Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Ratcatcher (1999)

This is a bleak Scottish film that sure won't do their tourism industry any favors. I guess I'd call this a coming of age film that also shows how a young boy deals with a tragedy. This is a good film, but it's slow with zero entertainment value. It is a depressing watch, although it wasn't quite the kick in the nuts I had hoped for.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé

Lured (1947)
++ A thriller with comedic highlights featuring Lucille Ball, James Coburn, George Sanders and a cameo by Boris Karloff. Ball is hired by Scotland Yard Inspector played by Coburn to play bait for a serial killer that may have killed her good friend.
Fun, dark, intriguing with a bit of romance tossed in.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Eddie the Eagle (2016)

Film based on the true-life story of Eddie Edwards, the British fellow who wanted to be an athlete all his life, with his main goal being to make it to the Olympics. He became quite adept at skiing and changed his sports several times over the years, much to the consternation of his working-class dad, who was driven to to distraction by Eddie, and Eddie's mom, who faithfully supported his dreams. He turns to ski-jumping. He has to qualify to make it to the 1988 Calgary Olympics and he was fairly good on his own but meets a former, disgraced ski-jumper who is on the sauce, played by Hugh Jackman. Since Jackman is the big star here, you know they'll get together as coach and student and therefore Eddie improves. Mind you, Eddie
WARNING: spoilers below
is not enthused so much by medals as he is by just meeting his own standards of excellence, and if he brings glory to the U.K.
He is met with resistance all along the way by those who think he's a joke.

Taron Egerton, who was excellent in Kingsman: The Secret Service is almost unrecognizable as Eddie and does a fine job in the role. Hugh Jackman is also great as Bronson Peary, his reluctant coach. Christopher Walken has a very small role as Peary's former coach. Keith Allen and Jo Hartley are super as his distracted parents, one distracted in a positive way and the other not-so-positive. They bring quite a few laughs. All said, a fun, pull-for-the-underdog feel-good type of movie. Recommended.

Allegiant (2016)

The third in the series of adaptations of Veronica Roth's post-apocalyptic young adult books is almost all action and I didn't mind that. Not that the previous two didn't have their fair share but this one has less exposition and more straight ahead movement. So even at a two-hour running time, it feels shorter. All about the different factions in futuristic Chicago from the previous movies now broken apart, with the baddie from the first two films gone. Stepping up is Naomi Watts as Evelyn, who tries to rule the the city but is failing to keep order under control and clashing with a former faction leader, played by Octavia Spencer. But the real stars are of course Shailene Woodley as Tris, the "perfect" person once coveted by the former leader of Chicago, and Theo James as Four (I forget why he's named that), the star-crossed lovers who escape the new fighting in the city and traverse across the wall (that keeps everyone in Chicago) where a hopeful utopia awaits them. Of course not everything goes their way or this would be a pretty short movie. Jeff Daniels plays the leader of the mysterious "utopia" they eventually find. Anyway, if you liked the first two, which I did, you'll like this one. A fourth and final film is supposedly on hold, because apparently this one didn't make a lot at the box office. Which is weird because with its USA total and its worldwide gross, it made twice the budget back. Right now, it's being slotted as a "TV-Movie," which would be weird for some who saw the first three at the cinema but not for me since I've seen them only on cable. And HBO holds the TV/Cable rights to the sequel so since I've got HBO, no worries here. They just have to make it. Anyway, not a bad time waster at all and Shailene gets better-looking all the time and Naomi is still fine. Reasons enough to watch the movie.

"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

Hosoda's film is not at his best (being his weakest film out of the four I watched) but still works quite well: I found it a bit forced at times. Well, his style lacks the elegance of Miyazaki although he looks like he is consciously trying to copy him.

13TH -

Uh.. not sure what to say exactly. The best doc i've seen in a while and one of the best films this year. Don't think most of it is surprising and i think most of it is going to get more and more forgotten because there's no reason for the average law abiding white man to give a crap. I'm over here not really giving as much of a crap as i probably should.


Welcome to the human race...
Green Room -

Respectable all-American small business gets attacked by ignorant lefties! Sad!
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

I'm always shocked when people with great taste give it a high rating. But then, maybe it me who is missing something.

Falling Down (1993)

I've seen this film a number of times and somehow I still enjoy watching it. Though I agree it tends to get silly in certain parts, I think that it makes some valid points and carries a strong underlying message. To me, it's like a dark road trip movie (except that he goes everywhere on foot) with rather creative writers. Also, Michael Douglas nailed the working class anti-hero character.

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
Unregistered User

Sorcerer (1977)

I've been on such a great run of films recently and this is probably the best of the lot. It was going to take a lot for this to beat Cluzot's Wages of Fear but it certainly delivered. You can see how Friedkin called this his hardest picture to film. Some of the locations look so daunting that's its amazing filming was ever completed, not to mention some of the other on site problems that took place causing change of crew.

Scheider puts in a brilliant performance as the hard as nails gangster forced to leave the country and along with his 3 other members he's teamed with, it really is a thrilling watch the whole way through. Besides the performances its the cinematography and score that really sets this apart. Some of the scenes of the journey are quite exquisite and accompanied with the score its just so intense.

Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

The Usual Suspects (1996)

The Jungle Book 9.9/10

Finished here. It's been fun.
Othon (1969)

I really struggled with this one. The images are rather striking, but this film is essentially a collage of never-ending dialogues. Besides, it doesn't help that each character speaks at uncommonly fast rate. I never have issues with reading subtitles, but, here, the rate of the dialogue doesn't allow for me to soak in the images.

It Happened One Night -

Rewatched this this morning. First watched and loved it a few years back when i was just starting to get into classic films and i wasn't sure if i'd still like it as much after seeing so many movies. Thankfully i still did, i don't really think there's anything that outstanding about it, it is just a really sweet and charming film that always puts me in a good mood.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Eddie the Eagle (2016)
Glad to here you liked it, that gives me hope I just picked up Eddie the Eagle today at the library. It was a random find, by my wife actually. I had no idea if it was good or not, so now I'm even more excited to see it.