The MoFo Top 100 of the 2000s Countdown

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Have seen so far: 1 - I hated Devil's Rejects, Rob Zombie makes garbage movies, he should stick to music
Have not seen so far: 7
and that’s exactly why this movie is amazing folks

I wouldn't have expected to see The Devil's Rejects on the list in a million years. In fact it didn't even enter my mind at all. I know it has a cult following, but had no idea it was this well-liked.

Do I think it looks good? I'm not sure since I've heard very mixed things about Zombie as a filmmaker. He's divisive in a similar sense to Eli Roth.

As for Pride & Prejudice I liked it, but am a little underwhelmed by the results this time. Hoping for tomorrow's to be more compelling.
Devil’s Rejects was only on four lists so cult status is still accurate.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Not much for slasher flicks but my roommate is a HUGE fan of Devil's Rejects. She even owns a copy.
EDIT Just remembered that she pressured me to watch this, insisting that it was hilarious and I'd get a kick out of it.
I didn't. And hid the experience away almost successfully it seems.

I remember seeing Pride and Prejudice when it first came out and while I don't remember very much from it, I do remember enjoying it very much when I did.

Films Watched 6 out of 8 (75%)
17. Mother (#96)
25. A Bittersweet Life (One Pointer)

One Pointers: 10 out of 38 (26.31%)
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Before I get banned (right, Captain?) I want to say that The Devil's Rejects is certainly OK but not nearly as great as Sid Haig.

Now, as far as the actual banning, Pride & Prejudice is my #21. A very viscerally-directed (should I say "masculine"?) Austen adaptation with terrific performances. See it if you dare!
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

The Devil's Rejects didn't do a lot for me, to be honest. I may try another of Zombie's films at some point, but I suspect that what he's doing is something I'm just not that interested in.

Pride & Prejudice is a perfectly good Austen adaptation, enjoyable but not a serious candidate for my own list.

Devil’s Rejects was only on four lists so cult status is still accurate.
Yep, and that's the beauty of it, cause it ranked very high on three of those four lists (1, 5, 6, and 22). So the ones that love it, *really love it*
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

A system of cells interlinked
Before I get banned (right, Captain?) I want to say that The Devil's Rejects is certainly OK but not nearly as great as Sid Haig.

Now, as far as the actual banning, Pride & Prejudice is my #21. A very viscerally-directed (should I say "masculine"?) Austen adaptation with terrific performances. See it if you dare!
Why all the peoples not get my jokes?

I'm not living this one down for a while, eh?
“Film can't just be a long line of bliss. There's something we all like about the human struggle.” ― David Lynch

The 2019 version, which my wife adores. I like it quite a bit, myself!

I wanna see that one since Lady Bird was so brillient.

Leave it to Greta Gerwig to get me even slightly hyped for a ****ing Barbie movie.

only for this scene alone, it should be on everybody's list
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

Trying Real Hard To Be The Shepherd
Finally caught up on the thread

All Or Nothing was my one pointer: Leigh rocks

Have seen all but Devils Rejects from the list proper. Will a Mofo list finally get me to watch a Rob Zombie flick…probably not. I want to keep up my status as a big dull dud for the Captain.

I like everything else that has appeared except Werkmeister. I will definitely be rewatching that at some point as it was my first Tarr and I have liked to love the others of his I have watched.

New World is incredible. Life Aquatic is awesome but still on the lower end of my second favorite Anderson’s filmography. Glad they are both here.

I really liked Pride And Prejudice, but like a few Wright movies I was entranced, gave it a reall high rating, gushed about it for 24 hours, forgot most of it in 48. His movies just don’t stick with me but I think he is an amazing and underrated director visually.

I'll guess The Darjeeling Limited and Donnie Darko.
LOL, not even close. I guessed Darjeeling because of the clue mentioning three mourners. Now, I want to see who would win: Brody, Schwartzmann and Owen Wilson or the Fireflies.

I never thought I'd say this because I didn't like Rejects, but I'm willing to give it another chance. I did enjoy House of 1000 Corpses quite a bit, which I watched after Rejects. It's probably necessary to watch Corpses first to truly appreciate Rejects because I imagine it would play better if you were familiar with the Fireflies.

LOL, not even close. I guessed Darjeeling because of the clue mentioning three mourners. Now, I want to see who would win: Brody, Schwartzmann and Owen Wilson or the Fireflies.
The "suffering in three" line was for The Devil's Rejects, since there are three characters there suffering and/or making people suffer (I haven't seen it, so...)

I'm busy as hell at work, but I'll try and share a more concise hint for both of tomorrow's entries once I get out of this hellhole.


Some info about #94, The Devil's Rejects...

It currently has a 55% Rotten Tomatometer score among critics, and a 6.8/10 score on IMDb (with 97,000 votes).

Roger Ebert gave it ★★★ and said:
"Here is a gaudy vomitorium of a movie, violent, nauseating and really a pretty good example of its genre. If you are a hardened horror movie fan capable of appreciating skill and wit in the service of the deliberately disgusting, The Devil's Rejects may exercise a certain strange charm."
Meanwhile Keith Phipps, of AC Club, said:
"It's an audacious piece of filmmaking, but after a while it grows exhausting to watch, particularly when it becomes clear that violence is going to lead to more violence without much story or conscience surfacing."
As for our MoFo reviewers, @TheUsualSuspect said:
"Zombie makes a ferocious picture with the aid of a great cast and beautiful music. The film is sadistic and and throat gripping. If you're not a fan of grind house or torture in films, then you might want to skip this carnage. If you're a horror movie fan and love to see the massive slaughter of people, then without a doubt, check out this disturbing little film."
Meanwhile, @Iroquois said:
"It's not so much that the film is violent and disgusting so much as the fact that it feels fundamentally pointless, unless of course the point is just waiting for everyone to die in a presumably violent fashion. It may not be a generic slasher film like House of 1000 Corpses, but the attempt to change things up doesn't feel like a significant improvement."


And some info about #93, Pride & Prejudice...

It currently has a 86% Certified Fresh Tomatometer score among critics, and a 7.8/10 score on IMDb (with 277,000 votes).

Roger Ebert gave it ★★★★ and said:
"One of the most delightful and heartwarming adaptations made from Austen or anybody else. Much of the delight and most of the heart comes from Keira Knightley, who plays Elizabeth as a girl glowing in the first light of perfection. She is beautiful, she has opinions, she is kind but can be unforgiving."
Meanwhile Jonathan Rosenbaum, of the Chicago Reader, said:
"It's a fitfully engaging romance, it's just not Pride and Prejudice."
As for our MoFo reviewers, @The Gnat said:
"I really liked this film, I thought that it had good acting performances, and while not being as true to the book as the five hour version, mainly because you just can't fit everything from a book in, into a two hour film. I thought that Kiera Knightley did a very good job with that role, and I felt like Donald Sutherland did a great job as the father in the film."

Wow, apparently there are 12 film/TV adaptations of Pride and Prejudice. @Chypmunk said he prefers the 1995 TV mini-series with Colin Firth. So anyone else has any preference?