By how much male roles dominate Hollywood movies?


The same is true for Koreans, Indians, Ethiopians, Papu New Guineans in a different culture.
What does this even mean? That the film industry is a "male culture" and they need to accept that and not expect that favoritism to change for their sake? Or for the sake of art? And frankly I would love to see more Koreans and Indians and Ethiopians and Papu New Guineans in the industry as well and would be fully on board with seeking out their addition to the talent pool and their fair exposure in the industry.

If they cannot handle being surrounded by males they are unworthy to be filmmakers.
I think you mistake working with men with not getting the same opportunity as men. and the fact that you think being surrounded by men is the only way to be a "worthy" filmmaker just reinforces exactly the point so many of us have been making about bias.
Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies...

What does this even mean? That the film industry is a "male culture" and they need to accept that and not expect that favoritism to change for their sake? Or for the sake of art? And frankly I would love to see more Koreans and Indians and Ethiopians and Papu New Guineans in the industry as well and would be fully on board with seeking out their addition to the talent pool and their fair exposure in the industry.

I think you mistake working with men with not getting the same opportunity as men. and the fact that you think being surrounded by men is the only way to be a "worthy" filmmaker just reinforces exactly the point so many of us have been making about bias.
Like it's guaranteed that they will be great ot get the culture.

Color is magic.

iF 90% OF POLICE IN X CITY ARE iRISH why is that a bloody issue?

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I saw something on TV last night about attracting more males to traditionally female industries at all education levels so the MRAs can quit their complaining at universities and on the WWW.

iF 90% OF POLICE IN X CITY ARE iRISH why is that a bloody issue?
Its not if that city is Dublin. Probably worth looking into if that city is Detroit though. Its always better to reflect your constituency whether thats out on the beat or in the studio.

Its not if that city is Dublin. Probably worth looking into if that city is Detroit though. Its always better to reflect your constituency whether thats out on the beat or in the studio.
So you want some ideological quotas?

You can't win an argument just by being right!
The crying about giving everyone a FAIR GO at an education and career is very tedious. Why don't the complainers put their energy into doing something about talks concerning the banning of books written for little kids incase they are harmful to gender neutral relationships later in life eg Thomas the tank engine. Oh yes, I also read about this yesterday. Or even better, learn about groups like Boko Haram and other cults or groups that buy or kidnap little children and indoctrinate them.

So you want some ideological quotas?
Just fair representation and an equal playing field. After all, we already have subconscious ideological quotas in favor of men. Wouldnt want to make the same mistake twice now would you...

Just fair representation and an equal playing field. After all, we already have subconscious ideological quotas in favor of men. Wouldnt want to make the same mistake twice now would you...
Mistake? I think world cinema has a stellar track record with me.
I am not unsatisfied with the quality. The market works overall.

So you want ideological diversity qoutas for political movies?

Mistake? I think world cinema has a stellar track record with me.
I am not unsatisfied with the quality. The market works overall.
"The market" reflects "the bias" in "the society". Capitalism is hardly the answer to the question "how do we get rid of discrimination and bias".

So you want ideological diversity qoutas for political movies?
well I think I already made clear my thoughts on "ideological quotas" but ok I'll bite. What do you mean by "political movies" and why are you focusing on them specifically?

"The market" reflects "the bias" in "the society". Capitalism is hardly the answer to the question "how do we get rid of discrimination and bias".

well I think I already made clear my thoughts on "ideological quotas" but ok I'll bite. What do you mean by "political movies" and why are you focusing on them specifically?

It's gonna be great when the gov has you by the balls. There will be 0 bias from the mandarin class.

Because there are important ideas people gave their lives to. Just as important as race.

It's gonna be great when the gov has you by the balls. There will be 0 bias from the mandarin class.

Because there are important ideas people gave their lives to. Just as important as race.

This is vaguely unsettling and threatening. What do you mean by "mandarin class"?

Also, race is not important. Period. The color of one's skin is irrelevant to anything. To believe otherwise, I think, is to be racist.

This is vaguely unsettling and threatening. What do you mean by "mandarin class"?
Administrators. The people who make the state functional.

Administrators. The people who make the state functional.

Thanks for the reply. Interesting; I think that I can see how that came to be an expression.

But I disagree with the conclusion. The government is made up of human beings and when human beings are involved, there will be bias.

Thanks for the reply. Interesting; I think that I can see how that came to be an expression.

But I disagree with the conclusion. The government is made up of human beings and when human beings are involved, there will be bias.
My conclusion?

"It's gonna be great when the gov has you by the balls. There will be 0 bias from the mandarin class."

(Emphasis mine.)

You concluded that there would be zero bias from the government "Mandarin Class"; my reply was that, since people are involved, there could never be "zero bias".

"It's gonna be great when the gov has you by the balls. There will be 0 bias from the mandarin class."

(Emphasis mine.)

You concluded that there would be zero bias from the government "Mandarin Class"; my reply was that, since people are involved, there could never be "zero bias".
It was an ironic statement.

SJW's ruined irony. I don't balme you.

God, this is exhausting.

I don't see much favor of men vs. women in films right now. If anything, women have landed a primo spot as action hero, romantic lead, dramatic thespian many times over, and this has been happening for DECADES. Some people won;t be satisfied until they've imagined every last thing in nature neutered and spayed. Go write a book in the corner, man, seriously! Haha.

You go to the movies and what do you see? Payback, jokes to shame men, make him the weaker sex for a change. OK, well..a little ribbing is always fun. And it's been done. But what is a weaker sex? In what arena? Why focus on that at all if two people can use their best attributes to assist each other in getting on with life productively and with some happiness?But these agendas to try and usher in this mentality of a sex's been happening forever. When the war between genders stops, maybe we all can get on with enjoying life again?

Beating a dead horse here..keeping it going..perpetuating these things...seems like a frustrated person's outlet to gain some sort of control using a trending topic that thinks it's breaking new ground, when in fact this ground has been shattering since before a good percentage of freshly spawned ragers were conceived in the back seat of a Honda Prelude.