Question everything, huh? Okay, then - why is this documentary necessary? If this documentary is so entry-level, why would you recommend it to the people who would protest it while working off a similarly basic understanding?
Originally Posted by Iroquois
Why assume that feminism (or "calling ourselves feminists") is just a "phase" that people go through?
I was speaking more to the "redpilled" like myself, just many of the people featured in the movie previously considered themselves feminists before they too separated from the movement.
And spoiler:
However that is not to impugn the work of people like, say, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who I believe more accurately describes the problem being not the idea of feminism itself, but it's modern first-world third-wave incarnation.
Originally Posted by Iroquois
Does this film actually investigate the reasons for claims such as men generally dying sooner than women or is it just context-free point-scoring?
Originally Posted by Iroquois
Is the "red pill" community any less of an echo chamber for setting up their opposition as "bluepilled"?
Near the end the movie does distinguish between 3 different "men's rights" communities, that being general MRAs (want to change the system), MGTOWs (want to escape the system), and the, admittedly confusingly named "RedPills", in reference to the r/TheRedPill Reddit board (want to exploit the system).
I follow a couple self-described MRAs online and at least one of them, while generally quite sensible, does occasionally go off on a tangent about how there has never ever been anything redeemable about Feminism. You make a distinction comparable to the above between oldschool Suffragists and Suffragettes.
Is there echo-chamber-y behavior going on? Yeah. Isn't there always?
Originally Posted by Iroquois
Does its questioning of assumptions about men's roles in society reflect back on toxic ideals of masculinity or is it all focused on blaming The Feminists?
Originally Posted by Iroquois
How does one distance themselves from feminism and also acknowledge women's hardships?
Originally Posted by Iroquois
Does the film do anything to acknowledge the Red Pill's toxic public reputation or the negative connotations it creates for legitimate men's-rights concerns?
I would say it does pretty heavily lampshade the kind of behavior that got it protested, but if you're talking about MRAs, again, the movie opens up by specifically drawing attention to their negative public image. MGTOWs and r/TheRedPill aren't addressed much, but they're either not engaged in the conversation or actively trying to take advantage of a bad situation. There are parasites on the underbelly, but they're not representative of the majority.
Originally Posted by Iroquois
What exactly makes Sargon worth listening to?
I have collected all objections about his methods and errors, which boiled down to the list of 10 cases we have covered here (you can refer to other cases in the comments section if you have more). I conclude that 7 of these cases were unsupported. I conclude that in more than 5 years of public life, counting more than 50,000 tweets, participation to more than 1,500 videos that have generated more than 300 million views, in addition to more than 300 livestreams, Sargon has committed a total of 3 minor errors. In one case, he misused quotes in a tweet. In a second case, he failed at providing the contextual definition of the legal concepts clearly delineating the meaning of the words he was using. In the third case, he misspoke and used the word 'probably,' when the best description would have been 'possibly.'
I conclude that every day, billions of people listen to other people whom they consider authorities, and who have demonstrated a much higher rate of error than he does. The retraction rate of Sargon, per volume of statements, does not seem to be higher, and if anything could be argued to be lower, than that of major news media and scientific articles published in peer-reviewed publications. This is quite impressive considering that he is under much tighter scrutiny than the average peer-reviewed scientific journal. Millions of eyes have crossed his content, while many scientific papers went unread by anyone on the shelves of our libraries. Perhaps even more impressive is that Sargon has been systematically acknowledging the existence of these errors and recognizing his errors on the public space.
Sargon is a decent human being. There is no evidence of intellectual or academic misconduct on his part.
Jean-François Gariépy, Ph. D.
I conclude that every day, billions of people listen to other people whom they consider authorities, and who have demonstrated a much higher rate of error than he does. The retraction rate of Sargon, per volume of statements, does not seem to be higher, and if anything could be argued to be lower, than that of major news media and scientific articles published in peer-reviewed publications. This is quite impressive considering that he is under much tighter scrutiny than the average peer-reviewed scientific journal. Millions of eyes have crossed his content, while many scientific papers went unread by anyone on the shelves of our libraries. Perhaps even more impressive is that Sargon has been systematically acknowledging the existence of these errors and recognizing his errors on the public space.
Sargon is a decent human being. There is no evidence of intellectual or academic misconduct on his part.
Jean-François Gariépy, Ph. D.
Originally Posted by Iroquois
If questioning everything is so important, then how much did you question what this film was doing?
To be honest though, maybe I'm just not describing it well. It told me a lot of things I already knew, so not a whole lot jumped out at me as new or challenging information.
Originally Posted by Iroquois
I don't think I've questioned everything, but it's a start.
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