A documentary-style comedy that follows the journey of a young Welshman as he attempts to find employment.
"The Job Hunt" is a 2016 short film, shot in Pembrokeshire, Wales, in a documentary-style format. The film follows the trials and tribulations of Callum, an unemployed 19 year old seeking to better himself and with the help of a documentary crew, finally get a job.
Written and Directed by Daniel Metcalf
Cinematography and Editing by Sam Thomas
Starring Callum Metcalf, Jacob Arnold and John Cuffe
With Sarah Perry, Sophie Brookes, David Thomas and Jason Rogers
For more information please visit:
Facebook: facebook.com/TheJobHuntFilm
Twitter: twitter.com/JobHuntFilm
IMDb: imdb.com/title/tt4893036/
Mubi: mubi.com/films/the-job-hunt
Please share and feel free to leave any comments, feedback, questions etc.
Support my feature-length film project - Kickstarter
Last edited by Daniel M; 10-20-16 at 12:57 PM.