When you were a kid, what scene scared you?


Thank God, someone on this board who is close to my age. As for scenes that scared me as a kid, the flying monkeys in The Wizard of Oz terrified me as did most of the 1963 film The Birds...especially the scene in the attic.
I'm 51. When I was a kid it seems they'd bring the Disney films back around to the theaters every so often.
I certainly didn't see Snow White when it came out in 1937. But I remember my mom taking me to see Pinocchio, Dumbo, Peter Pan and a bunch of others, over at the "Turnpike Cinema" which was a combo indoor / outdoor movie theater (now there's a bunch of condos where the indoor movie theater and Drive-In once stood).

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Yeah, the flying monkeys - hell, the moment they step into the Haunted Forest I was petrified.

Quite a few scenes in Psycho scared me as a kid too.

THIS guy from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

And, of course, NOW I think he's awesome - go figure

When you were real little, was there a scene from a normal movie that scared you?
That's a good question. I'd have to think about it a bit.

"""" Hulk Smashhhh."""
The school bus scene in A Nightmare On Elm Street 2 scared the living crap out of me.
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"Banshee is the greatest thing ever. "

Horrifying scene.... I love this movie though

It's like you're unraveling a big cable-knit sweater that someone keeps knitting and knitting and knitting and knitting and knitting and knitting and knitting and knitting and knitting...

There's a terrible Simpsons episode called Large Marge: in it Marge gets a boob job. It kind of blows my mind that that was a reference and not just the obvious title.

I've never seen Pee-Wee anything so that's the first time i've ever seen that.

I was never scared of that, not even at a very young age. I actually found it hilarious mostly because of the way pennywise spoke "i'm pennywise the dancing clown, and you're Georgie" ,

Never had a fear of clowns so that may have played into it.

There's a terrible Simpsons episode called Large Marge: in it Marge gets a boob job. It kind of blows my mind that that was a reference and not just the obvious title.

I've never seen Pee-Wee anything so that's the first time i've ever seen that.
Ha, I think I remember that Simpsons episode. The Simpsons loves their references.

it has to be IT coming out of the sewer opening and the one in the toilets, i still get shills even right now when i remember, such a scary and eriee film.

I was never scared of that, not even at a very young age. I actually found it hilarious mostly because of the way pennywise spoke "i'm pennywise the dancing clown, and you're Georgie" ,

Never had a fear of clowns so that may have played into it.

haha he creeped me out!also because i knew georgi was gonna die.
also theres a scene where they as adults drive past him and he just waves..creepy as hell...the ending kinda ruined it for me though,he was scarier as a clown than the..spider?

that scene .......... one of my favorite childhood movies by the way.

The child catcher scene in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang scared me. Tempting those poor kids with lollipops gives me the chills 😮

The Guy Who Sees Movies
Sometime, when I was a kid, my parents took me to the drive-in to see The Forbidden Planet. When the Id Monster appears, the footprints that appear from the invisible creature, the electronic music soundtrack and the roar of that monster scared the crap out of me, worse than any creature I could see. Seconds later, the bolts of the ray guns fired by the crew members illuminated the thing. That was even worse. I think I saw that monster outside my bedroom window for a couple of weeks.

The monster is about 4 minutes into the clip.

I don't think I have responded to this thread.

The ending of Carrie and the scratching of the window in Salem's Lot. Also, Carousel in Logan's Run.