Arnold Schwarzenegger And James Cameron back for another terminator


Welcome to the human race...
To his credit, it seems like he's going for roles that seem to demand him to show off his acting chops a bit more as of late, like Maggie, or Aftermath. I can't comment on how successful they are, since I haven't watched them, but there's that.
I thought Maggie was decent and he did a solid job with the material.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
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I think now that he's not a box office darling anymore, he kind of has to find a new audience, or gain respect back from his fans by showing them something they've never seen from him. I really hope the right movie comes along that does just that. But, until then, it seems like he's still halfway trying to do the same thing he's always done, almost like he never left. Just this time no one is paying attention.

I think now that he's not a box office darling anymore, he kind of has to find a new audience, or gain respect back from his fans by showing them something they've never seen from him. I really hope the right movie comes along that does just that. But, until then, it seems like he's still halfway trying to do the same thing he's always done, almost like he never left. Just this time no one is paying attention.
what do u mean, as if ur ignoring 2009 s avatar , everyone liked avatar and i dare someone who says he didn t like it...

I think he was talking about Arnie. Though I have to say, I must be no one... cause I'd rather watch a new Arnie film than 99% of the non-entity "stars" of today.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I think he was talking about Arnie. Though I have to say, I must be no one... cause I'd rather watch a new Arnie film than 99% of the non-entity "stars" of today.
I cannot disagree with that.

what do u mean, as if ur ignoring 2009 s avatar , everyone liked avatar and i dare someone who says he didn t like it...
I did mean Arnold. Cameron is, and always will be a colossal blockbuster figure.

And, I know more way more people who dislike, or are indifferent Avatar than people who actually like it, actually.

... I think it's a decent picture.

avatar is bad???? man are you serious???
Of course he isn't
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

Welcome to the human race...
Nah, if you've read Tuthmoses's other posts then you'll know they have a bone to pick with modern blockbusters.

If they want to make it a sucess, they need to get the cool back. Relying on past sucesses is not going to make anyone watch it, other than a few hardcore fans.
and read this article made with actor joe morton 25 years after terminator 2.

Trouble with a capitial 'T'
James Cameron should go sell movie tickets on a street corner somewhere It's sad to see a once important director, wasting his career by shamelessly milking his past movie hits, with sequel after sequel after sequel.....ugh!

You can't win an argument just by being right!
James Cameron should go sell movie tickets on a street corner somewhere It's sad to see a once important director, wasting his career by shamelessly milking his past movie hits, with sequel after sequel after sequel.....ugh!
I guess he has to pay for all of his wives some way.

Welcome to the human race...
It's just wild how they're planning on ignoring Genisys, a movie that effectively ignores the events of the rest of the franchise.

It's just wild how they're planning on ignoring Genisys, a movie that effectively ignores the events of the rest of the franchise.
because genesys was a trash movie and should never have been made, period xd

Welcome to the human race...
I figured as much, it's just funny to me. At this rate, they're going to do more continuity resets than Highlander.

Arnold is too old now, he's going to end up dying jumping out of a car or something, it shouldn't happen if they flopped genesis, they'll do the same for this.

imdb ratings are quirky. Sci-fi/fantasy is always way to high. Unfortunately, Avatar had very little originality to it other than the setting. The military as bad has been done to death as well as the whole environmental theme. The movie is nothing more than another installment in a long list of Dances With Wolves rip-offs.

The only well done confrontation in the film was when Michelle Rodriguez faced off against the colonel in the helicopter, 'You're not the only one with a gun, b****!'
al gor deputy of bill clinton,he made this film about the environment, at a time when global warming is such an important topic and they were investing money to enhance awareness, so avatar was made at a time when the global warming was a hot topic, the idea of havinf this film comes to support this notion

imdb ratings are quirky. Sci-fi/fantasy is always way to high. Unfortunately, Avatar had very little originality to it other than the setting. The military as bad has been done to death as well as the whole environmental theme. The movie is nothing more than another installment in a long list of Dances With Wolves rip-offs.

The only well done confrontation in the film was when Michelle Rodriguez faced off against the colonel in the helicopter, 'You're not the only one with a gun, b****!'
al gor deputy of bill clinton,he made this film about the environment, at a time when global warming is such an important topic and they were investing money to enhance awareness, so avatar was made at a time when the global warming was a hot topic, the idea of havinf this film comes to support this notion
A movie can still be about the environment and be original. And political bias almost always makes a film formulaic. It saddens me whenever politics comes before art in a film.

The environment is only a hot topic for one side of the political spectrum in America. Which means the other half of the country isn't going to be as emotionally involved. And if Al Gore and James Cameron want to create 'awareness' for the environment among those who aren't already aware (the right wing), demonizing the military and presenting patriotism as xenophobia isn't going to win these people over. It's just preaching to the choir.

The end result is that it's a waste of both art and politics.