$$$Win cold hard cash just to have fun playing one of the most notorious online games MOFO has ever had.$$$
Welcome to the official thread for the 11th MOFO Survivor.
As stated in the title of the thread - this game has a monetary reward.
The winner of the game will receive winnings in the amount of $250.
We will also have a fan favorite category where the winner will receive $50.
During the game there will be opportunities to add more to the winnings.
Who is eligible to play? Almost any MOFO forum member will be allowed to play, but we do have a vetting process. Any completely new member to MOFO (last 3 weeks or so) will have to be approved by a majority of the current signed up players with myself having the final say. Unless there is some obvious reason (known alt account, banned member, etc...) you will probably be allowed to play. Please remember that NO ALT Accounts are allowed in the game. We are looking for players that get involved in the game and love competition.
You can sign up in the sign up thread or PM me directly which I advise as sometimes I might miss a post if things get busy.
Also be advised of this thread which may contain important info.
Our game is similar to the regular Survivor you see on TV, but it has many different rules and is always a lot of fun. I advise those of you that have never played to take a look at some of the previous game threads to get an idea how things go. Also feel free to ask questions in a PM or in the thread everyone is friendly here, at least until the game starts

Here are some links:
Survivor Part X: Into the Woods
Survivor 9: A Journey through the World
Survivor VII: MoFo Penitentiary
Survivor 5: Brains vs Brawn vs Beauty
Survivor 4: LATVERIA
Survivor- Mofo Island
My biggest piece of advice if you decide to play: do not take things personal. That is actually easier said than done and we all have our different styles of play. Try and have fun and you will.
The official start date for the game is June 29th 2018. Currently I am setting a few things in motion and although I encourage you to join asap you do have until the start date to sign up.
Once the game starts we will have immunity challenges and elimination tribals. I will post the full rules list at some point before the game starts, but basically you try not to get voted off.
This game will be sci fi/space movie/tv themed and you can pick any character you want but try to keep it at least somewhat on topic.
To all players:
I will update players and general info at the top of this current post. So if you ever want to see who is playing, been voted out, etc... just check back here.
So now that the basics are out of the way lets play
Survivor XI - Trapped in Space!!!!
The banner will be updated as new players join.
Active Players Still in the Game:
Captain T
Rauldc14 ~ Russell Casse
Donniedarko ~ Pizza the Hutt
Daniel M
Sexy Celebrity ~ Prymaat Conehead/Dracula ( woke up from cryosleep, became Dracula then went back to sleep)
CiCi ~ Melania-BOT
cat_sidhe ~ Loki/Barbarella
HashtagBrownies ~ Arnold Schwarzenegger
SZeroX - SZeroX
Voted Out:
Quit, banned, or otherwise no longer in the game:
SZeroX - SZeroX
7thson - Commander 7th Koenig
CosmicRunaway - Judge Dredd
SZeroX - SZeroX
7thson - Commander 7th Koenig
CosmicRunaway - Judge Dredd
Basic Rules of the Game
I want to try and keep things as simple as possible and be fair to all playing. If any player ever has any questions or concerns with rules or anything else please PM me and I would be happy to answer them. I do not plan on changing much (as far as basic rules go) from previous games. For the most part there will be challenges, rewards, and eliminations. We will have our theme of space which I will play the host and guide the storyline, but that is all engineered to be guided by you, the players. How you all interact and make moves will decide how the storyline goes, but ultimately the players control who stays in the game. Participation is important and I do understand that we all have different schedules so just participate when you are able. Sometimes the quiet players can move far in the game so if that is your strategy then by all means do what you think best.
1. This is not an exhausted list of rules but instead a basic guideline. The exclusion of something does not necessarily make it acceptable. Always ask to make sure.
2. IMPORTANT! No alt or proxy accounts. A proxy account would be having someone join just so they can vote how you want them to and not really play the game other than to further your chances to win. An alt account is a player that uses more than one character. Each player is allowed only one character in the game. Violation of this rule will result in immediate expulsion from the game.
