The MoFo Top 100 of the 2000s Countdown
→ in Movie Reviews
Love the way the list is maturing. Good job Thief!
Have seen so far: 3
Put on list for future viewing: 2
My list that ended up on the cutting room floor (dammit!): 1
Put on "meh" list : 1
1 Ptrs: seen 7
My Ballot:
Have seen so far: 3
Put on list for future viewing: 2
My list that ended up on the cutting room floor (dammit!): 1
Put on "meh" list : 1
1 Ptrs: seen 7
Last edited by John Dumbear; 12-08-21 at 06:20 PM.
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Have seen Y Tu Mamá También but didn't care for it. Have not seen Mother. So, no, neither made my list.
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."
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Haven't seen either one.
But guess what I got from Dollar Tree yesterday while shopping for a work "Secret Santa" stocking? Mother. It was one of three films on Cinema International that I missed that I really want to see (the other two? 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days and Once Upon a Time in Anatolia.)
As for Y Tu Mama Tambien, it's another one I want to see.
But guess what I got from Dollar Tree yesterday while shopping for a work "Secret Santa" stocking? Mother. It was one of three films on Cinema International that I missed that I really want to see (the other two? 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days and Once Upon a Time in Anatolia.)
As for Y Tu Mama Tambien, it's another one I want to see.
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synchronized diving board masturbation
A disappointingly respectable start to the countdown thus far. Hopefully the Rob Schneider comedies begin to pour in soon so that people can commence their usual bitching.
Haven't seen Still Walking or Werckmeister Harmonies (nor anything else from Kore-eda and Tarr because they refuse to cast Rob Schneider). Master & Commander sorely needed a Jack Sparrow appearance to liven things up. The Life Aquatic, my intro to Wes Anderson, left me befuddled. I'd currently rank it last in his filmography, but I also owe it a re-watch now that I'm familiar with his brand of quirk. Despite my usual misgivings towards Malick, I found The New World's poetic history lesson surprisingly entrancing. Watching Colin Farrell mack on a 14-year-old will do that to a clown. Y tu mamá también taught my friends and I to never make eye contact during a threesome. Great road movie, decent fap material. Mother was my #23 because I'm also a mentally-challenged fellow with an overprotective mother, and the director's name is Bong.
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Y Tu Mama Tambien is my favorite film that features synchronized diving board masturbation
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Think we found our next countdown genre.

I practice this daily in the hopes that it one day becomes an Olympic sport.
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Now to the awards received by Mother...
Among many, many others.
As for Y tu mamá también, it won...
Now to the awards received by Mother...
- Swept the Buil Film Awards (Best Film, Actress, Cinematography, Music)
- Swept the Busan Film Critic Awards (Best Film, Actress, Cinematography)
- Asian Film Awards for Best Film, Actress, and Screenplay
- Online Film Critics Society Award for Best Foreign Language Film
- Online Film Critics Society Award for Best Actress (Kim Hye-ja)
Among many, many others.
As for Y tu mamá también, it won...
- New York Film Critics Circle Award for Best Foreign Language Film
- Broadcast Film Critics Association Award for Best Foreign Language Film
- Independent Spirit Award for Best Foreign Film
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synchronized diving board masturbation
This is the name of my band's demo album.
Eager to see the hints again. Hoping the next two end up being something I've seen.
Favorite Movies
Think we found our next countdown genre.
Y Tu Mama Tambien, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, The Ice Storm, Back to School, Boogie Nights, The Last Picture Show, Magnum Force, Swimming Pool...
Let's go!
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It seems that I'm a bit late here...
To start with the one pointers, none of these is mine. I've seen only three of them, back in the years - Anger Management (2003), Frida (2002) and Swimming Pool (2003). Surely, the latest one deserves much more in this party, just the names of Charlotte Rampling and Charles Dance are enough to make the movie a must for a top 100 list of a decade. Unfortunately, I couldn't give it some points in the very short ballot of 25-titles.
To start with the one pointers, none of these is mine. I've seen only three of them, back in the years - Anger Management (2003), Frida (2002) and Swimming Pool (2003). Surely, the latest one deserves much more in this party, just the names of Charlotte Rampling and Charles Dance are enough to make the movie a must for a top 100 list of a decade. Unfortunately, I couldn't give it some points in the very short ballot of 25-titles.
I think Swimming Pool was my one pointer.
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I feel like we can stretch the criteria and let Moonlight in.
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Something got stretched in Moonlight but I don't think it was a criteria... if you know what I mean
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The running time did, if anything. There are some scenes that overstayed their welcome.
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^If only I had space left for additional signature quotes.
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel
"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel
"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel
"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel
"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear
Favorite Movies
Y Tu Mama Tambien was my #17 even though I wasn't a fan the first time I watched it.
I liked Mother a lot but no vote.
I liked Mother a lot but no vote.
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Did you know that...

Did you know that...
- "Mother" and "Murder" are spelled the same when translated to Korean characters?
- Bong credits meeting Kim Hye-ja as the chief inspiration for the film?
- Bong danced along with her during the filming of the iconic dance scene to calm her nerves?
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Still Walking: I didn't include this, but if I had thought of it, it would have been one of the ones I considered and then ultimately discarded. I only saw it two years ago or so, and don't remember much, but I know I talked about it for days with people who couldn't have given two ****s about it. What sticks in my head about those days after watching though is the sense that I observed a real family, and like all families, the relationships are complex. And yet, at the heart of it all, the pleasures and pains of life are very simple and observable. I adored this. And it is the only movie I think I've ever seen by him.
Master and Commander - Was shocked by how much I liked this, even though I shouldn't have been because it is Peter Weir and he pretty much can do no wrong (he even made what should be stupid hack garbage like Dead Poet's Society a favorite of mine). I had no idea he directed it when it was in theatres. I don't think I even knew when I put it on ten years ago because it was the only movie lying around someone's house I hadn't seen that I was willing to. But it is one of the great expansive spectacle movies of the milennium. And it does this by making its action pop, and its characters live.
Master and Commander - Was shocked by how much I liked this, even though I shouldn't have been because it is Peter Weir and he pretty much can do no wrong (he even made what should be stupid hack garbage like Dead Poet's Society a favorite of mine). I had no idea he directed it when it was in theatres. I don't think I even knew when I put it on ten years ago because it was the only movie lying around someone's house I hadn't seen that I was willing to. But it is one of the great expansive spectacle movies of the milennium. And it does this by making its action pop, and its characters live.
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