Deadpool & Wolverine


\m/ Fade To Black \m/
Cannot wait for this! Deadpool 1&2 are so awesome. Plus Hugh Jackman! Win
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

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we know noone cant replace hugh jackman as wolverine!
Danny DeVito has a lot of support!

The doors of wisdom are never shut. - 'Socrates'
I can't tell you how excited i am to watch DP3 and with HJ in it as well reprising his role of Wolverine. This is literally music to my ears. I loved DP and really liked DP2 so I have high hopes for this.
Did you know that BATMAN has a code word to ask SUPERMAN for help because he has trouble saying he needs help.
The word is Banana Muffin.

I think they are over rated but not terrible, at least worth one watch.

Deadpool 2 in particular I just find it a whole heap of nothing with a really unlikable arrogant kid in it.

It was bad enough watching Hunt For The Wilders people with the fat ****er

Welcome to the human race...
I already have a low opinion of the first two and the idea of them bringing back Jackman as Wolverine just reads like creative bankruptcy more than anything else.

💔🕊️Rip Michelle Trachtenberg🕊️💔
I already have a low opinion of the first two and the idea of them bringing back Jackman as Wolverine just reads like creative bankruptcy more than anything else.
i see well wait and see

I already have a low opinion of the first two and the idea of them bringing back Jackman as Wolverine just reads like creative bankruptcy more than anything else.

Speaking of creative bankruptcy....the writers guild association is prohibiting Ryan Reynolds to improvise lines. Gutpunched

Deadpool 3 release date November 8, 2024

"Honor is not in the Weapon. It is in the Man"
Jennifer Garner is returning to her character of Elektra from 2003's Daredevil and the 2005 spinoff film as well!
It's All About the Movies

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Jennifer Garner is returning to her character of Elektra from 2003's Daredevil and the 2005 spinoff film as well!
Let me guess, she's returning to get in some one liners at how bad DAREDEVIL(2005) along with ELEKTRA were and poke fun at the MCU, right?? I have this sinking feeling that now that Disney has a hold of this, that this won't be near as raunchy as we've come to expect and will be extremely watered down, but we'll see..PG-13 incoming.. Personally, I thought the movie "LOGAN" put closure on the character of WOLVERINE and Professor X and the X-MEN as we once knew..