One of my favorite films ever and one that 22 years later is still controversial and draws a split reaction among many. I find it's a brilliant satire on the media's irresponsible habit of glorifying murderers and their crimes and how they've made our culture one obsessed with violence and fame. The message of anyone can be a celebrity and how there's no line between fame and infamy is one that while relevant then is moreso than ever now. The performances by all are excellent, with the standouts including Woody Harrelson as the deadly yet charismatic Mickey Knox, a pre-Iron Man Robert Downey, Jr. as sleazy and fame-seeking tabloid journalist Wayne Gale and a scene-chewing Tommy Lee Jones as the profane and hot-tempered prison warden. The film is also noted for it's unique filming style with how it switches between formats and switches between colors, which helps to give it a manic, desensitized feeling reflective of the media's presentation of violence.
It's not a film for everybody for sure but it stands as a major favorite of mine.
It's not a film for everybody for sure but it stands as a major favorite of mine.