What Will Be The Best Film Of 2019 Poll


What Will Be Best Film Of 2019
6 votes
Avengers Endgame
1 votes
Star Wars Episode 9
2 votes
The Lion King
0 votes
Captain Marvel
1 votes
Toy Story 4
0 votes
0 votes
Godzilla King Of Monsters
0 votes
Spider-Man Far From Home
1 votes
0 votes
Men In Black International
0 votes
16 votes
27 votes. You may not vote on this poll

The 2018 movie season is over and now a New Year Begins. What will be the best film of 2019 out of the most anticipated films as we know now that are coming next year. I know 1 or 2 are most likely but each year sometimes their are shocking films that take off and do better then people expected.
Who would have guessed that Aquaman might just be the biggest World Wide DCEU film. Or Black Panther would be bigger domesticaly then The Avengers or a movie about Han Solo while I loved the film it Flopped which has never happened for a Star Wars film.
So what will be your most likely top film this year.

While Avengers and Star Wars Episode 9 will be hits no question but I dont think people realize the love for The Lion King and Jon got allot of cash from The Jungle Book and it wasnt as big as The Lion King and put him in this and give him James Earl Jones as Mufasa again. Lion King should easily make as much as Beauty and The Beast and Lion King looks better then even I could have imagined. Star Wars has Solo and Last Jedi fatigue and Avengers 4 could deliver or it could fall a little short cause beating Avengers 3 is no easy task.

I'll say Lion King as the favorite, but Im hoping Glass turns out good enough to be the best of the year

Well not in terms of oscars and to be clear I only know so many films its why i put other. Also since when cant a big box office movie also be a great movie. Some movies make money and are garbage yes but some movies that are chosen as great films can be so boring and bad you wonder how this won an oscar for anything

I mis-read the title of this thread for some reason. I'm still sticking with other, though. Since I usually prefer the smaller films. But if I had to choose the ones that are listed, I'll say Toy Story 4.

Spiderman? isn't Peter Parker dead? or is this another cartoon thing
Do you know what a roller pigeon is, Barney? They climb high and fast, then roll over and fall just as fast toward the earth. There are shallow rollers and deep rollers. You can’t breed two deep rollers, or their young will roll all the way down, hit, and die. Officer Starling is a deep roller, Barney. We should hope one of her parents was not.

Spiderman? isn't Peter Parker dead? or is this another cartoon thing
Obviously he's coming back to life.

Obviously he's coming back to life.
obviously but I'm a bit confused about the timeline. whatever, so he comes back to life and goes on European vacation... as one does.

obviously but I'm a bit confused about the timeline. whatever, so he comes back to life and goes on European vacation... as one does.
Yeah, I had a debate about this on the Blu-ray.com forums. Because it is said that Endgame takes place 5 years after Infinity War. So for Peter to return back to high school after 5 years is a little weird. The only way to make sense out of it is if Far From Home is actually a prequel to Infinity War instead.

A system of cells interlinked
I mis-read the title of this thread for some reason. I'm still sticking with other, though. Since I usually prefer the smaller films. But if I had to choose the ones that are listed, I'll say Toy Story 4.
I'm with this guy. I also went with other, as my favorite film of the year usually isn't one of the big blockbusters. If I also had to choose from the listed flicks, I would probably go with Avengers: Endgame. The Last Jedi was bereft of heart and soul, so I don't hold out much hope for Episode 9.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Lol at putting Star Wars on there.

Biggest will clearly be Avengers Endgame, it won't be close.

Who knows what will be the best.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
I'll be surprised if Star Wars is in the top 5 grossing for 2019.

Like others it's probably not something on this list. But based on just this list, I'm most excited for the new Joker movie because it has Joaquin Phoenix as the flippin' Joker and a score by my favorite modern cellist, Hildur Gudnadottir. That being said -

I'm excited for the new Avengers just because I thought the way they left the series and characters with the cliffhanger in Infinity War (and that bit at the end of Ant-Man and the Wasp) was downright brilliant. The stakes are high - or in this case, the stakes are over and everyone failed and now what will happen? I don't think the question is whether or not the Avengers will find a way to come back and fix everything, because it's likely that will be the case - my question is how will they? I hope the filmmakers of Endgame find a very imaginative route to go with it all. The problem is the expectations that the current Marvel cinematic universe will end/transform into the next chapter in a satisfying and compelling way are very high - too high? As someone who has always been skeptical about the Marvel movies, I'm going in with an open mind - which means I may end up disappointed. But as someone impressed with Infinity War, I am hopeful.

I think this is the most I've ever talked about a Marvel movie.