God, this is exhausting.
I don't see much favor of men vs. women in films right now. If anything, women have landed a primo spot as action hero, romantic lead, dramatic thespian many times over, and this has been happening for DECADES. Some people won;t be satisfied until they've imagined every last thing in nature neutered and spayed. Go write a book in the corner, man, seriously! Haha.
You go to the movies and what do you see? Payback, jokes to shame men, make him the weaker sex for a change. OK, well..a little ribbing is always fun. And it's been done. But what is a weaker sex? In what arena? Why focus on that at all if two people can use their best attributes to assist each other in getting on with life productively and with some happiness?But these agendas to try and usher in this mentality of a sex war...it's been happening forever. When the war between genders stops, maybe we all can get on with enjoying life again?
Beating a dead horse here..keeping it going..perpetuating these things...seems like a frustrated person's outlet to gain some sort of control using a trending topic that thinks it's breaking new ground, when in fact this ground has been shattering since before a good percentage of freshly spawned ragers were conceived in the back seat of a Honda Prelude.