Invasion of The Body Snatchers remake...again


"The body snatchers are back, with Warner Bros. developing a remake of the sci-fi classic Invasion of the Body Snatchers, The Hollywood Reporter has confirmed.

Horror screenwriter David Leslie Johnson will pen the script for the feature, which will be produced by John Davis, who is known for I, Robot and Chronicle.

This might just do nobody any good.
Yeah, I'm totally down with another version of this. I'll wait to see who gets involved before really, really getting hyped.

It's been nearly 40 years, not the worst idea in the world
Well, in 2013...

WARNING: spoilers below
The World's End adapted the concept quite perfectly.

Yeah, I'm totally down with another version of this. I'll wait to see who gets involved before really, really getting hyped.

Well, in 2013...

WARNING: spoilers below
The World's End adapted the concept quite perfectly.
totally agree, if they don't rush it and depending who get's on board

WARNING: "" spoilers below
I still haven't watched it, was told it was a wasn't as good as SotD or Fuzz (I wasn't a fan of Fuzz)
can i have one of those buttons?