John's Reviews

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A system of cells interlinked
Originally Posted by John McClane
I liked to post a couple of things. First, I'm writing a review for Kill Bill Vol.1. Second, all of those who have seen October Sky know that Homer's dad wasn't really helpful. Well, I just read the book The Rocket Boys, the movie was based off the book by Homer, and his dad was really helpful. Third, I've sprained my wrist and it hurts like hell and it's slowing me down a lot. Some examples; typing, writing, chores, typing, working, typing. I think that's it.

I am in the same boat over here. I started playing guitar again recently and my tendons are in bad shape in both arms, and I managed to sprain my ankle dancing this past Saturday. Just in case people were wondering Typing has been taking a back seat these past couple weeks, until I get my technique back in shape in the guitar...
“Film can't just be a long line of bliss. There's something we all like about the human struggle.” ― David Lynch

You ready? You look ready.
Originally Posted by nebbit
Hope your wrist gets better soon.
Just went to the doctor and got it X-Rayed. Should find out what's wrong in about a couple of days. When ever I type it throbs like a son of a b****.
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

You ready? You look ready.
Originally Posted by Sedai
I am in the same boat over here. I started playing guitar again recently and my tendons are in bad shape in both arms, and I managed to sprain my ankle dancing this past Saturday. Just in case people were wondering Typing has been taking a back seat these past couple weeks, until I get my technique back in shape in the guitar...
Hope you feel better soon.

Originally Posted by Sedai
I am in the same boat over here. I started playing guitar again recently and my tendons are in bad shape in both arms, and I managed to sprain my ankle dancing this past Saturday..
well you are a goose, get better soon
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

You ready? You look ready.


“Where Will You Be?”

Movie: The Day After Tomorrow

Rating: Rated pg13


Director: Roland Emmerich

Release Date: May 28, 2004

Cast: Dennis Quaid, Jake Gyllenhaal, Emmy Rossum, Jay O. Sanders and Dash Mihok

When ever I saw the trailer to this film my hopes went up a little bit more and after the movie was finished, I wasn’t let down..

Once the helicopter view of Antarctica began, my mouth hit the floor, and stayed there. This film has it all; suspense, great CGI, some good acting and most of all, a good message. A message that’s so clear, even a teenager can’t ignore it. Its message is plain and clear; we can’t keep polluting the Earth as much as we do without having consequences. I know the consequences might be a little ways off but, we must act now. If we don’t, our children (I) and our grandchildren (my children) could be the ones to suffer.

The government of the United States of America is ignorant and fool hearted in this movie, much like in actual life. They do nothing until the last minute. This puts a spotlight on our actual government—makes you think: are we prepared enough to handle something like this? That’s one thing I like about this film; it makes you think about our preparedness.

New York City Frozen
I personally love the CGI in this film; at some points it makes you think “how did they do all this? I mean, they can’t destroy New York City.” That, in my opinion, is a job done well. They did a great job of blending the CGI with the rest of the movie but, it’s not the best. I wasn’t fooled one bit when I saw the wolves; they looked extremely fake. It’s just too bad they can’t use real wolves.

There’s also some good acting by Dennis Quaid, who played Jack Hall, and Jake Gyllenhaal, who played Sam Hall. There’re the only ones that really stick out, to the general audience, because they got the most screen time.

I’ve taken to noticing the supporting acting since joining Movie Forums. Jay O. Sanders and Dash Mihok are the supporting actors that get the most screen time. Sanders character, Frank Harris, was my favorite from the movie. He doesn’t get a lot of screen time but, he does a good job with the time he has.
Huge Wave

I personally think this movie is a great way to start off the summer. I personally think that anyone who likes movies should see this but, the people that would get the most out of it are the ones that like to say “what if?”

There’s a lot of political talk flying around about this movie but, to get the most out of it, don’t think about it in that way. The theory of this happening is correct but, there are a lot of things that, of course, wouldn’t happen. This film is a good way of getting a message to go nationwide really, really fast.

All in all, this movie is pretty good. If you don’t like the entire movie you’ll find something in it you’ll like whether it’s the CGI, the acting, or the message it puts out. Check it out and get in on the talk about on of the best films of the summer.

You ready? You look ready.
I was finally able to finish a review. I had started on Kill Bill Vol.1 but I decided to finish this one first. Expect Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban next. I will finish that one by Monday. I'm determined to do at least that. I've changed my grading scale to the letter system. It gives me more room to work with. Hope you enjoy the review.

A system of cells interlinked
Nice work Johnny. I might check this out, as I am a fan of CGI, and if it's as spectacular as some say, I can try to ignore the shortcomings many say this film has.

This is some good really good stuff.

I've only seen a few of these movies, I've only seen Die Hard and October sky. But after reading these i'd like to check out the others sometime.

You really put alot of effort into these and it shows.

