What Will Be The Best Film Of 2019 Poll


What Will Be Best Film Of 2019
6 votes
Avengers Endgame
1 votes
Star Wars Episode 9
2 votes
The Lion King
0 votes
Captain Marvel
1 votes
Toy Story 4
0 votes
0 votes
Godzilla King Of Monsters
0 votes
Spider-Man Far From Home
1 votes
0 votes
Men In Black International
0 votes
16 votes
27 votes. You may not vote on this poll

I will bet you 1.3 billion
I think it will make 50 cents, but only if it features "In Da Club".

We've gone on holiday by mistake
I will bet you 1.3 billion
I would bet just about anything that it won't reach 1.3 Billion.

If it's very very good it might, just might scrape a billion.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Wait I think I've interpreted your post as a prediction.....doh

This might just do nobody any good.
How many viewings will it take for pedantic nerds to verify that they don't like it? 5 each, at least?
This post was not worth it.

Trying Real Hard To Be The Shepherd
I would bet just about anything that it won't reach 1.3 Billion.

If it's very very good it might, just might scrape a billion.
That was Jedi's number. I don't think it will fall much below that. Even at a billion it will be top 5, no? I know you want Star Wars to crash and burn but I don't think it's happening yet.

A system of cells interlinked
I think it will make 50 cents, but only if it features "In Da Club".
I did a cover of this on a kazoo while I sat in a canoe with a bass drum in my lap. PM for deets!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

This might just do nobody any good.
If we’re listing anticipation:

1. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
2. Avengers / Star Wars
3. The Lighthouse
4. The Irishman
5. Us

There’s also new movies from Bong Joon-ho, The Safdies and Armando Iannucci adapting Charles Dickens.

That’s off the top of my head.

I think Solo Overseas was a fluke cause its very odd it not having a world wide box office. I doubt an Episodic film will Bomb. If Star Wars wants people to see it they best have mark hamill aka Luke in the trailer or his voice. I think lots liked Force Awakens if anything JJ pay homages well to old Star Wars motifs. Johnson didnt do that well. Curiosity will make it do better then Solo cause people hating on Star Wars cannot hate it if dont see it.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I voted Other, because the majority of the movies on the poll are entertainment blockbusters. These are the films to look for winning the Oscar:

Black Panther
A Star Is Born
First Men

I hope it will be Joker
Do you know what a roller pigeon is, Barney? They climb high and fast, then roll over and fall just as fast toward the earth. There are shallow rollers and deep rollers. You can’t breed two deep rollers, or their young will roll all the way down, hit, and die. Officer Starling is a deep roller, Barney. We should hope one of her parents was not.

I voted Other, because the majority of the movies on the poll are entertainment blockbusters. These are the films to look for winning the Oscar:

Black Panther
A Star Is Born
First Men
Originally Star Wars was just a movie that happen to become a hit. So I dont see how because a film is a hit at the Box Office it cannot be a great movie. Yes sometimes a small movie is best film. Look at Bumblee Bee no one figured it be best movie of the Holiday weekend. But its not easy to find small Gems this early. The smaller films are always the unknowns and thus Other. Avengers isnt just a comic book film. For me a MCU film last 2 years are really good and not just a cash cow money grabber.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
That was Jedi's number. I don't think it will fall much below that. Even at a billion it will be top 5, no? I know you want Star Wars to crash and burn but I don't think it's happening yet.
I think all the goodwill has been used up, the characters that people were paying to see are gone. What's left is an inevitable confrontation between Mary Sue and Emo teenage Vader, and some sort of Convoluted plot device that will allow 12 people to defeat the First Order before Disney hastily dumps this story for some sort of fresh start.

Trying Real Hard To Be The Shepherd
I think all the goodwill has been used up, the characters that people were paying to see are gone. What's left is an inevitable confrontation between Mary Sue and Emo teenage Vader, and some sort of Convoluted plot device that will allow 12 people to defeat the First Order before Disney hastily dumps this story for some sort of fresh start.
You are probably the biggest dissenter of Jedi I have come across. I will totally trust your answer here. You seeing 9?

We've gone on holiday by mistake
You are probably the biggest dissenter of Jedi I have come across. I will totally trust your answer here. You seeing 9?
You couldn't pay me to see it. I will however watch for free in years to come, when it drops on Netflix or TV, not seen Solo either. I'm only a huge dissenter because I'm a huge lifelong Star Wars fan who despairs at the state of things.

I think ep 9 will do around 700m. It could be worse than that though. Depends a bit on Christmas competition, if there are strong alternatives then casual viewers might not see it, but if there's nothing else it could do OK.

I've been wrong loads of times though, I dismissed Infinity War but it was super successful. I've seen it 5 times, and will Deffo be going to see Endgame.

Trying Real Hard To Be The Shepherd
You couldn't pay me to see it. I will however watch for free in years to come, when it drops on Netflix or TV, not seen Solo either. I'm only a huge dissenter because I'm a huge lifelong Star Wars fan who despairs at the state of things.

I think ep 9 will do around 700m. It could be worse than that though. Depends a bit on Christmas competition, if there are strong alternatives then casual viewers might not see it, but if there's nothing else it could do OK.

I've been wrong loads of times though, I dismissed Infinity War but it was super successful. I've seen it 5 times, and will Deffo be going to see Endgame.

Fair enough. We will have to see next year. If it's not over a billion I will be shocked and declare Gandalf the king of all things cinema.