Rate The Last Movie You Saw


The Hunting Party (1971)

Someone could say there's a trend in my western choices of late. In other words, this one's yet another ultra-violent western following in the footsteps of The Wild Bunch and Soldier Blue. It's not as nihilistic as Peckinpah's work but it's bleaker in its tragedy.

Very good looking for an American western and solid cast (Candice Bergen sure picked herself some bloody films at the time). Hackman's sadistic millionaire reminds me of the Reverend from Brimstone (much more than Mitchum in The Night of the Hunter). Violence is quite brutal and the killer with his sniper rifle is almost horror-like, as inescapable as your average monster or a crazed serial killer. Definitely good film.


February (Oz Perkins, 2015)

Tries too hard, needed to show a little more restraint imo

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
Unregistered User

Criminal Lovers (1999)

Modernisation of Hansel and Gretel tale by Francois Ozon. Plenty of shocks too.

The Transfiguration (2016)

Enjoyed the film references to vampire movies. Didn't really have much else.

Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

The last movie i saw was Pet Cementry
I rate it 8/10

I liked Marilyn but not much else.
Damn, I LOVE that movie, why did you not like it? I watched it with my Dad and he said there was too much campiness.

Damn, I LOVE that movie, why did you not like it? I watched it with my Dad and he said there was too much campiness.
Campiness doesn't bother me I just didn't think it was funny. The premise isn't something I can get into (Tootsie is the exception) plus I have an issue, in general, with comedies from the 40's and 50's. Once they got to Florida it was a little better but that first hour was a drag.

Welcome to the human race...
Give the sequels a shot
I've heard comparatively good things about the second one, so maybe. Even so...

Cold Pursuit -

about time the "Liam Neeson movie" got a deconstruction, such as it is

Trouble with a capital "T"

Dumbo (2019)

Ugh, way to dark and stressful for a Disney family movie. Very little was touching or uplifting and the darker violent scenes were too scary for smaller kids. The little girl was one of the most annoying kids I've seen in a Disney movie. At least Michael Keaton and Danny DeVito were good and the big Dream World amusement park was done very well.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.

Lady and the Tramp (Charlie Bean, 2019)

Burning Cane (Phillip Youmans, 2019)

Dive Bomber (Michael Curtiz, 1941)

The Best Years of Our Lives (William Wyler, 1946)

Three WWII vets (Harold Russell, Dana Andrews & Fredric March) return to the same hometown.
Theresa + Allison (Jeremiah Kipp, 2006)

The Possessed (Andrzej Wajda, 1988)

Noelle (Marc Lawrence, 2019)
Joker (Todd Phillips, 2019)

Aspiring stand-up comic Joaquin Phoenix feels neglected by the world and decides to do something.
Beelzebuth (Emilio Portes, 2017)

Float (Bobby Rubio, 2019)

Fast Color (Julia Hart, 2019)

The Gift: The Journey of Johnny Cash (Thom Zimny, 2019)

Johnny Cash's life and career from the early '50s through the end, centering on his gospel and spirituality.
Deep Water (Michel Deville, 1981)

Moss (Daniel Peddle, 2017)

Pinball (Suzan Pitt, 2013)

Earthquake Bird (Wash Westmoreland, 2019)

Mystery about, well... everything, centering on translator Alicia Vikander and what's up with her.
The Negro Soldier (Stuart Heisler, 1944)

Raging Sun, Raging Sky (Julián Hernández, 2009)

Death of the Sound Man (Sorayos Prapapan, 2017)
Clarence Clemons: Who Do I Think I Am? (Nick Mead, 2019)

The Big Man finds a change in his spiritual enlightenment when he visits the Great Wall.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

The hand that rocks the cradle (1992)

First re-watch since when it was first out (given my memory, that means first!). Decent story about a psychopathic revenge cuckoo with good all round performances (the husband is a bit wet but I suspect that's the idea). A beguiling Rebecca De Mornay does her best to look calculated and mad (and sexy!). It's a bit one paced and the "shocks" seem so tame now but still decent.

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Mne Dvadtsat Let - 7/10
I guess there were 3 versions of this made. Someone mentioned a 90 min version, and how a 3hr 9m was released, but the version I saw was 2h 45m. There was stuff I liked, and times I zoned out, which is something I notice with many Russian movies. I can't describe it. It fascinates me, because it shows contrast to other countries. Maybe one day, I'd like to see the full version.

I notice they only capitalize the first letter of a title. Is this common in Eastern Europe?

I notice they only capitalize the first letter of a title. Is this common in Eastern Europe?
I think the majority of languages spoken in Europe capitalize titles like that (English and Germany are the exceptions that immediately come to mind).