Keep up the work John, i'm looking forward to more of these!
"I don't think there's anything to be afraid of. Failure brings great rewards -- in the life of an artist."---Quentin Tarantino

Good job, John.

I was pleasantly surprised when I saw this in the theater. It's the type of movie that is perfect for popcorn and mild chatting. Its shortcomings are forgivable because the movie is simply a lot of fun. Take a film like this too seriously and it will ruin the whole experience. Take it for what it is, a silly popcorn flick, you might just like it.
"Today, war is too important to be left to politicians. They have neither the time, the training, nor the inclination for strategic thought. I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."

You ready? You look ready.
Originally Posted by LordSlaytan
Good job, John.

I was pleasantly surprised when I saw this in the theater. It's the type of movie that is perfect for popcorn and mild chatting. Its shortcomings are forgivable because the movie is simply a lot of fun. Take a film like this too seriously and it will ruin the whole experience. Take it for what it is, a silly popcorn flick, you might just like it.
Good advice. Couldn't have said it better myself.

You ready? You look ready.
Well, I got some bad news. I just got Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban computer game. Right now, I'm hooked. Sorry but, don't expect the movie review anytime soon unless, I can get unhooked and start it earlier. I'm also looking for the movie. If you know what I mean.

Originally Posted by John McClane
Well, I got some bad news. I just got Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban computer game. Right now, I'm hooked. Sorry but, don't expect the movie review anytime soon unless, I can get unhooked and start it earlier. I'm also looking for the movie. If you know what I mean.
I tested that game, can complete it in under 3 hours

You ready? You look ready.
Originally Posted by Philmster
I tested that game, can complete it in under 3 hours
It's the first game of them all that I've played. I also had to comit my computer for the night to converting the Prisoner of Azkaban download. I want to put it on VCD.

You ready? You look ready.
Well, I got some more bad news. I just started doing Fan Fiction. I'm hooked like a fish on a hook. I'll try my best to get a review out from time to time during the summer. I've decided not to write a review for the third Harry Potter film. Hopefully, if I can get my dad to do it, I'll review The Chronicles of Riddick next. Ta Ta for now.

Good job yet againMr. McClane.

You ready? You look ready.


“All the power in the universe can't change destiny.”

Movie: The Chronicles of Riddick

Rating: Rated pg13


Director: David Twohy

Release Date: June 11, 2004

Cast: Vin Diesel, Colm Feore, Thandie Newton, Judi Dench, Karl Urban, and Alexa Davalos

Sequels; they’re starting to get better and this movie is a fine example of that.

The Chronicles of Riddick picks up 5 years after Pitch Black; and it doesn’t reflect the prequel in anyway.
Pitch Black is one of those films that depended on the action to make the film good; The Chronicles of Riddick is nothing like that. It’s a film that’s good all around and just plain loveable.

We first see Riddick running from his bounty hunters on a snowy planet and, knowing Riddick, he’s not going down with out a fight. We then see Riddick (Vin Diesel) get caught up in a galactic war that will, later, depend entirely on him. Riddick, being the simply criminal he
Killing Time
is, doesn’t want to get wrapped up in other people’s affairs; he’s done that one too many times. He does a good job of keeping out, but the only way he can get the bounty off his head is to help. When special circumstances come up, he helps because we all know that deep down, Riddick has a soft side.

Diesel does a great job of playing Riddick again; he did a great job of keeping the character the same because I didn’t notice a difference in the character. He still had the same cockiness and badass image as before. Personally, I think this character is just perfect for Diesel and I’m glad he’s the one portraying him; he’s flawless when it comes to Riddick.

Lord Marshal (Colm Feore), the commander of the army that wants to end anything and everything, is a paranoid, psycho. I can’t give up much about him because it’ll ruin the story and I don’t want to do that. I’ll just let you know that he has extreme powers; powers beyond all belief.

I will say that this film is much, much better then it’s prequel. It elaborates a lot more on Riddick’s past and where he comes from. It’s a fun packed and exciting film that’ll blow your socks off; well, not literally.

I do recommend that you catch Pitch Black before seeing this film. It’ll make more sense to do so because this movie has some references to it. You might even like Pitch Black.

In you have a free day, which you should since it’s summer, check out Riddick. If you can’t catch it at theatres, pick it up when it arrives on DVD.

This is on of the many sequels this year that’s either good as, or better, then the prequel. If all sequels were to follow in the footsteps of ones like these, me might have something to look forward too. This is, undoubtedly, one of those sequels you won’t regret seeing.

Originally Posted by John Mclane
This is on of the many sequels this year that’s either good as, or better, then the prequel.
What prequel? Pitch Black came out first with the character of Riddick. Then now The Chronicles of Riddick which takes place 5 years after that is a sequel.

David Thowy's The Chronicles of Riddick is (from what I heard) supposed to be part of a trilogy. Though I am not quite sure if Pitch Black is part of it, or not.