really want to see the big spectacle set pieces on the giant screen, save yourself the hassle, stay home, and watch the first Independence Day instead.

This movie lacks the charm the original ID4 had, and while it tries really hard to hit the same notes, it ultimately just falls flat. The younger characters are not interesting (and it was a mistake trying to get Half a Hemsworth to play a character similar to Will Smith's from the first film), the jokes mostly fall flat, and the final confrontation doesn't have the same weight and impact as the first Independence Day, despite having supposedly higher stakes.

The action is good overall, and the effects looked great in IMAX 3D, but it's worth noting that the theatre was practically empty. There was maybe 15 or so people there (including myself and my two room mates) on Friday evening, opening weekend. That's not a good sign.

The Neon Demon

Refn has just created the ballsiest surrealist film since Inland Empire.
Glad to hear someone liked it. Reviewers seem to be lighting NWR up on this one.

Welcome to the human race...
Noah -

Visually striking in parts and I like some of the additions it makes (e.g. fallen angels as volcanic rock-monsters) but otherwise extremely passable.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

One of the better noirs I've seen to date! If you're into this genre and haven't seen it yet, check it out - you won't be disappointed.

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One of the better noirs I've seen to date! If you're into this genre and haven't seen it yet, check it out - you won't be disappointed.
What movie? Your picture went out?