3. Do Not spam/PM/hassle anyone on the MOFO forum that is not in the game. Do not engage them or players off the forum about the game, ie, Facebook, Twitter, etc… Unless they are consenting to such activity. Activity between players is encouraged and you are welcome to PM or contact each other in the game thread or by PM however you see fit, however no out of character threats or harassment will be allowed. Example: It would be okay for Pizza The Hutt to threaten to puke cheese all over Barberella’s face, but not okay for a player to contact another player on their FB or anywhere including MOFO telling them they will find out where they live and set their house on fire. Just use common sense, this is a game for fun and we are all adults or at least know how to act appropriately. On the other hand in game play we want competition and backstabbing and deceit, etc… It is what makes it all exciting.
4. Voting:
Unless otherwise stated or if a player has a special ability or penalty each player will get one vote per tribal council. Once votes are asked for you will be given a certain amount of time to cast your vote. Once all votes are submitted OR once the deadline is up voting will be closed. In most cases you will have 24 hours to vote so there should be plenty of time. You must cast your vote by sending me or an appointed person your vote. You cannot cast your vote in the thread. You can talk about who you are voting for all you want, but your vote does not count unless it is sent in. You can do this by PM here on MOFO or by email or FB messenger. I will send that contact info in a PM to all the players once the game starts. If for any reason you are unable to cast a vote before the deadline please let me know and I will see what we can work out. If all votes are not received after the deadline a PM will be sent to all those that need to vote to remind them and an additional time will be given, in most cases 1 hour. I can work with everyone as long as I am aware of any issues. If a player refuses to vote, he/she will either face expulsion or become ineligible for immunity at the next Tribal Council. Only a plurality of votes is needed to eliminate a player, not a majority.
In the event of a tie we will use “duels” to break them. If there are more than two players that are tied there will be some type of 3 way (or more) challenge with the last place player being eliminated.
5. Once we are down to three players the votes will turn to the jury with ALL players being allowed to vote. If a player quits or I banned it is the host’s decision to allow them to vote or not.
6. The winner (winners if it is a tie) will get a $250 cash prize. These monies will be sent by Paypal, money order, Venmo, or another means if I am able and it is requested. If a player decides on a different means of transfer of the winnings and there is a fee they will incur whatever the charge is out of the winnings. If you use a mentioned method I will cover any fees.
During game play there may be opportunities to increase the prize monies so look out for these opportunities.
7. This game can move fast and there are all kinds of caveats that may or may not go against the rules. Follow the game play and as always the host has the last word but will always be unbiased. If there is a conflict of rules or something that is unforeseen the host or appropriate appointed person will have the last word.
8. These rules may be edited, deleted, or amended at any time.
9. Have fun. Yes it is a rule .
Basic Info and termonology - updated as needed.
Escape Pods: an escape pod is a way to remove yourself from the game during a tribal vote period. This will allow you to be immune from being voted out, however you also will not be allowed to cast a vote. You must announce in thread or in PM before votes are called for to use an escape pod. You can do this at any time prior. I know many of you will not know or want others to know right up until the last minute. Therefore I will only announce who is sing their escape pods at the same time I ask for votes. You can of course mention it earlier yourself in the thread if you wish. Unless there are special circumstances (rewards) each player will only get 1 escape pod in the game so use it wisely. There is a slight possibility that an escape pod can malfunction. You will know this only after you attempt to use it.
If you are the player that is sabotaging an escape pod you may do so at anytime but the player that has been screwed over will get a chance to cast a vote. In order to sabotage an escape pod you must have won that ability in a challenge. The game will start off with one sabotage and one will become available in a challenge at a later time in the game. Escape pods cannot be used once we are down to 5 or fewer players.
Blood Kit: This kit allows you to identify someone that may be out to harm you or other players, You will know when the right time to use it is, or will you?
Thank you to Cosmic for the help. If I am unavailable Cosmic has the authority to handle matters.
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton
Last edited by 7thson; 06-25-18 at 06:11 AM.